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Everything posted by Taco

  1. And every time Shaw's internet service has a hiccup your phone service will go south for the duration.... Grass is always greener whilst you're lookin' over the fence.. Ask me how I know.
  2. So Grassy is like the short-lived Racehorse strip mine, never knew that.. thanks for the info.
  3. Yeah most don't realize that there's 6 or 7 (?) coal mines on the Elk system in SE BC. I'm just gonna wait and see what the proposal is on this'n first.
  4. Grassy Mtn's straight north of Blairmore 9k and I wouldn't call it an open pit, more like a mountain top strip mine. Knock the top off and haul away the black *hit. Daisy, Vicary, Gold and Blairmore Ck are all fed from Grassy. They've been visibly assessin' that coal seam for 35yrs, just waitin' to see what gonna happen with this latest go round.
  5. Nice way to start out 2013....dumpin' on people. A proud member of the New Alberta huh?
  6. The dissenters may have have a leg to stand on eventually but the long slow backward slide of the native species needs to halted first. Canada is only 5-10 yrs behind what's happening in the Excited States, or at least in the opinion of this cranky old Albertan with a sunburnt neck.
  7. Used to be another breeding stream for OM bulls, South Racehorse but it got blocked off by a huge log and rock jam in the '05 flood event. Used to catch quite a few juvenile bull trout in the southfork but none the last time I checked. I talked to a government bio who was involved in the area population study but he left me with the distinct impression that I was just talkin' outta my ass. So be it..****'em
  8. Lotta high horses in this thread....
  9. Na, Don clearly stated linear disturbance which would be the distance between my ears. Hat size is circumference. Ear disturbance...Jeez Hoss, I ain't that friggin noisy..maybe more like eye disturbance since I'm kinda gettin' old and fugugly
  10. empty snus cans....cheap and plentiful in cowboy country
  11. Anyone see a Flamin'Amphibia sneakin' around? What's the sayin'? Never let your alligator mouth overload your anal sphincter?
  12. Yellow days is good, that time between gorbies go home day and the bare branches wavin' in wind days. Tis something I forward every year. Thanks
  13. Tacky don't bother me..been Tacky for the better part of 62 yrs
  14. Sorry Don but I'd think it's an universal expression http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wgaf
  15. I have 50-60 days plus @ about 6 to 18 k per trip on a pair of Simms vibram guide boots and I wouldn't hesitate to buy another pair. I may have to replace the shoe laces in this pair first though.
  16. The Michelins would be money well spent. I don't run them but those that do think highly of the LTX 2's. I need a mud and snow tire and been runnin' Toyo/Nitto M55/HD Grapplers
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