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Everything posted by Taco

  1. looks cold, those girls and a witch's titty have a lot in common
  2. @ least you've been consistent over the yrs..... you and that BBT d00de
  3. Don, you're gonna have to build or get built what you want in a truck, pretty much like one of your grass rods Here... this is what I wanna build before I tip over, maybe not quite so extreme in the lift or tires.... lets just say it's the Redneck in me.
  4. The ability to firehose the interior on cleanup day is a plus
  5. Well Well, Tiger's human after all, two heads and only enough blood to run one at a time
  6. Oops...thought this was a JLo thread... I have nothin' substantial to add as per usual.
  7. Anywhere Ray and nowhere did anyone say complete restoration. That would be complete stupidity, virtually impossible and a massive waste.
  8. Smitty: Might be a slightly evasive answer but; Irregardless of what the Parks decide to do about the restoration of native species I would have no problem not being able to fish for any pure strain species if that what it takes to save or reestablish them. Do I think that fishing should be banned in the NP system? No, that would be a waste of a very low cost management tool. I'm a believer in Quirk Ck too, the problem lies in the inability of the majority of anglers to get beyond 500 metres of their car doors.
  9. I had a 72 Fj, hindsight talkin' I have no idea why I sold it.
  10. My ideal fishing rig What I use is my daily driver work truck, right now it's a Chevy 2500HD
  11. Yous guys are sooooo strange.................. I only rate it a medium
  12. Sorry Smitty, I'll take a shot @ answering later on today
  13. what was the deleted photo? a paris hilton video cake??
  14. Isn't environmental degradation the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife? If that's the definition then brookies in western Canada have caused environmental degradation by causing the extinction of westslope cutthroat trout in more than several streams in their native range. I would be in favor of any management plan that would drastically enhance the status of any and all native species. Liberal harvest of invasives, poisoning where viable, barriers, closure of sensitive drainages while proper species re-establish and total c+r of natives where not under threat. One only has to look to what the Americans are doing to reestablish their native species and know what should be coming to a Park/Province near you. About time, I'm sick of watching the natives disappear from their streams. All trout are NOT equal.
  15. So? WTF is the problem? So he's as subtle as a train wreck @ 3 am. Its obvious he cares deeply about the fishery. Personally, I find it much more refreshing than the Bow River/Crowsnest pap that usually posted. Truth is they are fubared fisheries that can never be put back. Would I quit fishing the Parks to help a species that been here for thousands of yrs get reestablished? Yup, in a heartbeat! I hung it up permanently if it meant my great grandchildren could enjoy fishing for cutts/bulls/whitefish/grayling/athabascans in the same streams as I/we did 20/30/40/50 yrs ago any where in Alberta
  16. Where do 800 lb grizzlies sleep? Any friggin' place they want to. As to when, what Jeffro said.
  17. That about says it all too, the study may not be as balanced as reported
  18. No kidding, maybe back in the 70's when skins were worth something and I used to get 30-40/winter. A family friend from Siksika used to have a pack of 'yote dogs and he'd get enough pelts to buy a new pickup every spring... of course after a winter of dog runnin' he needed a new pickup every spring.
  19. If they put a dime deposit on timmie's cups I got it made...................
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