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Everything posted by bigalcal

  1. Oakleys were $800 for the frames I wanted at LensCrafters . Ouch!!
  2. Gravity Sucks!!
  3. I use mine ALL the time!! I bought it from Cabelas but a similar one is available at BPS. Collapsible and fits in a holster.....around $40. Haven't tried others so i can't compare, but this model works for me.
  4. There's a great deal for the stainless steel Extreme Coleman at Canadian Tire this week. Half price... $100!!
  5. Definitely wicker. lined with ferns...that's my go to.
  6. What I particularily like about the stainless steel Coleman is that the walls are thin. The interior size is almost the same as the exterior. Walls are maybe an inch thick. They may be a bit thicker now after a layer of stickers!! Another thing I like about my cooler is that I won it!! http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/Sp...t.jsp?locale=en
  7. "Fly Book " is pretty cool. It's a "log/journal" type app. Might be best to jot down notes then type info into your phone later. Bad idea to bring your phone on the river. There's a "Wind Meter" app too. They say it's accurate. I haven't had a chance to use it yet. aaahhh ..yes. Fun with phones!!
  8. Nymphing on the Trunk Rd.?
  9. Get one for food and one for beverages. Icepacks, frozen waterfilled bottles (for nice cold water on the river) in one so it's semi-dry and you don't have floating bacon and a bigger one haha with ice cubes etc for your beverages. If you can, freeze food items for the later days. That helps to keep everything cool as well. I use this one. I also used it as a "suitcase" for my trip to Costa Rica. I have had it for over 10 years and I camp a LOT!! http://www.cabelas.com/product/Coleman174-...ch-All+Products If, by chance, you stop by the "Cutty Hut".....I usually have 2 big coolers full of ice for beverages. I might have some room for disco's!!
  10. Just returned from 3 days at the "Hut". June 17-19 . The rivers/tribs around the FTR were fishable on Sunday but got progressively worse with the rain. Visibility was 2-3 feet. Water is high/fast and not safe to wade. Pretty close tho'!!
  11. Just returned from the Oldman Gap area. The tribs (Dutch, Racehorse, Daisy)are cleaning up with 2-3 feet visibility. If there are no major rainstorms there's a 50/50 chance for fishing opening day. They are all running pretty high. Forget crossing.
  12. No....I don't follow Third World sports.
  13. Just playing it day by day. week by week hoping for the best. The location is no secret...evidently.
  14. Never mind!! haha
  15. A friend purchased a voucher through the coupon company, "Living Social" . It was for a fly fishing lesson with the company, Bow River Fly Fishing Adventures. She has tried many times to contact this company, leaving messages and sending e-mails to schedule her lesson. She has yet to hear from them and is getting a bit PO'd. Does anybody know these guys and how she can contact them? I'd rather them teach her than me!!
  16. Just returned from Racehorse, Oldman...huge storm last night and more in the forecasts. Rivers are a mess!! My thoughts for fishing opening day are waning. PMO!!
  17. I'm heading to the "Hut" on Sunday and maybe fish the Crow. Anything rising down there or do I need to "baitfish"? Salmonflies?
  18. Ha! Ha! Love the reference to the bull balls...LMAO!!
  19. As a cyclist I hate that too. I wave them along and point at my stop sign!
  20. I'm usually talking to someone on the river. Never seen him though.
  21. I was in Lenscrafters/Chinook last week getting my regular BIFOCAL glasses adjusted. Checked out prescription Oakley sunglasses for fishing. $800!!! No thanks. I like my brand new pair of polarized sunglasses with readers that i just got for 70% off at Cabelas Canada. $20!! If I had the dough...............?????
  22. BBT, Occupy Cutty Hut !!!? LMAO!! WPS!!
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