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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. Call me naive but I hope that all "outdoorsman" follow the rules. I am just talking about the few that I know that are somewhat "naive" about the regulations. To poach/cheat just to show that you are a macho "hunter/gatherer" is lame and against the law!!
  2. I have a customer from Atlanta that is up here on a contract. He fly fishes back home but is really keen on heading to the Rockies and getting in to some fish. He usually commutes back to Atlanta every weekend but planned a few weeks ago to stay this weekend and head down to the Crow with a few of my friends. Not a great introduction to Alberta fly fishing!! He must be freezin' his ass off!!! Poor guy!! I guess if you can fish in this you can fish in anything! I look forward to hearing the reports!!
  3. When ever I need questions answered re: Fly fishing and gear, I always look to this board. I value the opinions of the members of this board and they have helped me a lot in many aspects of the sport. Isn't that what this board is about? I agree with Hawgstoppah..The marketing isn't blatant.
  4. I know a few guys that hunt and it seems to me they all poach in some way or another. They will tell me a hunting story and then I will say, "Is that legal? Isn't that poaching? They then change the topic or laugh about it. I dunno....total disrespect of game and fishing laws bug me. You hunters that obey the laws, Good on ya! Keep on doing what you're doing. The poachers...I hope you get caught one day and lose everything. Suspending a licence won't matter. They will still go out and hunt!! Sorry...Just a minor rant!! Al Hunter (the only real Hunter on the board!)
  5. After much discussion, field testing and research I have decided on... G Loomis Streamdance GLX 5 wt 9' 4 pce Ross Evolution #2 Reel Sharkskin WF 5wt line I received a discount on this purchase so I will donate the $200 savings to the Oldman Streamwatch. Thanks to all for your input and I will let you all know how things work out.
  6. I remembering seeing something similar at Fish Tales a few years ago. It was wire with a wooden handle.
  7. The BI (Bellevue Inn) is cheap. It can be a bit loud on weekends but if you go to the bar and sing karaoke and drink cheap drinks until 2:00 AM it shouldn't matter!!!
  8. I have Sirrius and use it on a month to month as I rarely drive in the winter and use my truck mainly for camping/fishing trips. I disconnected it in Sept and will hook up again next month. I like playing "name that tune" on road trips. I think it is great.
  9. Good place to attach this You know your wife is a redneck when.............
  10. I will...Thanks for the heads-up BBB!!
  11. I shop there alot and I'm thinking that most people/businesses can be hypocritical. Don't judge and do what "YOU" want. "Nuf said!
  12. " I do most of my fishing on the Upper Oldman, Gap " Donate $900 to Stream Watch and then go to Wal-Mart. [
  13. I am planning on donating money to Stream watch and I have recruited a few others to do the same!! Will they let you test cast rods at Wall mart? By the way, didn't you get a Winston Boron last year?
  14. I have a friend that owns a shop and recommends the Winston Boron II MX and a Ross Evolution reel and a 15% discount!! Comments?
  15. Cabela's stores take forever to build and open. The one being built in Montreal has been under construction for years. I'm still not sure when it will open. I guess the closest one to Calgary would be in Post Falls, Idaho....a 6 hour drive.
  16. When will the "bandwagon jumping" Flames fans realize that the Flames have actually only been past the first round once since 1989. First round exits are a rule. There actually was a team in Calgary before the 2004 season...I know...I checked!! BBB....I respect your loyalty and do not include you in this group.
  17. May I suggest.... http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...r&noImage=0
  18. Ha! Ha! He's there most nights!
  19. Fly Tie Tuesday..........
  20. Are there young "Brits"?
  21. I tend to agree..but I think Bo Gainey is playing the odds and considering the success of former Habs rookie goalies...Ken Dryden and Patrick Roy. He did the same last spring throwing Price straight from Junior in to the AHL Calder Cup playoffs. His hunch worked as the Hamilton Bulldogs won the Calder Cup and Price was MVP. Still a big risk .. perhaps his job eventually.... ......but to give up 3 roster players for a rental (Hossa)l...Forget about it!!!
  22. I apologize to you all for creating a void in the flytying, beer drinking area. Unfortunately we couldn't get "Flytie Tuesdays" up and running this year. I am still considering a "Pub Night" for all of our FTT members as well as the gang here on FFC. It would be a one night deal at the Rose & Crown on an upcoming Tuesday. Let me know if you think that would be a good idea. I would enjoy meeting you all.
  23. I am disappointed that the Habs traded Huet. Putting all your eggs in Carey Price is risky at this time in his career. I was worried that they were gonna trade Chris Higgins. I can see him being a big scorer in a few years. The Montreal media puts sooo much pressure on the home team and sometimes the management makes hasty decisions. See John LeClair and now ..Mike Ribeiro. The East is now wide open. I can't believe the Leafs are stuck with all those no trade contracts. Idiots!
  24. I have a TFO Series 1 8' 3Wt and it is great. I also have a Sage 9' 4 wt (Low end) which I bought on sale at Fishtales for $100 a few years ago, which works great for dry flies. I agree that just because it is expensive doesn't mean I can cast it. The z-axis just didn't perform for my casting stroke, so that confirms that either it is not suitable for me or I need a casting lesson. Probably the latter (tailing loops)! The G Loomis seemed to cast better for me. I guess after it is all said and done it's all personal choice. I do appreciate all of the opinions I have received on this thread and will definitely consider them all when I make my final decision.
  25. The surname "Wing" translates in English to "arm of bird" Just thought you might want to know
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