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Everything posted by admin

  1. Sweet brown!
  2. Thanks for passing along the good experience. It's nice to see companies taking care of their customers by going beyond what is expected.
  3. any idea if he kept his data on a seperate drive from his operating system? If you keep all you data files on a seperate drive, say d:/ where the operating system is on c:/ (could be the same disk) then if you reinstall to c:/ you should still have all your data files. He could also put the hard drive in the freezer for a few hours and try to reboot. It can help sometimes, just long enough to get the drive booted and get off your data.
  4. The upgrades on the server have been completed. There were a few messages (about 100) that did not carry over from site, as well as a few private messages. If you have received an email stating you had a private message but it does not appear in your inbox, message the sander asking them to resend. We do apologize for any inconvenience.
  5. admin

    My First Leech

    Those look uber sweet with the reds. Nice tie RnB
  6. Nice, where did you pick it up? One of the guys on teh flyangler board is looking for a dealer. (Edmonton)
  7. Cool vid. Nice action on that fly from the looks of it.
  8. I do tie some basic featherwings and hairwings but as far as the classics go like the Blackers and Chidders, It'll be a while. That being said, if you are looking to get into tying some of those, you may want to pick up some of the feathers right now before they are unaffordable. At 15.00$ per feather, Indian Crow is getting more and more out of reach. I did see a pelt sell for just over 5000.00. I'm sure If I ever get serious about it, I'll be using mostly subs.
  9. Here are a couple I tied up with the stretch floss. One package will tie a couple hundred flies. Change the thread colour to lighten or darken the red.
  10. Red stretch floss is good for these types of .... sanJuanomids. I use it on my Sn Cone patterns and it gives you a smooth base and it tapers nicely by adjusting the tension you have on the materials. You can also put some red holographic tinsel underneath to give it a bump.
  11. admin

    My First Leech

    The re-tie looks pretty sweet. If you have some read silver lined glass beads, stick one behind the cone.
  12. There is a planned outage of the site in order to upgrade hardware. We'll be taking the forum offline during this time to prevent database errors. The outage should only last a few hours. pacres
  13. Nice work. You might want to limit the ribs to 5 wraps so the die hard atlantic guys don't give you a hard time. lol Once you get them all done, you should arrange them into a mosaic and snap a photo. The hairwings look great like that.
  14. Did you try a repair on Office?
  15. Support the Atlantic Salmon -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Help saving the Atlantic Salmon. Use a few moments of your time, and give your signature on a protest to the Norwegian Goverment. http://www.redvildlaksen.skrivunder.dk/ Orri Vigfusson's letters to the Norwegian government is found here (what you support): http://www.namsen.dk/docs/openletter.doc http://www.namsen.dk/docs/Orriletter.doc Just passing this along for those who may be interested in lending a name.
  16. Cool video Birchy. Cool link too. Pehaps they bury thier dead like we do?
  17. PM sent Hawgstoppah Any 12 flies will do, Any patterns or sizes are fine. If anyone else is sending flies, PM me for an address.
  18. Liquid lace is more flexible and easier to work with IMO. Take a look at the fly gallery from Unique Flyfishing. Look at the chironomids on the page. http://www.uniqueflyfishing.com/index.php?page=flies
  19. Is that your work here? [
  20. Al, It's a neat idea. I would tie up versions for pike, bows and bulls. I would just make adjustments to some of the colours for each species and perhaps tie them a bit smaller for the bows.
  21. I'm not sure how the Larva Lace looks with oil injected into it, but the Liquid lace sure makes an incredible difference. I have a few of the liquid lace flies Randy Deifert tied up in Calgary and the difference is pretty much night and day between the two.
  22. Great action on Cotote and fox. The coyote is a bit softer than the fox I have used. If you want the natural colour, go for the coyote, but for bright colours, use the dyed fox.
  23. Those ones with the silver rib look uber cool Tako
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