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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Windcutter 2, I got a couple, I like'em but I can't speak to the durability yet because I seem to rotate though a bunch of different lines
  2. The new ice age will be terribly hard on them too
  3. I don't know man, I'm a big believer in KISS principle myself. Gimme a longer front taper DT for small dries, a shorter stubby front taper WF for big flies or heavy rigs, maybe a sinker of some type, go up or down a wt class on any given rod and I'm pretty much good to go. Less time obsessin' more time fishin'.
  4. or is there? Maybe not. Part 1 and Part 2
  5. And soon after Imageshack's servers went down in a flood of flower pictures
  6. Huh? My comment was in jest. Don't be so sensitive, I'm like rickr, I don't like to use them stinkin' smileys thangs
  7. Huh! must be somethin' in the water...he looks lumpier than I remember
  8. Interesting! It seems they also have cutthroat on cutthroat hybridization going on in Trappers
  9. Barnes, I can name you at least a dozen creeks within a hundred miles of where I'm sitting right now that used to be predominately cutthroat streams 25-30-40 yrs ago where nowadays you'd be hard pressed to find a native fish amongst the horde of stunted brook trout. Headwaters of the Crow comes to mind. Where do we draw the line? Hopefully before we have to start poisoning streams and dynamiting lakes like the Yanks.
  10. so you're saying, "survival of the fittest, sink or swim"? What about the brook trout restoration projects all over the east? Or for that matter, atlantic salmon projects? Should we even spend time and money correcting past man-made ecological blunders where feasible? I think so.
  11. har har, 20 thousand comedians outta work and we got 2 more clowns tryin' to join the crowd
  12. Trappers Lake, Colorado Its never going to end looks like.
  13. That's some serious overage man. I know a Hutterite kid that thought he'd found a neat way around the Colony's internet restrictions by using his ex-colony brother's supplied wireless stick. That bill came to 9 grand plus. The kid had spent the entire billing period downloading music, movies and PC games. No idea how that was resolved.
  14. Wouldn't surprise me @ all, that Dutchman is a hardheaded sonuvabitch....
  15. I looked into it too and to state it simple as possible.... same *hit, different pile.....
  16. Consider your arm twisted Rick, what can I do and bring?
  17. No BS but I should maybe do a Paul Harvey and tell you the rest of the story. I can't remember exactly but I ain't fished the Bow since somewhere in the mid 90's. Lets just say I have a short fuse around jackasses.
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