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Everything posted by jonny5

  1. Don't know if its true, but don't like the idea. Paid access to hunt, fish? Written by Ric Swihart Lethbridge Herald Monday, 09 February 2009 A three-year pilot project in southwestern Alberta for paid hunting and fishing access should be implemented in the spring. Jim Csabay of Readymade, chairman of the board of the St. Mary River Irrigation District, caught Alberta Irrigation Projects Association delegates off guard Monday when he asked if Alberta Sustainable Resource Development was considering compensating private landowners for providing hunting and fishing opportunities for sportsmen. Livingstone-Macleod MLA Evan Berger of Nanton, parliamentary secretary for SRD, deferred Csabay’s question about landowners who may not want to participate in the pilot scheduled in the Alberta Wildlife Management Unit 108, which runs from near the County of Lethbridge airport in a triangle to the American border, running along Highways 4 and 5, and unit 300, which is anchored by Cardston on the northeast, running along the southern boundary of the Blood Reserve and angling southeast along the northern boundary of Waterton Lakes National Park. Berger said that while he has been deeply involved in much of Alberta’s proposed land development policy, he has not been involved in the paid hunting and fishing issue. But an official with Alberta Fish and Wildlife in Lethbridge said the pilot is part of the Open Spaces concept that has been under study for more than a year and has gone through different phases as part of a recreation access management plan. The pilot will only apply to private landowners. Qualifying landowners will enter into a contract leading to paid compensation for allowing hunting on land or access to streams and rivers across private land. He said habitat development is another potential benefit. Landowners can tailor access to their local land conditions. Budget constraints will limit the number of landowners who can participate. Compensation will involve several factors, including size of land base, habitat available for wildlife, riparian areas and coulees. Compensation will be a maximum of $20 a day per hunter or fisherman allowed access to private land. It may range from $2,000 a year to $10,000, he said. Citizens and sportsmen’s groups can expect a public information meeting in late March or into April. The goals of the program include identifying and acknowledging the stewardship role private landowners play; gain increased access to private land, partly to keep deer populations in check and maintain a balance of habitat and wildlife on the land. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Wow, a photo is worth a thousand words... I heard that tylenol is one of the biggest causes of liver failure... OD on tylenol is super toxic to your liver folks, so don't down a whole bottle when you have a headache. My injuries are pretty minor compared to all of yours, but I do have a funny one to lighten things up. Once while unloading my camper at SIDs, it was about -20 and in the snow, so when I got the stupid thing jacked up, my truck no longer had traction to get out... So being the clever guy that i am, I started to get stuff out of the bushes to put under the tires. I saw this awsome flat rock that was gauranteed to work, so I bent over to grab it, got a sharp stick in the eye, and ripped the ass of my pants all in one graceful move. Ended up having to dig my self out with one eye bleeding and a ripped ass. Then had to drive my self to foothills to get my eye fixed up. I let my wife drive me home from there cause they gave me some shot of something that made it hard to even walk. Not bad given that I still have 2 beautiful peepers, but sure did hurt my eye and my ego.
  3. When I was a teen just over 10 tender years ago... My father used to say that teen years should be remembered as the "brain-dead years". I won't go into my stories, but in hind sight, I think my old man was bang on.
  4. I stayed at the castle mountain junction cabins. Pretty good layout, and there are some bigger ones too (like 1200 sq feet i think). And the chalets have a nice little cast iron stoves and lots of snow outside the door to keep your beer cold certified. http://castlemountain.com/Photos.html
  5. Bit of coffee on my computer now
  6. Nice pics! Thats a big summer run, any guess on the weight or lenght?
  7. Is the CARE center the one in NE?
  8. Nice pics dude! How does the steak compare with alberta (Argentina claims some of the best quality beef in the world) Did you get a chance to fish for dorado? Cheers, Jon
  9. Yo 420, which dealership did you use and was it a good experience?
  10. Howdy fishers, I just picked up an impala from vancouver, and need to get it inspected for out of province... In the past I had this done and remember feeling like I was getting gouged a bit, as I know my old truck was as good as or better than a lot of the vehicles I see driving around and yet they still found a bushing that was "worn a bit" (even though it had been replaced 2 weeks before)... Anyhow, so my question is, has anyone else done this before, and where have you had a relatively easy inspection (ie no charges for replacing the upper muffler bearings etc)? Cheers, Jon PS, looks like a good weekend to be on the river, anyone having some luck?
  11. Yo, I was trying out my neoprene riding/kayaking gloves I got from MEC for winter biking... Although they are great at keeping you warm, they suck for fishing, as you can't feel the line... I was thinking of cutting the fingers off, but then I won't be able to use them for riding. might be worth a look though. Super cheap, and I bet they will work with the fingers cut off... Also, they have a long cuff which is nice for keeping the wind out. Neoprene glove mec
  12. Spybot search and destroy is great at finding existing spyware on your comp. Trend micro is a good anti virus. And deleting your cookies once in a while seems to help with popups. J5
  13. The best pizza I have had in calgary is from the Hop-in-brew on 12th ave SE, but I doubt they deliver as its basically an old house turned pub. The pizza is soooo good, and the beer is pretty good too.
  14. Just passing an email I got this morning. I fished with Vic once, and it was very educational, but nothing like this I wonder why they don't get these big ones in the columbia where they are allowed to keep em? --------------- MISSION, British Columbia – October 27, 2008 – Every angler dreams of catching ‘the big one.’ Saturday, October 25, 2008 was a dream-come-true for STS Guiding Service’s Matt Schaap and his guests, as they hooked and landed the largest sturgeon to be caught on the Fraser River by a sport angler in 2008 (pictured below). The 11-foot one-inch (337.82 cm) long sturgeon had a huge 58 inch (148 cm) girth and was caught in Mission, British Columbia’s Hatzic Bench. The sturgeon took over an hour to land. Vic Carrao is the owner of Mission-based STS Guiding Service, and called the catch “XXX. Autumn on the Fraser River is without a doubt some of the best fishing you will experience anywhere in North America.” And there’s good news for anglers everywhere who are hoping to visit the Fraser River to try their luck at hooking the big one: sturgeon fishing in British Columbia is catch and release only, so this 11-foot-plus prehistoric beast is still out there. Mission, British Columbia – just 80 km (50 mi) east of Vancouver on the Fraser River - is home to one of the largest populations of sturgeons in the world today. Eight species of sturgeon can be found in North America including the largest of North American game fish, Acipenser transmontanus, or the white sturgeon. In large river systems such as the Fraser River in southern British Columbia, white sturgeon may reach ages that exceed 100 years. These fish are modern day dinosaurs and can grow up to 14 feet and weigh as much as 1200 lbs. There are two times of year when sturgeon fishing in British Columbia reaches its best: the first is in the spring, which brings the annual migration of the Eulichans (small bait fish) to the Fraser River to spawn. Food in winter is scarce so when the Eulichans arrive the sturgeon are eager to feed. In the springtime, it’s not uncommon to hook 15 to 20 fish in a 6 hour trip. The second peak period is autumn, between mid September to late November, when the largest salmon migrations occur. This is also when some of the best salmon fishing occurs, so visitors can often fish for both salmon and sturgeon on the same day.
  15. jonny5


    Good times! Looks like you got a really nice sturgie on you're first go. Congrats.
  16. Yeah, nice work organizing, and food and prizes were a nice touch! Plus good work on cleaning up the bow everyone! I know a nice clean run that I want to fish next time I am out. Cheers, Jon
  17. Never knew about trout eating frogs, maybe you'd figure out how to do it with a few lessons from Mr. Hank Parker, bass master. haha. Bet that frog fed trout get pretty fat though.
  18. I'll see if I can make it, depending on if I am moving tommorow or not. Good work on the cleanup!
  19. These oldies have it figured out.
  20. Beautiful photos! Thats pretty much sums up what I love about fishing. J5
  21. Yeah, I would be in front of a JP for that "flashing the lights" nonsense... Thats just silly, could have been warning for any number of things, like a deer, a cow, an accident, a car parked on the shoulder with people getting out, kids playing soccer ect.. ect.. The ticket I got was 290$ I think, and I still get the odd letter from a collection agency at my old address... my banker friend told me that traffic violations don't get counted when you apply for a loan, so I figure I won't bother paying for it... plus if I do get grief at some point in the future, I have proof that I moved out of province 2 days after that ticket was issued, so how was I supposed to know... at some point they will let it go plus I doubt I will ever live in BC again... Maybe alaska but not BC.
  22. Two flies. One soft hackle caddis, one silver bead head green and black chironomid. Last seen in shortly after casting, likely dangling from a 18 inch rainbow with an attitude... this thing went under every log and rock it could find. If you find my flies, I will buy you a nice fresh dougnut at timmies. J5
  23. What was the 115$ ticket for? That sounds a bit vengful of the 5-Oh... I got a ticket literally 2 days before I packed up and left vancouver... I was driving though the burbs on UBC campus and started getting tail-gated like crazy, so I was just about to stop my car and wait, and I got pulled over by an unmarked car. Pig said (no offence to pigs) "do you know how fast you were going?", and I said "about 30km/hr" (which is true btw) and he almost lost it... He said was was doing 90 is a 50 zone and called me a liar. I told him thats impossible as I was tying my shoelace while driving (which is also true). Cop looses it again, and I was pretty sure he wanted me to say something nasty so he could cuff me or beat me or what ever. Asked if I had been drinking or on drugs (at 8:30 am!). anyways, I told him to write me a ticket, and I would take it up with his supervisor because he was way to agressive... cop looses it again... I locked my door, got my ticket, went to work, took a few minutes off to go down to the station to chat with his boss, and schedule a meeting with the nut-job-pig... His boss was very sympathetic, and I told him that if the pig thought I was drunk or on drugs then it was very irresponsible to let me go in a suburban neighborhood where the richest voting a$$holes in vancouver live. I am pretty sure nothing came of it, but it would have been nice to get an apology... still get pesky letters in the mail instead. One thing I love about alberta, is you don't have to pay of BC tickets to get you're drivers lice-enz. PS no offence to good police out there as I know that there are many more of them. Its too easy to hassle cops when everyone has one or more story about a sh!t cop... I should tell you about the time I had a gun pulled on me and a friend as well as a bunch of slobbering K9s on my back in friendly old victoria... apparently it is a terrible crime to take a leak in an alley.
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