Hey all,
My dad is just getting into fly fishing and he's shopping for wading boots with the best grip available. My siblings and I got him a setup for the big 6-0 last year after he tagged along on a few fishing days with me.
He will mostly be fishing the bow and probably a few lakes in k-country. he wont be doing much hiking as mom likes to come and read while we fish, so we usually pick a close-to-parking spot.
He has a torn ACL and uses a brace so stability in the ankle probably wouldn't hurt. We've been out shopping, but I wanted to see if any of you have good first hand experiences with a certain boot. Korkers are appealing to him due to the interchangeable soles, but does anyone actually change out their soles? Korkers also seem to have the highest ankle support.. how about aluminum studded felt? Anyway.. thanks for the help!