But being so easy to catch, how long do you think it would be until the population crashed again....one or two summers? There are a lot of people in this area that would love to bonk one. I'm not sure what the population numbers of mature fish heading up the S-D is, but I think it plateaued below 3000 fish. I remember when we netted the lake for a week in the late 80's...all we got was 3 bull trout and hundreds of suckers . It was decided by the government to protect the bulls soon after that. The population then slowly started its recovery.
I don't believe the population continued to climb though. There seemed to be a definite plateau established. I have a feeling that available spawning habitat may be a big issue. Fish spawning on top of other redds causes a problem.
It is true that there are very few fish over 28", but perhaps the productivity of the lake is an issue limiting growth rather than population numbers. I'd rather have quite a few 24-28" fish over rarely seeing one.
From what I have observed from a number of anglers is that few folks catch more than 5 bull trout in a day. People can do well where fish are temporarily grouped up for some reason, but there is a ton of water that is fishless.
Jay, do you think the government should have an open season or a tag draw to reduce the Bull population in Lower Kan? How many fish are you willing to see removed? Do all your fishing buddies catch too many when you go there...is the fishing too easy?
Interested to hear your thoughts.