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Everything posted by AndyW

  1. They are crappy on gas. Expect 15ish at best mpg on the highway. Also see if they had the timing belt changed @150k, which is a required service ($500). As well when comparing it to others listed the one you posted is the base model for the sequoia. They also eat brakes and have undersized rotors for the size of the truck, I went through 3 sets of rotors on the same year Tundra which has the same drivetrain/parts. There is no demand for fullsize SUV's, especially USA models which is definately compounded by the high mileage. If it checks out mechanically I would offer 7k.
  2. Another pointless web poll.
  3. Well you can almost be 100% assured that prices will go up alot faster than they went down...
  4. I am sure the pressure from the locals had something to do with it as well. There are lots of jursdictions with way higher Grizzly populations and Grizzly bears are not hunting and eating humans. To complicate this situation the sow has now taught her offspring to hunt and eat people. I agree it is very unfortunate for the bears and the human victim, but really as you sit in your house or Condo in Calgary this was of no threat to you. Imagine having kids where there are three grizzlies running around that have no issue with eating people. Contrary to what some of you think it is not natural for bears to eat people. SRD definately did the right thing, unfortunate but right.
  5. Great for the guys who work downtown, but really if you dont work down town who is going to pay crazy parking, battle through traffic, etc, etc? I dread going down there for anything. They must have done the market research...
  6. What Prevents The Sheep Frome Being A 5 Star Trout Stream? About 3 stars...
  7. How do they claim that grizzly bear numbers are steadily declining year after year yet sightings and negative human encounters (deaths and maulings) have increased within the same time frame? With my own personal sightings while hunting and fishing my sightings are definately increasing. I am not in areas where bears have been kicked out of areas by oil exploration, etc. Mostly in K- country is where I see grizzlies on almost every trip! Nothing scientific about my findings, but it does show a trend. I ran into a guy/Park employee who was studying the Grizzly bears while I was hunting in K-countryt last year and he said the population outside of the Provincial park was in fact declining, only the population within Peter Lougheed was stable?? How he differentiated the difference in this population was beyond me as the Provincial Park is surrounded by K-country?
  8. This year if they do not perform in the post-season I wonder if Sutter will still be Calgary's golden boy??? So far he is an almost one hit wonder with the Flames...
  9. Take it to a shop that does spray-in truck liners. Go on a friday and I betcha they do it for a case of beer.
  10. If there are any CO's that read this I would be interested on their take?
  11. All you need is your license- you could not buy your license if you did not have a WIN #. What about the guy who buys his license and win at the same time, the card is not even in the mail for a week or so after the purchase. Seems some of the CO's like to give "warnings" for whatever???I had a verbal warning for posessing barbed hooks- in my fly box. We agreed to disagree as she was certain I was walking a fine line posessing flys with barbs. I challenged her to charge me. I did not get charged. * The vast majority of CO's do a great job, but there are a few that need to use some common sense..... Go harass the dude in the lawn chair bottom fishing, more chance for a ticket to be written....
  12. If a drift boat is within your budget and you have a place to park it then get one. Teach all your fishing buddies how to row/ splitt the shuttle costs and you will have many years of fun. IMO a pontoon is best used for transportation when drifing, I don't enjoy fishing from one when I am drifting. Once you fish from a drift boat the pontoon does not compare.
  13. x2 on the Missouri. Book a guide and drift the river.
  14. Some of you guys sure have a narrow view of the world. A store like Bass Pro is good for the local economy and all of the small specific shops like fly shops, archery shops and the likes. You better believe that it will be a tourist attraction, non hunting and fishing people will be attracted and spin off will be they will pick up the passtime. This will benefit the local shops. How many of you started flyfishing, hunting, etc. by going to a specialty shop? This will create more interest in our dying passtime and hopefully get more people, youth, involved. When was the last time that an outdoors store made the news around here before BPS- how about NEVER!!! Calgary needs this to take hunting and fishing more mainstream and in the public eye. Some of you should leave your little dark box for a while and see what the world has to offer... it isn't all bad you know.
  15. Thanks for pointing this out. Now that I know is is a big USofA company I will not shop there. The flag is definately there to fool us naive canucks???
  16. Don- easy to be "pushed out" as you put it by lots of other groups that are not fishing and definately are not commercial. I have had more negative experiences with canoists, kayakers and rafters on the bow than guides by a longshot. Painting a guide on a C&R waterway with the same brush as ranchers grazing cattle on crown and the logging business, although technically they are all renewable, Floating a boat down a river and releasing your catch by far has the smallest environmental footprint. They are not even really comparable. I just see it a too easy to point the finger at a commercial operator/guide for all the woes and pressure that some waterways experience. BTW- I am NOT a guide, just bugs me a bit that the guy making a living (small one) gets the brunt of the blame for the woes of any particular waterway.
  17. Wow- comparing fishing guides to Oil companys. a wee bit of a stretch I think???
  18. A grizzly bear was recently killed west of Calgary on the reserve in a unit where there has never been a grizzly bear season. No charges laid as it was killed on a reservation by a native. You think a native that bonks a trout is even on the radar of SRD? The way I understand it this trout would be well within their sustenance rights. If this upset you then don't travel to the coast salmon fishing in an area close to a settlement- Nets running across rivers and reefer trucks hauling their "sustenance" away.
  19. It is glaringly aparant that you are anti guide and anti NR angler with your posts! How many signs does SRD have along the lower bow warning about whirling disease and how important it is to sanitize gear that has been in infected waters? I would think that something this important should start with SRD and a local TU chapter implementing something on local waters? Because you had a disagreement with Jensen has nothing to do about "them not caring".
  20. With your rationale we should just charge NR anglers a "classified water fee", and make the guides buy from a limited pool of rod days... try to make it as inconvenient as possible for a NR angler to enjoy our public resource, and make the "guides" pony up for rod days... Looking at the floatilla of boats I saw on the Elk last week as I drove by on HWY #3 seems they have the same issues, but the recreational angler is the one who is punished in the end by having to shell out ALOT more money. Since the introduction of "compensation" as Don puts it tell me what has changed for the recreational angler in the Elk valley? As with anything, you get out of it what you put in. If you don't like crowds just try to work around it. Get up earlier or stay out later... But I guess this is not compensation or mitigation; you would have to do the mitigation!
  21. If you are familiar with the piece of river you are planning to float I say go for it!
  22. Read in a couple of posts about guys forgetting, losing, etc.. their fishing licenses. Just logon to albertarelm.com, register your WIN# and print off a few copies. one for the boat, vest, truck, etc. With the new website you don't have to pay for a copy at a vendor. You can even buy it online now.
  23. They sell barbed hooks EVERYWHERE, yet it is illegal to use them. I betcha all the poachers that use bait also don't pinch their barbs..... How about a big sign wherever they sell hooks that says "these hooks are illegal the way they are sold, you must pinch the barbs" If you see someone using bait on the Bow report them, end of story. Blaming the bait vendor is crazy talk.
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