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Everything posted by AndyW

  1. You can still be a good steward of the earth without drinking the global warming- ehem, sorry "climate change" suzuki kool-aid you know.
  2. Come on, your tellen me this scoop does not make my truck faster? I thought it got the air down to the flux capacator?
  3. This is why the industry leaders of the failing business model "Global Warming" are currently re-branding it "Climate Change". Way easier to cash in on a concept that does not rely on the mercury to only go up- Short selling Global warming.
  4. I went up to check the store out and it is pretty cool. None of the local fly shops will have anything to worry about, if anything it should increase their business in the long run. When someone that does not fish or hunt goes in there it should inspire them to start.
  5. I put a little tapred blob of knot sense UV glue at my fly line/butt material knot and it passes through the guides like butter!
  6. Before I got my current auto transmission I had the 6 speed manual taco, it was slightly worse on gas (maybe 2mpg less) but nothing like you are describing. With the Tacoma the Auto is more fuel efficient as they are geared taller. I calculate after I fill with one of those slide ruler thingys that transport canada gives out so my calcs are 100% accurate. Something seems whacky with your mileage. Do you have the stock size tires on it?
  7. I guess hard on fuel is a relative statement. I just filled up earlier today- all city driving with some 4x4 driving around town on the side streets and I got 22mpg (calculated). I regularly get 28mpg on the hiway in the summer and 24 mpg summer/city. Hey it's not honda civic mileage, but it's a 4x4 with 250hp that has lots of power for passing on the hiway and hills, and can tow over 6000lbs. I have owned a couple of full size 4x4 pick-ups (Tundra and ford) and they never got close to this mileage. For sure the Tacoma gets 20% better mileage in all conditions than my experience with the full size V-8's
  8. If you can swing it go for a Tacoma. I have a double cab long box and it is a great truck. You can tow up to 6500lbs, and with the long box throw a cap on it and you have a great truck camping rig.
  9. I always fish a trailing unweighted micro leech or small wooly bugger behind a weighted streamer. Use 8-10 lb maxima rather than a leader. With this rig you can strip and swim it as you would normally do with a streamer, and dead drift the whole rig through the slower water and deeper holes.
  10. I am sure I heard my boat crying this morning, muffled through the 20cm of snow.....
  11. Hopefully the bikinis get smaller in a recession. There were some dang fine bikini hatches last summer.
  12. Lets hope the slower economy cuts down on the raft and inner-tube floatillas of drunken bums... I doubt it will make a difference but maybe they will keep their empties rather than tossing them overboard.
  13. x2 with letting Hyde do all the work and getting the paperwork to the border crossing you will be crossing at, they should have no problem doing this for you as a part of the sale. There is zero problem importing the boat as they are not a part of the RIV program, only the trailer is effected. You will need a recall clearance letter for the trailer from the trailer manufacturer, and a certificate of origin for the trailer and the boat (so you don't have to pay duty on USA MFG goods) again make all this required paperwork a condition of the sale with Hyde. You will also need a temp. registration for the trailer, again Hyde should provide. I imported a Clack last year and it was absolutely painless. I had all my paperwork from Clacacraft with me, had to pay the GST at the border. At the border they will give you a form (form 1) and instructions on how to pay the RIV fee for the trailer. You will also have to get the trailer inspected when you get it home (part of the RIV fee). If it is a used trailer beware that when you get it inspected they will measure the tread depth of the tires, maybe check the wheel bearings, wiring, etc.. On a new unit they generally give it a quick walk around and rubber stamp the form. Sounds like alot, but again this should be status-quo for a USA MFG that sells into Canada. They will know what to do and what paperwork is required to get across the border and able to register the trailer once you are in Canada. Have fun with the new boat.
  14. I like the reels and would like to support a Canadian company. If they had a sealed drag I would own them in a heartbeat.
  15. I fish the big Islander mooching reels when I go to the Charlotte's. Any reel is only as good as its weakest link and the open cork drag is the definate weak link. Dip your Islander in the river, let it soak for a bit then test the drag, a real world fail. Works flawless when it is dry and the cork has been conditioned, but really how often is a reel bone dry, especially on the coast or on a trout rod? Maybe not a big deal on a small trout rod/reel combo, but a huge issue when you need it with a big fish! Nautilus all the way, never a regret.
  16. I checked the 22x/FC launch today. Gate to the ramp was locked (parking lot was open) and the road and launch was still snow covered. They would have had some trouble getting the boat up to the parking lot. The river looked great, a little bit of slush, but nice and clear.
  17. There is a Pike fishing seminar at Fishtales tomorrow. Nothing beats pike on the fly!
  18. Slather the McRib sauce all over this and it is perfectly edible!
  19. No bad tasting food from the Golden Arches.
  20. Thanks for the replies. I plan to hire a guide and let him do the rowing! Maybe later in the spring/early summer I will drag my boat down. I drove past the river last year, sure is beautiful. I was kicking myself that I did not bring my rod. I meant to get down there last year- I will make the trip this year for sure.
  21. Anyone float the Missouri in April? We are heading down to Great Falls mid April and want to include a day of fishing to start the season off. Any input would be great. Thinking Spring will never arrive around Calgary this year- I have heard the Missouri Valley is a good 3 weeks ahead of us when it comes to spring, hatches, etc... I need to get some sun and warmth on my skin!
  22. Don, Here you go. Import these and install them up here. They are all the rage in Da hood south of the border. Gangsta sight
  23. I don't have to cuddle my fishing buddies once we are done. Another bonus is they never ask me if they look fat in their waders....
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