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One Fly Or Two?



103 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you most often use one fly or two when fishing in Alberta

    • One Fly
    • Two Flies
    • Three Flies

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Here it is:

Real fly fishers only use one fly.

The best advice I ever gave someone: Never use more than one fly.


Got a pen and wrote it down, didn't help, really I tried. Maybe I need to repeat it on a black board like Bart Simpson.

Perhaps I'll meet a "real fly fisherman" some day to teach me how to use my new and classic fly fishing gear. Some of us old timers learned classic dry, wet and streamer fishing from other old farts who passed down the knowledge, often like a religion. Been blessed to learn from old classic teachers and many modern masters. Hard to break this third generation fly fisherman of old habits though. Ah well too late now. Just have to totter my old bones down to river side with the bamboo rods and keep casting braces of classic wets, dappling pairs of dry spiders and casting pairs and single dries.


I still don't know why I fish or why other men fish, except we like it and it makes us think and feel.

RODERICK L. HAIG-BROWN - A River Never Sleeps [Fishing]


"If I'm not going to catch anything, then I 'd rather not catch anything on flies" Bob Lawless.


"They say you forget your troubles on a trout stream, but that's not quite it. What happens is that you begin to see where your troubles fit into the grand scheme of things, and suddenly they're just not such a big deal anymore." John Gierach


"He told us about Christ's disciples being fisherman, and we were left to assume...that all great fishermen on the Sea of Galilee were fly fisherman and that John, the favorite, was a dry-fly fisherman." Norman Maclean - A River Runs Through It


"I have fished through fishless days that I remember happily without regret." - Roderick Haig-Brown


"More than half the intense enjoyment of fly-fishing is derived from the beautiful surroundings, the satisfaction felt from being in the open air, the new lease of life secured thereby, and the many, many pleasant recollections of all one has seen, heard and done." - Charles F. Orvis


"You do not cease to fish because you get old, You get old because you cease to fish!" unkown

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I have to say a fair bit of narrow minded responses here. As long as people obey the regs and respect the fish /enviroment do whatever gives you the most pleasure...


I think narrow mindedness is relative. Consider this scenario.


Lets say you're out on the Bow River downstream of the Bassano Dam teaching your son to fly fish. Its a nice sunny day and you're really proud of the nice tight loops junior is tossing. All of the sudden, up the river comes a Regina-Reject (not against the regs to be from Sask) in his brand new 400 hp jet boat (perfectly legal). Bruce motors up with the radio blasting (also legal) with his spouse, Richard :vdaylove: , right beside him (legal). They pull up within shouting distance but not too close to where you're fishing, turn down the Milli Vanilli that was playing on the radio (out of respect for the environment) and give you and your boy a big old wave. Then they both proceeed to whip them out - flyrods that is. Bruce and Rich put on 3 flies each, and to each fly they attach a big old worm (perfectly legal). They toss their lines in and within a few seconds they both have a fish on. This continues for an hour, with Brucie and Richie hauling them in. Each time they catch a fish, they give each other a big ol' kiss. Then they fire up the motor and head off.


After they leave, your boy says, 'Hey Dad, why don't we put three worms on our lines, it worked great for Brucie and Richie?".


So the question is obvious - "Who pitches and who catches?" :o


No, thats not the question. The question is, "Would you consider that real fly fishing?"


Edit - forgot to add that when Brucie and Richie fish the rest of the Bow, they use three flies but no worms.

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I think narrow mindedness is relative. Consider this scenario.


... Bruce and Rich put on 3 flies each, and to each fly they attach a big old worm (perfectly legal). They toss their lines in and within a few seconds they both have a fish on. This continues for an hour, with Brucie and Richie hauling them in. Each time they catch a fish, they give each other a big ol' kiss. Then they fire up the motor and head off.

Issues of manners, common sense aside, if by a worm you mean a barbless SJW and not bait, I say have at it. By the way I don't consider an oversized motorboat respecting the enviroment. I just don't see why there is a need to imposs one preferences on fishing style on others. I see people do many things I wouldn't do, it doesn't mean they are wrong...
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Each time they catch a fish, they give each other a big ol' kiss. Then they fire up the motor and head off.


That explains it.


I once drank too much mescal and puked my guts out. I now have a healthy aversion to mescal.


It a good thing Bruce and Richard weren't fishing single dries.

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One Fly Two Fly Red Fly Blue Fly


Everyone has their choice. I don't dry fly, I only nymph and streamer fish. Does this make me a bad person?

No. But some of your other habits might.


Actually, it may classify you as a fisherman who happens to use a fly rod as opposed to a fly fisherman. I find some (but certainly not all) who consider themselves a member of the latter tedious.

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Issues of manners, common sense aside, if by a worm you mean a barbless SJW and not bait, I say have at it.


Bow River from Bassano Dam downstream to South Saskatchewan River

May 8 to Mar. 15 – Trout limit 2; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; Walleye and Sauger limit 3; Walleye over 50 cm; Pike limit 3 over 63 cm; Burbot limit 10; Goldeye limit 10; Lake Sturgeon limit 0; Bait allowed.


Are you indicating that even though using bait is legal you don't agree with doing it?


Many people would have trouble finding where Brucie and Richie didn't apply common sense. And I don't see anything in the scenario that showed bad manners.


By the way I don't consider an oversized motorboat respecting the enviroment.


What? You have an opinion on this that is different from what others may think and you dare post that!?!? I hope you post a reply to yourself and point out that you may be a bit narrow minded on this and that you shouldn't imposs your preference on boating style on others. After all, the boat is legal and does no more harm to the environment than you do when you drive to the river.

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depends i fish awlays 3 nymphs hopper double dropper but at times its one dry sometimes two but i love triple emerger rigs and double stremaer rigs but sometimes just one streamer... all depends on teh situation i suppose but having the option for up to three makes things easier too fish a multitude of rigs in many situations... ive seen 2 fish one one rigs before and ahve had one fish eat all 3 too wich makes for a good laugh

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Bow River from Bassano Dam downstream to South Saskatchewan River

May 8 to Mar. 15 – Trout limit 2; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; Walleye and Sauger limit 3; Walleye over 50 cm; Pike limit 3 over 63 cm; Burbot limit 10; Goldeye limit 10; Lake Sturgeon limit 0; Bait allowed.


Are you indicating that even though using bait is legal you don't agree with doing it?


Many people would have trouble finding where Brucie and Richie didn't apply common sense. And I don't see anything in the scenario that showed bad manners.

What? You have an opinion on this that is different from what others may think and you dare post that!?!? I hope you post a reply to yourself and point out that you may be a bit narrow minded on this and that you shouldn't imposs your preference on boating style on others. After all, the boat is legal and does no more harm to the environment than you do when you drive to the river.


The wake from boats causes shoreline erosion when they zip along the banks. The introduction of that sediment can be harmfull to fish and habitat.




Great topic so far... havin' a blast reading how such minor things can cause such intense considerations...


Blows my mind that Dave admitted to using a dry fly!! :eek:



Flyfishing>> Using the weight of the line to load you rod (or the tension in the water) to deliver your offering (whatever it may be) to the fish (if they are there).

Using the weight of the offering to pull the line off the reel isn't flyfishing.


Lobbing heavy weighted nymphs is a grey area between float and fly fishing (nothing wrong with it). Call it a technique employed with typical flyfishing equipment.


However many flies you want to use is your choice within the law. How you use them, your choice.


The tradition in any fishing is to use the best method to catch the fish.

Personal preference is not tradition.

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Personal preference is not tradition.


Best line in this whole thread.


I would also consider some streamers to be in the grey area as well. There are better ways to present big, heavy streamers than a fly rod! But the fly rod is funner!


And I'm with SJW. I like to consider myself a fisherman, period. Why should I lock myself into a single technique and limit the amount of fun I can have? This attitude can apply to many different situations.

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This has gone way past anything that resembles sane conversation. I'm going fishing...............I think I'll go to Southland...........I'll be the greying middle age guy wearing the black wide brimmed hat with one box of flies in the pocket of a torn lumber-jack coat...........your welcome to join me. Ovrisonly may not want to show up because I'll be;


-using nymphs, yes more than one

-might be a streamer or two involved, big ones too

-maybe split shot, the lead stuff too

-possible sink tip

-using the biggest chunk of tippet that my eyes and fingers will let me jamb through the hook eyes

-using a leader less than the prescribed length

-fishing a dry downstream

-plain fishing downstream blind

-fishing a dry...wet

-fishing to non-rising fish

-not modelling too much from simms, sage or ovris catalogues

-swearing at the fish


I wouldn't want to see a seasoned veteran puke all over their purist gear and techniques at the sight of such underling such as myself........................catching more fish than you could ever dream about!


One question though. Why would you want to go fish down at Bassano if your teaching a kid to sub-flyfish? Something wrong with the fish between the weir and Carsland? Been laughed at too many times I suppose.


Ovris used to sell leaders with dropper loops in them! I guess they're not so pure.

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Might see you out there cane. You'll recognze me because I will be the one fly fishing.


I have no problems with anyone fishing how they like. I have a higher standard that I apply to myslef than I would expect from others. Probably because I've always fly fished and didn't recently convert to it from less refined methods. However, I welcome feedback from those that have switched to fly fishing in the last 5 years but know everything about it.

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Might see you out there cane. You'll recognze me because I will be the one fly fishing.

Probably because I've always fly fished and didn't recently convert to it from less refined methods. However, I welcome feedback from those that have switched to fly fishing in the last 5 years but know everything about it.


As I "welcome" comments from those with a narrow perspective.

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I just went through this whole thred. Yikes! Just one question, how does a traditionalist access the river - horse or car? Inquiring minds want to know.


I use a double nymph rig, tried the three setup and just get ridiculous knots. Spend more time dealing with those than fishing. If I figure out what's working I lose the second and just use one nypmh. With dries only 1, never really thought of using 2 but just might give that a go. Streamers it all depends but typically I use 1, at times 2. If it's legal, moral, and ethical have at it. I am certainly not the person to tell you you are wrong. If you choose to be traditionalist, elitist, whatever remember we all need to fool the fish - don't think for a minute the best rod, reel, or line in the world or the most traditional rod, reel, or line fools that fish, it's the technique, ability to read water, and fly presentation that does. No matter your stand on the issue we are all fishermen/women and we all use whatever technique we want as long as it is within the regs. Has anyone tried to cast a pickeral rig with a fly rod? Hmmm...

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Does anyone know what the international federation rules are? They would be a good source to settle the discussion of what is and what is not considered 'real' fly fishing.


Really doesn't matter what the fedreation or anyone else thinks, the day someone tells me who to fish (As long as what I am doing is within the regs) I will tell them where to go and will even helkp them out in getting there!

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Might see you out there cane. You'll recognze me because I will be the one fly fishing.


I have no problems with anyone fishing how they like. I have a higher standard that I apply to myslef than I would expect from others. Probably because I've always fly fished and didn't recently convert to it from less refined methods. However, I welcome feedback from those that have switched to fly fishing in the last 5 years but know everything about it.


If someone fished spin gear what does that have to do with anything.


To me it sounds like someone is styerotyping a class of people, I would venture as far as saying that your statement was the dumbest and most narrow minded thinking I have ever seen.


Here is a suggestion for you: GO POUND SALT

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