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Everything posted by Taco

  1. The missing of someone who's passed on before is why there is nothing to fear from death itself, you will be remembered.
  2. Too true Terry, @ the very least I get to depreciate it and I don't get paid if I can't get to the job. The post is more about a person of Dutch extraction pissin' and moanin', you shoulda heard me when I sold @ auction a 3 yr old NH combine for 25% of what I paid. Nice truck though.... Rickr won't think he's havin' it so tough the next time I take him fishin'....................
  3. The man is as slick with the words as a certain engineer turned cased hole salesman, ain't he Rick? Me, I have a much earthier way of stating my observations.
  4. Some people just insist on proving to the world how big a prick they really are.
  5. No *hit, it's why I quit primary agriculture 10 yrs ago.
  6. That was back when we had a 60 cent dollar. Buy a new Canadian diesel, drive it for 6 months and 5-6000 km, sell in the States for US $, convert back to CDN $ and make about 7-10% on your money. Nowadays, with the Manufacturer's incentives we have, when you factor in everything the price of diesel pickups is roughly the same both sides of the Line. I know, I checked. Normally I agree with you and I was looking for one but right now with the incentives, for a couple/3 more grand over a 2 yr old low Km used diesel, I bought a new 09 for 14 grand off list price but in 4 yrs when it's paid for, it'll have should have about 250,000 km. If it turns out to be a good truck I'll mile the SOB out. The one I just parked is @ 450,000Km
  7. Holy crap, one lucky 'yote fur sure...... see, native species are survivors
  8. Amazing, Thanks Don Looks like many of early photos were taken after the Big Burn in the Thirties
  9. McDon's coffee and I ain't standin' in line for 20 freakin mins.............
  10. So.... Y'all want my address now or do we wait until the "Official" draw date????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. trolling FFing sites and I'm trying to relearn my old photography kick
  12. I believe they are becoming far more aware for the need for riparian conservation, most farmers/ranchers have a connection to the land that the rest of us can only dream of. The problem is the need to make a living while undoing the damage.
  13. I cheated a bit, it comes out of the Happy Valley part of the OM, not too far from the "fee for access" ranch Here I'll make up for it, these are Porkie fish Beauty fish Neil, I need to revisit that part of the Province, it's been over 25 yrs and then I didn't realize how special those fish I was catching were
  14. I like what I'm hearing, it's about time that the native species take precedence. Ok one gratuitous cutty pic, not the best
  15. Have at it, I'm willing to bet the Courts would find in the same way they did in the OH Rio Alto Ranch case some yrs back.
  16. If you do can you post'm up? I find virtually zero online. Thanks
  17. I'm all show very little go anymore......................
  18. Not quite true my friend, better study the access/trespass/leasing laws. When the terms of a lease are being met, property being leased becomes in effect private property of the leaseholder within a few limits. Unlimited public trespass rights is generally not part of the agreement.
  19. The Nobleman's salmon too but in this case it's much more likely the "I helped pay for them, I'm taking my share" defense. The guy's an idiot, if your gonna steal something, try not to do it where you live.
  20. Smitty; Many parts of the world poaching is considered a romantic Robin Hood the poor vs the rich type of crime.
  21. Only the illegal taking of animals/plants in the wild is considered poaching. This case would be theft, no different than if someone shot and tried to remove a buffalo from someone's bison ranch.
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