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Everything posted by Taco

  1. *hit you want an unmoderated flame war made a post on the Drake board
  2. Jeez Max y'all gettin' cranky in your old age? Sheesh!!
  3. Chaos theory?? Left turn? Na just cranky dutchman stuck in the house for 10 days...................................................
  4. Been that way since the 20's Hoss, new ruling parties recreate themselves from the old and come from the pro-business side of the spectrum, ain't gonna change soon so if you can't stand Alberta style politics best return whence you came.
  5. Be a good idea when fishin' with a boat, the ability to slip them on and off... me I hike too much and am always trying to minimize stuff I gotta carry/wear.
  6. Anyone get the 5-6 hrs of confusion about which end of your body to stick in the toilet? Hit me 2 Saturdays ago when I was still 2 1/2 hrs from home.. not fun.. 12-18 hrs of chills and fever, very little congestion and 9-10 days of utter exhaustion. Just now getting back to work.
  7. I don't like cake anymore, Peter says it leads to certain inadequacies in antique persons.
  8. Ouch, I thought that's what tofu did for a person Anywho, I no like cake anymore
  9. OK...... there is such a thing as too much cake.............................. Not safe to view whilst eating
  10. Tofu chocolate cheese cake????? Somehow that doesn't seem right but post away
  11. Jeffro, given that I have probably 50lbs and 31 yrs on you, all I can say is... Give it time.
  12. Yup she took a left turn, there's a chirpy noob parked dead in the middle of thread.
  13. a 35 yr old governments are all about the same, no matter if they were/are PC or SC
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