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Everything posted by RedBeard

  1. Does it count if someone already posted this pattern? Oh well, I only have a limited number of flies in my young arsenal...
  2. That's what I was going to post Don! I'll post my identical leech this afternoon
  3. Nice ties, thanks! I'll have to try this one!
  4. awesome! I'd love to witness that one of my days.
  5. Love the photos! What flies are in your fly tying picture? Looking for patterns to try
  6. Stunning photography. Makes me wish I could be out these days!
  7. Thanks for the help guys, my friend offered to ship the skins (frozen from the polar vortex) up to me on dry ice.. I instead asked him to pluck some of the tail & cape feathers and ship those. I'd rather not have to deal with drying out pheasant pelts with a newborn baby arriving any day now. Maybe next time he bags some pheasants I will be better prepared! Steve
  8. Hey Guys, Does anyone know the regulations on shipping a Pheasant skins, capes or feathers up from the USA to Canada? I have a friend in Nebraska who hunts pheasant & I'm wondering what customs would say about shipping some skins into Canada? Is it legal? How do the fly tying materials websites ship skins into Canada? Thanks guys! Steve
  9. Thanks everyone! I will pass on this information to my Dad! Some good boots and a wading staff are what I will recommend!
  10. You didn't tell me you got a new camera! More photos of me! haha
  11. http://flyfishcalgary.com/board/index.php?showtopic=19849&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1 Watch the video at the bottom of that thread.
  12. Hey all, My dad is just getting into fly fishing and he's shopping for wading boots with the best grip available. My siblings and I got him a setup for the big 6-0 last year after he tagged along on a few fishing days with me. He will mostly be fishing the bow and probably a few lakes in k-country. he wont be doing much hiking as mom likes to come and read while we fish, so we usually pick a close-to-parking spot. He has a torn ACL and uses a brace so stability in the ankle probably wouldn't hurt. We've been out shopping, but I wanted to see if any of you have good first hand experiences with a certain boot. Korkers are appealing to him due to the interchangeable soles, but does anyone actually change out their soles? Korkers also seem to have the highest ankle support.. how about aluminum studded felt? Anyway.. thanks for the help! -Steve
  13. I got that from the 'register now with your zip code'!
  14. Cool shop! I'll have to make the trek from the south one day!
  15. Nice brookies! Great colours on those fish. The 3rd one has quite a kype for his size eh?
  16. It hasn't happened to me yet either.. but watch how these bulls take shots at each other in this vid from the humblefisherman
  17. It's basically bedside mode, built into the S4 OS. I just had to disable the blocking for the alarm, which seems ridiculous..
  18. Just a heads up, if you get an S4 (like I just did) and you activate "blocking mode" to disable notifications overnight.. just make sure you change the blocking mode settings to not include your alarm. I got screwed today because my alarm for work was "blocked" lol
  19. It looks fine to me.. How people believe they know the full story after watching a 2 min video is beyond me.
  20. Your fishing partner looks like a great pal. Very cool shots!
  21. It may just be me, but I can't see the picture.
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