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Everything posted by AndyW

  1. Look after this? Do you think they will dispatch a crew to clean it up?
  2. Did you step in any?
  3. So did you clean the mess up?
  4. "Also do they not depend heavly on veiwership and ratings" If the survival of the CBC was dependant on viewership and ratings the only show that would survive is Hockey Night in Canada!
  5. You can by the stuff in huge bags from a concrete supply company, weighs almost nothing. Don't be such a cheapskate and just buy a new container.
  6. Ya can't beat the old brown sage rods. They have a cult like following.
  7. How can 3 people fish that hole for 1.5 hours?
  8. Generally kids on summer holidays on a long weekend when it is 32c could give a rats ass if you are fishing.
  9. Interesting to read this then read the current topics about the hoards of random campers and giving fishing locations on the interweb...
  10. SW Alberta has a disproportinate ammount of crazy ass landowners. Lots of them think that the land down there was gods gift to THEM. In the above case charges should have definately been laid!
  11. Make sure the jet boat is big enough to load a quad or two on.
  12. Does anyone know if in a designated OHV area if it is illegal to drive through the rivers, muskeg, etc?
  13. Little doubt it is a coyote. Their summer coat can be quite red.
  14. If you are worried about this then you should sell all your gear.....
  15. I agree there is a long way to go here. Education and enforcement is the key. We should not ban activities just because fools do not follow the rules. The open camping discussion is a great example. Just because some abuse it we should not ban open camping. We have no problem introducing new laws and regulations, yet we seem to lack the resources to enforce the existing ones....
  16. Some fairly grandiose assumptions you make here....
  17. I couldn't agree more. Take the time to write Ted Morton and cc your MLA and the MLA of that area, and the area manager and let them know about your observations and what you want to see done with this area. With no disrespect to the people who post their observations/rants on this and other topics the only way to change things is let the decision makers know how you feel and what you want done. http://www.albertawilderness.ca/AWRC/actionkit.htm
  18. Just make sure it has a livewell.
  19. Edmonton... Give fishing a try for free on July 11 and 12 and discover the angler in you. On this free fishing weekend, Albertans can fish in any public water body in Alberta that has an open fishing season (not including national parks) without buying a licence.
  20. Well now we know where you stand on boobies.......
  21. If these things annoy you to the point of a rant then don't fish the city stretch after 10:00 am. I saw some bare boobies the other afternoon so I will continue to fish in the city.
  22. Beer with fruit juice in it? Like putting ketchup on a steak- it is just wrong.......
  23. I digress..... I voted for Vicki too; I am a sucker for a girl that wet wades..
  24. Gotta love how you are hugging that snot rocket! That definately gets my vote.
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