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Everything posted by Swede

  1. I slipped when I was peeling an apple lol. Ya it was a great day untill that 40km wind hit us . Hopefully I can get out with you and lorney again before the snow flies.
  2. Well considering Wolfie started the tread and is still involved in it I wouldnt exactly call it a thread hijack
  3. Girlsfishtoo only goes fishing with me and I never get to far away. We carry walkietalkies and if I get one call all be by her side in a matter of seconds. I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks and Iv'e been to jail before and am not to scared to go again so if anyone ever messes with her they will pay dearly for it. Seriously though Iv'e never ****** with anyone that didn't have it coming.
  4. Sorry to hear about your grandpa Jay. Some of my fondest fishing memories are the many trips I took with my family. Pretty much every weekend we where fishing some where in Alberta and my grandma use to out fish all of us. Totally awesome photos bro. Don't let people scare you off posting most of us see it as sharing our love of fishing. For those that see it as ego stroking are just jealous pinheads. I really don't get it, now don't get me wrong, I like being a part of this forum and sharing trips and great trout with others. Seriously if it wasn't for photo posts I wouldn't be coming here, because this is the last place on my list when I want to learn something about fly fishing.
  5. Check this site out, some of the best fly tyers in the world on it. You might have to join the site to view people's flys. Well worth it though. http://www.classicflytying.com/index.php?act=idx
  6. Really nice classic streamer. Never fished one before, must lose alot of fish to that long shank. Ive always found longer shanked hooks tend to pop out alot easier. Still what fly tyer doesn't want a set of Carrie Stevens classic's on the wall to admire.
  7. well I want it to hold up quite abit of weight so foam suits the job, but forsure you could incorparate it into other patterns. You just double up your leader and push it through the loop on the fly and pull it over and under the fly than stick your tag end through the back mono loop. No tying to the eye of the hook, its a loop to loop connection.
  8. Ive been looking for a good strike indicator for fishing lightly weighted streamers or a couple heavy nymphs. I came across this pattern on the internet and thought it was a pretty good idea. Despite having two drawers full of foam I tend to not tie or fish foam. Don't ask why I just like tying with natural materials. But this fly is pretty cool so I tied some up. Its tied with a mono loop at each end so you can loop to loop it to your leader, than put your tag end through the back loop and tie on your droppers. Keeps the indicator in line with your leader and is easily adjustable for depth. And on the plus side it's quite capable of catching fish, lets see a "thingatwist or thingabobber" I mean, do that lol.
  9. Nice streamers Wolfie should work great. Only thing I would do different is pinch down the barb and sharping the points up before tying
  10. Swede

    A Day In The Sw

    Gorgeous little stream Taco.
  11. Nice shots Wolfie. That's awesome scenery alright.
  12. Swede


    What happened to the North ram. This is the first summer Ive fished out there in about 12years. Ive spent 3 days on the North ram this week and the fishing sucked bigtime compared to when I use to fish it.
  13. I dont think it has anything to do with which way you fish. If your the type of person that goes and breaks the law or throw's your garbage on the ground when out fishing. than your the type that will do it anywhere.
  14. Awesome pic Gil.
  15. Nice cutty's Terrance.
  16. Man thats a tough call birchy, about 14 inch.
  17. Ya I hear you. Theres something about catching a RD brown that thrills me. Iv'e got just as big of browns out of the bow, but its not the same as nailing one on the Red Deer. Now getting into the backing with a hot rainbow, fun stuff. I have had plenty of chances to nail a few of those big boys on the same trip. But something always happen's, fly pop's out , break off, gets in the wood .
  18. Some very cool shots there Rick. Thanks for posting, can't wait to see your fall shots.
  19. Nice shots Steve. I remember seeing 1000's of those leopard frogs in just about every slough, pond, puddle when I was a young lad. Wasps have been crazy this year, I have a few nests to deal with in my yard but of course there nesting where its not easy to get at.
  20. Looks like a brookie to me , awesome photo.
  21. Too cool, could see myself spending hours there.
  22. Thought I would do some trout hunting yesterday. Took my Dad and wife from the dam to RR 20. Lots of PMD and small caddis on the water, still couldn't find any browns looking up. So I ended up fishing streamers, I seem to do that a lot on the RD. Mind you I am on the oars all day so my fishing time is limited when I am floating. Still looking for a few good fly fisherman that want to do a float or 2 with me. I can't guarantee we will hook into a trophy brown but am starting to learn the habits of the brown in this river, so there's a pretty good chance of it. Managed to hook 3 nice browns all along the same bank and Dad had a big guy follow him in right to his feet before it saw him and split. I lost my first 2 but the third was solidly hooked. Yes I was happy in this pic even though I didn't look like it. I get stressed out when taking pictures, just want to get him back in safely. I refused to net the pike and walleye, so was glad to break in the new net on this fine brown. Brown was pretty spunky so didn't get a good shot in the net. Didn't get an exact measurement but net has a 24 inch on the side and he was a few inches past that.
  23. Wow that looks like fun. Great shots Jeremie.
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