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Everything posted by PAV

  1. Good point, is it possible that low water, warm water, stream degradation due to the flood and poaching on the Highwood is impacting the natural recruitment of rainbow trout for the Bow River? A trial stocking program to restore the numbers could be a good option to offset these potential issues with the Bow's major spawning tributary. Not to mention stream/spawning enhancements for the Highwood would help the Bow, no?
  2. Sure do, and that's my point. It's one of the most important factors for the fishery and it has nothing to do with angling pressure.
  3. How about they try regulating the water levels properly as a start....that should be the number one priority.
  4. I like the felt for the Bow so I just have a pair of G3 Guides with felt that I only use on the bow.
  5. Awesome!
  6. Awesome pictures! Alaska is my favorite place to fish hands down but sadly it's been far too long.....
  7. That happened to me on the Elk a few years ago. The tree was lined up directly at me but when it landed the tip was about 30' away from my boat.
  8. An app would be awesome!
  9. I was wondering what that was about, great project!
  10. Nice work Muha!
  11. Where the regs allow, I'll keep one occasionally if I plan on eating it right away. The lakes in BC are my favorite places to keep fish but I don't go overboard. 3-4 per year.
  12. That's why I switched to Patagonia rock grip boots. Superior quality to the Korkers.
  13. I would recommend the Rio Versatip system, its a bit more money but it gives you the ability to fish pretty much every type of situation. I also have added a selection of tips from T-10 to T-17 in various lengths to round out the set. I have used the tips for salmon, pike and bulls and it works great.
  14. No problem, I have been following this battle for a few years now. It still amazes me that the majority of people do not realize how bad farmed fish is and continue to buy it because it's cheap, not to mention that it is helping to collapse the fishery!
  15. More interesting information can be found in this blog Hello I have been on the Sea Shepherd RV Martin Sheen for 39 days and I have seen a lot! The filth and disease in the farms, wild herring feeding on farm salmon feed and the Musgamagw Dzawada'enuxw and sister nations uprising to protect their territory from this. They have been saying "NO" to this industry for almost 30 years and have suffered the consequences of a government that appears deaf, dumb and blind to the negative consequences of government's tight relationship with this industry. What exactly IS Canada's relationship with the salmon farmers from Norway? Take a look in a salmon farm and at the most recent Musgamagw Dzawada'enuxw ceremony on a salmon in their territory. http://alexandramorton.typepad.com/alexandra_morton/2016/08/gotcha-2.html Please check this blog for updates over the next week as we move south along eastern Vancouver Island, Victoria and Vancouver. Alexandra Morton ____________________________________________________________ You received this message as a subscriber on the list: wildsalmonpeople@npogroups.org To be removed from the list, send any message to: wildsalmonpeople-unsubscribe@npogroups.org For all list information and functions, see: http://npogroups.org/lists/info/wildsalmonpeople
  16. I love salmon when I eat out and have been asking the servers for years if they are serving 'real' salmon or 'fake' salmon and always get confused looks from them. Then when they ask I like to educate them on the facts around farmed salmon in hopes that they pass it on to the restaurant management to get it removed from the menu. The only real way to get rid of these farms is to spread the word and stop buying that crap!
  17. Beautiful!!
  18. Love it!
  19. PAV

    Caddis Pig

    That's a manhole cover with fins, insane shot!!
  20. PAV

    Crowsnest Piggy

    Great shot!!
  21. Very nice!! Great tribute!! Can't wait to see it!
  22. My Sage 3wt XP 9' has been my go to dry fly rod for a few years now, love it!
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