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Everything posted by admin

  1. The birthday bumps may kill you at 100! Have a good one.
  2. I can cut you off, but it'll cost you.
  3. I call shenanigans Click here if the movie does not play.
  4. It dipped here about 9% and about 10% in PEI. I guess it really depends on the stats you look at.
  5. No Porn, but the scenery is just as nice. Niceshots here Tako. Go Sens Go
  6. Rick's thread on his mortality got me thinking. What are you gonna get on your tombstone, that is if you get one? It would be cool to get a nice fly carved onto the stone somewhere, but to keep things light, I think I would want it coloured bright chartreuse so it stands out....
  7. http://failblog.wordpress.com/
  8. The leafs game is going to participate. Leafs are out anyway lol
  9. More info on earth Hour - http://www.wwf.ca/earthhour/ Saturday March 29 8pm - 9pm Something to do - It's all part of the "citizen science experiment" the centre is running that encourages people to look at the Little Dipper at 8:45 p.m. and 9:15 on March 29 – once during Earth Hour and once after the lights come back on – and submit their findings at www.redshiftnow.ca/starwatch, to see where the greatest impact occurred.
  10. Clear you cashe. If you log in on different browsers or computers it will log you out of other browsers.
  11. Nice looking tie Don. Reminds me of the Catatonic leech as well.
  12. I'm sure I'll make this list sometime, but I hope Dave makes it first. http://failblog.wordpress.com/
  13. I've never worried about getting the gear wet. It happens a lot when I'm in a tube or pontoon. Like Kerry mentioned, a bit of mainteneance should keep everything working well. I did have one cheap reel get some dirt inside the click, but it wasn't sealed at all. I just cleaned out the reel and re applied some lube. Works like new now.
  14. That's great news, score 1 for the salmon.
  15. I didn't actually fish, just went down to check things out. There were a few nice looking steelhead pulled out and a CO checking and taking picks of everyones catches. It's crowded like this because there is only a couple hundred meters you can fish in season right now.
  16. admin

    Mystery Photo

    A murder of crows on the Crow?
  17. That looks like some prime water. Nice Brown.
  18. http://flyangler.ca/index.php?option=com_c...2&Itemid=31 Please take a minute to Read Kerry's Article and help bring this program to life.
  19. ikea has some good ones, I also found a bit larger one from Michael's a few weeks ago.
  20. Some simple flies to tie off the bat are San Juan Worms, Griffith's Gnats, Wolly Buggers, Wolly Worms, Sawyer Nymphs and CDC and Elk flies. All of these flies are pretty simple and are quite fishable even if they don't turn out perfect. My first fly caught trout was on a little size 14 griffith's Gnat I tied the first week I started tying. Good luck.
  21. I have the Ekich as well and Love it. I have about 25 other bobbins that don't get used anymore. You get about 24" if thread once you reset it and you can tie most trout flies without having to reset the spool (Which is easy to do one handed with a bit of practice). Mine has been used for about 8,000 flies or more since I got it and it is still working great. They are made in Canada as well. http://www.automaticbobbin.com/
  22. Click here if the movie does not play. Nice Tie.
  23. Here is one to try out. - http://flytyer.wordpress.com/2008/03/22/cr...awdad-crayfish/
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