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Everything posted by Swede

  1. Fantastic pictures , love those browns.
  2. Had pretty good luck fishing small flashback pheasant tail nymphs right in the surface film lately.
  3. Amazing how stupid some people will be to get on the news.
  4. Its quite possible that your going a little to far back with your rod tip on your backcast and your flies are ticking the rocks behind you.
  5. Swede


    Excellent browns guys.
  6. Swede

    Fishin In A Storm

    Nice Bow Jeremie.
  7. Beautiful brown for sure Dutchie.
  8. I tie 12 of each size of pattern am tying because am tying for me and my wife. Not sure why because very rarely have we lost more than a few each in a day of fishing. So all vote 6 for one person because am anal lol
  9. Looks like northern rainbows to me. Not beaver bows.
  10. Epic story Kungfool, would have been fun to watch that take place.
  11. What an awesome shot Steve. Only thing its missing is an ad selling something fly fishing related. lol
  12. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Period. They can guess, they can try to extrapolate with historical records, or use computer models. But they don't know. If you're a reasonable person you should want to improve how clean our energy is no matter what. We should want to become more efficient no matter what. We shouldn't need a bunch of jackasses changing their course every 10 years trying to scare us into it. And that's exactly what they've done. Every ten years it goes from warming to cooling and they always say there were right. We should become more ecofriendly because it's the intelligent thing to do, not because Al Gore says if we don't the world will end. politics of fear.
  13. I don't know if its just weather cycles or global warming. But winters are a joke compared to when I was younger. We don't get even a fraction of the snow we use to get. Winters are much warmer now, sure we might get a week or so of 35 below. I remember working a 2 week shift north of Zama city it never warmed up above 50 below. The coldest day was 57 below with winds that made it feel like 100 below, worst night of my life by far. That whole month it was 40 below or colder. Anyways winters were a F---k of alot colder and a ton more snow than we have now. Also in my life Ive noticed a lot of high country streams I fish don't carry anywhere near as much water as they did. Some actually shock me when I think back. My sister has a farm on the shore of a lake, oh wait the lake is 1/2 mile away now. To me it's a lot warmer now than it was, sure it could be just a cycle in our weather or there could be some truth to global warming. I think its pretty naive to think that we're not affecting our weather.
  14. Trout and other freshwater fishes generally have three cone pigments, as do humans. Each cone pigment absorbs light most effectively at a specific range of light wavelengths. Colors refer to specific wavelengths as revealed when light passes through a prism. Brown trout and rainbow trout also have a fourth type of cone that absorbs ultraviolet wavelengths of about 355 nanometers. They can see light wavelengths that are completely invisible to us. Freshwater fishes can better see colors towards the red end of the of the spectrum. Freshwater habitats are more suitable for the detection of red light because red wavelengths are not filtered out completely by shallower water. The organic substances that leach out of the soil further enrich the proportion of light at the longer wavelengths often giving the water a brownish or reddish appearance. Freshwater fish often have red coloration to act as obvious visual signals for other fish, particularly during spawning periods. Most marine fishes have retinal sensitivities that are strong on the blue side of the spectrum but lacking on the red side. While blue may hold its color the deepest in marine environments or a pool, thats not the case in freshwater. Also trout don't need as much light as we do to see colors at depth. Brown trout are probably the best night feeders and can feed by starlight. Well I personally don't believe color is as important as size and shape I still try to match my colors as close as I can to the naturals. I still carry some funky looking streamers in reds and blues.
  15. Well all post this in here about 27 or 28 based on a quick measurement on my rod and checked a few mins after release with a tape. Not quite as nice as my Red Deer River browns ,the biggest I cant post because as I was posing for a photo he decided to slap me across the face with his tale and escaped. Got the picture but not very flattering for me or the fish. No worries he landed in about 8 feet of water and was gone. Thats one thing I force myself to do is stay in the water when handling fish.
  16. At least Calgary tried to make the playoffs , instead of racing to last place.
  17. Sorry JMC, guess I've been lucky with the cats I've owned. I Didn't realize some will still mark after being fixed.
  18. Be a responsible pet owner and get your cat neutered and it wont go around marking it's territory on your things.
  19. Nice Jay . Do you ever plan on making a DvD . I would definitely buy it, hopefully Dave and Amelia Jensen will put one together too.
  20. Didn't look like lip syncing to me, everything in the show was a live feed but Nelly and Brain. Ya ok.
  21. Does anyone know what David Frost did to Denton to make him want him dead. You don't just wake up and say I want this guy dead. Did he sexually abuse him when he was a kid or steal his hard earned wages. He had to do something and if he did I say give Denton another chance.
  22. What does it take for the flames to get a 4 min penalty for high sticking drawing blood called for them. Last 3 high sticks against a Calgary player that drew blood netted the flames 2 mins in pp time, not that the flames pp is great. Getting a little sick of Calgary players heading For the bench with blood streaming down there face and no penalty called. First year I've watched hockey since the refs and review judges screwed Calgary when they scored the Stanley cup winning goal. Cant wait till the play offs when the refs really start sticking it to Canadian teams.
  23. Rick your starting to sound like a losing flames fan Ridiculous thing to say Sun. You know dam well the flames don't have to lose for us to complain about the refs
  24. Lundmark has a better record in shoot outs than Iggy has thats why Sutter went with him. Hopfully Sutter grabs a brain next time.
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