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Everything posted by admin

  1. admin


    That's looking pretty good. Don't forget a couple purples and catatonic leeches in there too.
  2. Strange things happen ie Oilers 2006. no? lol Well, it's just the trand of thing you know.
  3. If you look closely, I think it's his rod and reel in the reflection. It took a minute to make it out though
  4. Driver are bad in Toronto as well. Last time it snowed 20+cm we had over 1600 accidents. What about Vancouver when it snows there?
  5. I think the fishin' Hole in Edmonton carries them, so they might be in Bill's FH shop down there in Calgary.
  6. Well, you are forgetting history. According to my calculations, Montreal should be in the finals this year. Of course they will lose as planned. 2004 Calgary 2006 Edmonton 2007 Ottawa 2008 Montreal 2009 Vancouver 2010 Toronto - lol never gonna happen.....
  7. http://www.sacbee.com/111/story/853225.html An interesting image appears in his glasses. Naked chick or just Cheney holding his rod?
  8. Nice report max and some sweet pics.
  9. I have a pair of the overRx Vistana glasses (They were reviewed in the last fly fusion mag) and I think they are great for fishing with. They really have good coverage of the water. Those overRx don't always look so cool, but they are effective compared to using a clipon pair like I used to.
  10. I don't think that the corrosion happens too fast to be honest. I've found flies in the water before that looked to have been there a while, although rusted somewhat, they still maintain their structure. As for the hooks staying in the fish's mouth, it does happen that people catch fish with other hooks in their lips, but I suspect that the use of barbless hooks would greatly decrease the time a hook could stay stuck in a fish's mouth. It would be interesting to hear a more scientific take on this.
  11. Kipper kept it for Calgary last night, but it was a great game. I also got a few dozen flies tied.
  12. Here are the final results. Congratz PMDunc for taking the title. I received flies from 2 people who did not include their board names. I have flies from myself, Massond, lundvike, and lady strange. Can the other 2 people send me a pm with a short desc of their flies and I'll award the winners. Thanks everyone for taking part, now enjoy the playoffs. We'll do this again next year, but I'll make some changes so there will be better structure and lots more trades.
  13. admin

    A Drive..

    Great pics. Huge herd of deer for sure.
  14. lol I wondered that too.
  15. Those cats are pretty wild looking fish. Welcome to the site Alex.
  16. That's awesome man. I love taking kids fishing, and they love it too. My nephew and neice always asks to go now whenever I'm in town.
  17. Have a good one. Stay in school and Just say no to meth unless it's attached to a leader and is made for catching some nice steelhead....
  18. I would definatly hire a Guide in PEI for a day to go after the Island brookies. Fishing the Margareee in Cape breton is also high on the list and likely the third day would be spent on the Miramichi River.
  19. Okuma's are a decent reel for under 100. I used a Sierra for a few years, and I like the drag systems on them.
  20. http://flyangler.ca/flytyer/tyers/dimitri_gammer.php - there are a couple nice Chironomids posted there. Chromie is great, s are genertic sno-cone patterns. Don's pattern just might work too.
  21. Thread closed - Just a reminder that we will remove any posts that troll or flame.
  22. You could always head south and hunt for the big fish. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/fishing...tory?id=2901070
  23. admin

    The Fly Boxes

    Nice Box Your nymph box looks pretty sweet. lots of deadly little bugs in there.
  24. Passing along some info from Bob Jones If you would like to view the attachments, let me know (PM me an email address) and I'll send them your way.
  25. admin

    Unkown Fly

    Nice tie Din. Looks a bit like a pimped out Spring's Wriggler.
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