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Everything posted by jayjjones11

  1. Can't huck Roe with your spey rod?
  2. Come on toolman, can you really blame the guy? Youre working your way downstream, which in the world of trout takes second base, especially when your going to swing into rising fish. Are you sure that he hadn't been stalking these fish and noticed some guy about to walk over rising fish he was working on, so he quickly made his presence known? Both of these imply intent, which very well may not have happened, or likely was not malicious. I hardly call this low-holing, hell he may have thought you were heading upstream if he had not been watching you and thought he was just fine. Take it easy, it's the winter and there is a lot less water outthere...
  3. I fail to see how this contributes to the original topic
  4. Sink tip when out of a drift boat. Theres more to successful streamer fishing then just hitting the bank and ripping it back, a good angler will manipulate the line to keep it always coming back at certain angles. This requires mending, which is not conducive of a full sink. There's a reason you'll see really good streamer anglers fishing floating lines out of the boat when the conditions call for it. However when you need the depth, a super fast sink tip will do the job better with far greater control than a full sink.
  5. When did fish get lungs to hold air to 'spit' out bubbles? They release the air through their gills or mouth after sucking in some from eating from the surface.
  6. Went for a walk yesterday and saw 3 pairs spawning, not making test redds. I was not trying to start anything, but if you're fishing in the city with streamers at this time of the year you are going to run into spawning and spawned out fish. If you do, it's probably a better option to quickly release and not spend any extra time to get a photo, especially since they're really not photo quality fish when they're so skinny. If you have to fish the city, stay out of any areas with smaller gravel and do not fish tailouts. Better option, go fish at Police or downstream, the rainbows are getting their feedbag on for winter.
  7. completely a spawning/spawned out brown...they don't need the exercise or the photos at this time of the year.
  8. Brown = trout Rainbow = trout Lake "Trout" = char Bull "Trout" = char The title is fairly apparent that it states what is the largest TROUT out of the bow. You would figure that with 18 people having caught trout over 30", at least one would have a photo of it
  9. Sounds counter intuitive to go through 5 pairs of waders in 4 years and not want to upgrade to something that will last longer, and in turn save you money in the long run. If you want to stay dry, then buck up. You can save 50 bucks on Simms waders right now anyway
  10. Cool video, but what's with beaching a fish when a guy was ready with a cradle?
  11. pretty typical behaviour of a fish that color (and location). nicely done
  12. Both Country Pleasures and Fish Tales have guides, as well as being site sponsors.
  13. Rick, did you forget about late july early august when the river was over 70 degrees. Catching fish at those temps is a death sentence. We need a runoff.
  14. i can't be the only one that finds it funny that there are 8 people with fish over 30", yet not a single picture. I guess everyone has a brain aneurysm when trying to get the camera to work when the fish is 30" or over!
  15. It's rather ironic that you're bringing up the Albertans going into BC to guide. How many BC guides come into Alberta to save their rod days when the Elk isn't fishing that great.
  16. 27 bucks for a season of fishing. Gonna ruin your pension on that big sum....
  17. Do yourself a very large favour and go buy any of the Chasing Silver dvds...probably the best tarpon fly-angler in the world in the best tarpon movie ever made. http://www.howardfilms.com/chasingsilverTrailer2.html http://www.howardfilms.com/chasingsilverTrailer4.html
  18. holy crap that's cheap for rhea
  19. Might as well be throwing gear if your fishing for tarpon at those depths. The best thing about tarpon are the way they eat the fly and go nuts in 2 feet of water.
  20. So it's not really flats fishing for tarpon there than? Gotcha
  21. cool video, but if it actually took you an hour fourty to land that fish, you guys need to learn how to apply some pressure!!
  22. Gord @ westwinds usually has some Oar stuff. However, there is a reason you see very few boats with them...hardly required.
  23. Lots of eggs and indicators and complaining. Not a single footage of a dry fly (did they fish one, ever?). Pretty much what i expected.
  24. BEP..yikes. $200-300?
  25. that a hint of whats to come Dave?
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