I too have heard that Peter from a couple friends of mine, as I once had a chance to buy a good used one. If you don't want to stand then fine. Also think 9 ft.
I love it. Fishing and politics, and all in friendly debate. Yahoo. Currently I am quite upset with the Party I have supported both fed and prov, and yet I am not excited by any of the other parties. Still doing loads of research. Always have to vote.
Does anyone know if the first launch at the bottom of the hill is rebuilt yet? Also what shape is the weir launch in. Last time I saw it, there was a huge concrete slab on its side that if under water you could do serious damage. If you prefer feel free to pm answer.
Yah, he touched base a while ago. Between family, travel and an injury he was off the water. So Great Big Diddy, here is hoping you are ready to fish and film. Regards
Too bad and sad, but an important part of learning and life. Always sad to see a loved one crushed with emotion, but he can still strive for success in other areas and this one. Best Wishes
I think they are much easier to mount on the pontoon than a belly boat. I like the hummingbird 120. Ralph, you should get the cord that floats and has optional bobbers.