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  1. I've patch my Patagonia waders a few times and are leaking like a sieve again after one dry trip this year I've been disappointed in them because I only get out 3 or 4 days in a year fishing. I bought them in 2017. The prices for waders now is ridiculously expensive for what you get.
  2. great photos thanks for sharing
  3. Arctic Grayling a delicate beauty whose iridescent sail-like dorsal fin leaves me awe every time I see one.
  4. Thanks for the info screaminreel. It is very helpful to me.
  5. I'm in the middle of planning a fishing trip to Mexico in February. The carry on rules are a little vague for fly rods. Has anyone recently taken a rod tub as carry on ? If so which airline? It's pretty clear that saltwater hooks would not be allowed as carry on. I'm wanting to avoid checking a bag mostly because of the number of connections required to get to Merida. The flight options do not inspire much confidence in me for a checked luggage arriving with me. Thanks for any insight
  6. It looks like a signature is no longer required on the fishing license.
  7. I'm not sure if this has been posted before. I did a search and didn't find anything. My apologies if it has been. Some interesting stuff on catch and release. I never really thought about net material as a factor in catch release until watching this video. A lot of people advocate for barbless hooks. It seems like no fish out of water pictures would be a more effective regulation for most species.
  8. I've tying a few of these. They are on Gamakatsu C16-B size 12. I've also tie a few of Gary LaFontaine dancing caddis on these hooks as well.
  9. Does and anyone experience with these waders? I like the idea of being able to slide down the chest part of the waders to be similar to wading pants. I wondering how bulky they feel when the chest part is lowered. I bought a pair of Patagonia waders about 6 years ago for the padded knees. They were expensive waders around 700 dollars. I was hoping to get 10 years out of them. I did do a fair amount of bushwhacking with them in the first 3 years. but since them I haven't used them that hard. They have been okay but started to leak last season. I seal the leaking seams but they started to leak above the heel on the neoprene boot. I'm debating about living with them a couple more years since I'm not fishing that much anymore. I'm tempted to go the cheap wader route and just plan on buying a new pair every 3 years which would work out the same price as an expensive pair. There's so much to choose from out there.
  10. Don check out 406 Fly lines. They are true to weight and DT. You might like them. I've gone down the fly line rabbit hole a couple times and bought a few too many fly lines because there is nothing like testing them yourself. I'm an average caster and when I'm having a bad day casting I like a weight forward line . I have a 5wt royal wulff bamboo fly line and I cast much further with this line than my other 5 weight lines but it's not a very forgiving line. I cast further with a 4 wt 406 line than a 4 wt Rio Gold WF line. I'm thinking the popularity of weight forward, 1/2 size bigger line is they are easy to cast? Fly lines are all over the place now for weights and tapers so it's hard to know what to buy for a graphite rod and even harder for a bamboo rod with out actually testing a few lines.
  11. I broke my 6wt. sink tip line late last fall on a rock. I can't remember what the line was but the fly shop set it up by cutting some of the tip off ~10 or 15 feet. The line must have been 10 years old so a lot has changed since then. I really dislike the line memory on the running line portion. I was using it to toss streamers from a boat. I was thinking Orvis Bank Shot might be a good replacement and will probably give that a try. I have an AirFlo SteamerMax WF7 with an 18' sink tip on my 8 wt rod and that seems a bit on the heavy side. I should clip the the tip I think. How do you decide how much to clip off a sinktip? I noticed that Orvis has a new to me line: Power Pro Taper in a fancy black box and is 190 dollars. Does anyone have experience casting this line? Is it any better than what's out there to justify the price? Thanks
  12. I started these March 20th. I need to find a better spot for them in the yard this year.
  13. I went down this rabbit hole on refugia Grayling populations in Alberta and area. Interesting stuff to me https://www.zoology.ubc.ca/~etaylor/Stam&Tay2004.pdf A grayling fossil was found in January Cave ( Cataract Creek Region) that dates from if I remember correctly ~23,000 thousand years ago so I guess they were once native to southern Alberta
  14. It's a long read. Originally they used 50% mortality for catch & release bull trout for their modelling. It was later reduced to 33%. Unfortunately there isn't much measured data for catch & release on bull trout in Alberta. So what is the real number? No one really knows but 33 percent seems high to me. Obviously if you are a biologist advocating for closing a river you are going to pick (guess) numbers for your model that supports closing a river to fishing. When the Pembina reopens to fishing I'm sure it will be deemed a success by the biologists and used as the "proof" for more river closing.
  15. I found this link https://www.mountainviewbearsmart.com/bear_activity_report.php looking for the news article. I was surprised to see there was grizzly sighting east of Bergen.
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