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Everything posted by Taco

  1. You ever read the skeptical environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg? Enlightening as far as I was concerned.
  2. goody, another 66 pages of gibberish to read the next time I'm sufferin' from insomnia, thanks sun
  3. How about me?? I haven't caught a fish in that damned river since the mid 90's................................................................
  4. See Rick, I knew it, damn Texans are a bad influence around here, some of these jackamoes are startin to act like 'merkins **NB** no effin' pokey thingamabobber so I may or may not be nugatory
  5. The line wt written on the rod is just the manufacturer's recommendation. Try overlining it, I regularly over or underline almost all my sticks, graphite or glass to get them to handle the way I want and never hurt one yet. I been known to fish my so-called fast action broomsticks 2 sizes up for close-in work. Many a dog rod has come alive with a different line. Lefty on line weights
  6. True but then again what the hell do I know, my divorce 24 yrs ago cost me 375 bucks.
  7. If you want to fish small stream with a shorter rod you'll need one that will fish from 12' to 35'. IMO the rods that will do that best are on the slow side of medium and either Glass or Grass
  8. Happy new yr to you too Chris Ray, some time before it get too crazy in the spring, little too nuts this week.
  9. It's Belarusian and I used Goggle Translate I'm just askin' a certain ex-army longhaired hippie type if he wants to go fishin' but he ain't caught on yet It's an inspiration that came to me towards the bottom of the bottle that I'm half regretting now
  10. Betcha he was singin' whilst he was searing his balls...........................
  11. The G3's are durable waders and Simms is known for outstanding warranty service. I've never regretted buying anything Simms....other than sticker shock.
  12. То, что вы говорите о Уиллис?
  13. Damn east coasters, can't trust'em any farther than you can throw'em
  14. Need something to knock you off your feed for awhile huh!
  15. You can get them outta the Excited States for a little under 400 Convertables
  16. I believe I'll let you tell him that Rev, he's a bit of a skookum puppy
  17. Albertan? Ayr you know there's no aerial carp in Alberta... Damn fish was likely spawning too
  18. They ain't phat if you don't hafta roll'm in flour
  19. Won't be any cheaper but have you tried buying direct from the ranchers? Online, farmers markets or in the classifieds. Honest truth, I buy my meat @ Costco but wherever you buy, look for AAA grade meat. Anything lower and it's more of a crapshoot
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