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Everything posted by admin

  1. I've never seen em that big, and pink too.
  2. Not a lot of native carp in alberta. There are some stocked grasscarp and the odd Koi in a few ponds. I think that Quillbacks are likely your best wild bet, but they are pretty rare in Alberta. NSR has a few as well as a few around RDR in Dinosaur PP. The quills will take flies like nymphs, but I'm not sure about the grasscarp. bread flies?
  3. I like RIO's deep 7 line if you can find it still, but they also have the Lake line that is pretty good for a 5wt set-up.
  4. Gassed Peacock Chironomid Hook: Eagle River Scud #12-16 Thread: 8/0 Olive Dun Body: UNI Peacock Mylar Rib: Fine copper wire Thorax: Copper Diamond Dub Head: Copper bead Breathers: Midge Gill (Stillwater)
  5. The heads should add quite a bit of action. I found out at the show last year that you actually nee to trim it a bit to get the action you want. If you squeeze the cup between your thumb and forefinger and trim away the excess and then trim a bit from the bottom, you get action like in this video.
  6. Great entries so far. I think I'm in on this one.
  7. I'll give you your bumps at the show in Calgary. I'm sure I won't have any trouble finding anyone to help Have a good one young buck.
  8. I have a few dead horses too. One player hasn't even laced up this year.... 2 -4 player trade is what I was thinking.
  9. Here is the one I use. There is a base available for another 10 bucks. It's tall enough that it won't get in the way and is adjustable. For 20 bucks in all it pretty good as a tying lamp. http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/20370383
  10. I see tons of women fishing. Somedays I see more women than men on the streams.
  11. No question about it. It'll make the rest of us pick up our socks.
  12. Sad news. It looks like he was just starting to become a master of the Classics. He has some nice ties indeed.
  13. We'll set-up a trade for the new year. Ya, I think we need to make a few changes as you suggest. It's a work in progress I guess. Let me hear your thoughts.
  14. All great looking flies guys.
  15. admin

    Frozen Rings

    I second the ice off paste. It's enviro friendly as well.
  16. One of my favourite patterns. The peacock sword is sexy when it's wet, like nothing else.
  17. For about 200, the Griffin Montana Mongoose is a good choice. It's the vise i use right now, it comes with both a c-clamp and an pedistal, carrying case and a couple other tools. It's solid and full rotary. I've tied about 20-30,000 flies on it so far and no issues.
  18. FYI - Passed on from Brian Niska FREE SPEY LESSONS tomorrow Saturday Dec 15th SQUAMISH RIVER SPEY GATHERING we are doing an informal spey gathering on the lower Squamish river tomorrow Dec 15th from 10am -4 pm on the Mamquam bar, lower Squamish river. Loop team members Francois Blanchet and myself will be offerring free instruction and bringing along some of our favourite set ups for people to cast. This is a free event, everyone is welcome. if you require more info or directions please call 1-888-822-3474 Brian Niska
  19. It makes sense. look at gold balls. If it weren't for the dimples, players would only get about 2/3 of the distance they can now. Thanks for posting the info Glen. Very interesting.
  20. I'm kicking myself for not buying Google at IPO. It's gone up over 500% in the last 3 years or so. I'd agree with the bank shares too. They are pretty safe.
  21. I was tying today with some Gudebrod and it splits like buddar. They have stopped producing threads for fly tying, but you can still find some around.
  22. admin

    Golden Stone

    Looks good. Is that based off of Dave's tutorial?
  23. That is Awesome.
  24. I'm surprised you don't have THI Dave.
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