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mdfcontracting last won the day on June 11 2021

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Baetis Nymph

Baetis Nymph (3/10)



  1. Beautiful fish, nice ties too.
  2. Get these glue on mounts. this allows you to mount a scotty mount to your tube then you can put real oarlocks on. My buddy has em on his zodiac, works great. Can also add rod holders and such. Dont think id do anchor locks with it, but other than that.... https://www.stevestonmarine.com/Scotty-Pad-Glue-On-For-Inflat-Black-341BK?language=en&currency=CAD&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvvKBBhCXARIsACTePW_JDttR_h5Um0IW_BKDVzG9vQ6GcNxq0O2x41L96h-G7XMphJmhPaIaAlX7EALw_wcB The mounts: https://www.stevestonmarine.com/Scotty-Mount-Locking-Push-Button-Side-Dec-241L?search=scotty mount And the lock adapters: https://www.stevestonmarine.com/Scotty-Oarlock-Adapt-Pair-103S?language=en&currency=CAD&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvvKBBhCXARIsACTePW8yNIhZ_IfEZ8aFS2hAbvjrDProRkDoHPiqH7VRSPLqvrid5vSpBiIaAhcIEALw_wcB
  3. Sorry to hear life isn't treating you well man, hope it gets better. Nice fish!
  4. I used to buy the corkys from wholesale and drill a hole in the foam for the peg. Corkys foam is much harder that the cheapo indies from wholesale or the rowleys. One indie lasts multiple trips. Giver a run, you wont be disappointed. If you need the quick release pegs, they sell them at fish tales, couple o bucks for a five pack. Cheers.
  5. Just get the 8 inch plates fabricated at a machine shop. Get the guy who says you need 8 inch plates to make you a cardboard template. Shouldnt be difficult. The shitter is youll have to pay for them but at this point probably well worth the money.
  6. Fishin hole still has em but only the orange and yellow 50 50 style. Theyre in a bulk jar on the end of the flies display. If you find another source post it, I know a few guys that are looking. I assume youve tried cabelas?
  7. Fishin hole has got em i think. Moreover they order anything you want over the phone.
  8. Extender south side is a good winter hole. Looked not too bad yesterday.
  9. X2 for the mustangs. So low profile, you dont mind wearing it at all. Important to remember to wear your wading belt and have it reasonably tight. Fell through an ice shelf in February a few years back, and my upper was soaked, but thanks to the belt, legs were mostly dry. On a side note, being wet on long cold walks sucks. I have the mit 100s got em at fishin hole.
  10. I find utc70 far preferable to 8/0 for chronies. Just remember less is more. Dont make a wrap you dont have to make and use fine wire. Anything bigger than sm is no good. Remember that when you see ties on youtube that they are often tying on big hooks for bombers and building taper is not really neccessary on hooks sizes smaller than 10. Also try using rib material that even skinnier than wire. Davie macphail ties one thats literally like 10 wraps of thread on a hook. If you dont think that will catch fish just go down to the bow and see how many guys fish a red gamagatzu hook for a bloodworm.
  11. Fish caught fresh are amazing. In Bonk columbia, there are a few whack n stack lakes that are stocked heavy just for this purpose. X2 on the brookies. Not sure I would eat out of the bow though.
  12. X2 on acetone. Takes anything off anything. Be forewarned,if the boat is painted, paints coming with it.
  13. X2 for the fishpond bag.
  14. People who honestly dont know should be cut a break. Were probably drunk camping and had a rod along. If you have the luxury of knowing them, a quick education of why bull trout are zero limit would be of greater effect than simply reporting them. Sorry you are faced with a crappy decision but you could help this person understand why what theyre doing is wrong instead of making them think that youre just an ahole. My $0.02. Nothing more....
  15. Hire a bobcat to dig your holes for 10 bucks a hole. 4 ft deep fill them with concrete and cap it off a little above grade and put the galvanized post saddles in the wet concrete. If you want to make it easy get a cement mixer. Go up from there with pressure treated 6x6. Just saying you could probably get a guy to do this for you for less than half the cost of screw piles. Problem with screw piles is that if the soil sucks, you will have to go way deeper to achieve the bearing you need. That extra cost is passed on to you. Do a 10 or 12 inch concrete pile 4 ft down youll be good. If you have a roof going on it you may want to look at a footing under the pile but 99 % of the time its not necessary.
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