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Everything posted by bigbowtrout

  1. LK2 Ouch on the hook but great pics and post
  2. Giddy up!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I'm loving this KOTV great job by all
  4. I'm kinda shocked as well. But looking back on other auctions I have been apart of the sticks are usally the low end item compared to jerseys and pictures. Maybe if it was Horcoffs Driver or putter it would raise a few more bucks GO FLAMES GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. After spending $500 on the auction this Flames fan is out of money
  6. Please post pics of GF and fish THANKS
  7. Very cool pic!! And here is the direct link http://timepass.onlyfanpics.com/n/national...n/part-004.jpeg
  8. I just use liquid paper and draw a white line down there backs 25" Brown
  9. Fished the Oldman with Max and Dave and it was -17 plus the wind on top so at times it way colder. I managed 2 nice Bows.
  10. Welcome And I would suggest taking Hansons Boot Camp for $200.00 they will teach you the basics plus you get to keep your Rod,reel and line. http://www.hansons-outfitters.com/qs/page/6774/6772/-1 Or you could take a class from one of the many other shops.
  11. I am on my 5th season with my Simms and all was well until Max took me on a hike now they leak I can't complain about mine and I have abused them a lot over the years and to get 5 out of them was well worth the money. Sometimes when I gear up I just shake my head but what can I do when most of my gear was giving to me as gifts and they bought them at TroutFitters. I am Simms from head to toe, boots are Simms, wader, gravel guards, one vest I have and then I had to buy there new wind stopper jacket so I could look like a Simms pumpkin Last year my GF bought me an Orvis hydration pack so now I feel odd screwing up the Simms MoJo. Maybe it's time we all went to the Gangsta style with sideways hats and camo jackets but then Max would have to change his look
  12. I was fishing with Cheney and this is what I saw
  13. Can't wait for the pics. Good job on the catch!
  14. I thought so
  15. \ Did you see the big sign that says welcome to Alberta but no Douchebags
  16. Sorry Alberta is closed at that time of year better luck next time
  17. I have sirius and love it. I have never lost the signal in the year I have had it and I go to the mountians all the time. The only problem I have is that I am so far out of the loop on the local stuff like concerts and breaking news but sometimes that can be a good thing.
  18. Ya got out today and the Bow was a slaming and +10 to boot.
  19. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. You are one lucky guy Rick
  21. Is that caramel? mmmmmmmmm cake
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