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Everything posted by AndyW

  1. Niiiice! That video says it all......
  2. Fishguide saved me the typin' Well said!
  3. I learned something new watching the evening news. You are required to wear a lifejacket while on the river within the City, it is a bylaw. The federal reg is to just have them in the boat.
  4. Try an airflo 40+ line for better shooting.
  5. I have it on my 7wt. It is a dirt magnet, noisy, and if you are stripping any ammount you'd better have a stripping guard on your finger or it will slowly saw said digit off. I would never buy it again. Even with my shitty review it seems to have little memory and not much stretch, this I like. If you like cool noises you will probably like Sharkskin as shooting line zings through the guides with a fair volume. sounds like a baitcast rod loaded with braid.
  6. AndyW

    First Pike!

    Not what you want to hear when you are chasing snot rockets...^^^ Congrats on your first jack on the fly. It is addictive!
  7. I noticed that some of the other animals in that store didn't look all that healthy as well.....
  8. Cool video, thanks for posting.
  9. Walker, Try to find out what company placed the concrete and who supplied it. If it is as bad as you describe they may give you a deal on the material if you re-do it. Concrete issues are easy to diagnose if you spend the cash for a core sample and the lab time. Concrete gets harder with time and spalling is usually the result of improper finishing, too much water, or it froze before it cured. Hey you never know if you can get the suppiler out to look at it they may do something. Removing the old pad and re-prepping will be the majority of the cost with a re-do. You mention that the builder did sandblast the concrete. When the builder did this they were admitting it was a shitty job or material. Unfortunately this may have been the time to push them to replace it. How long ago did they do this?
  10. Keepin' it real with Rita McNeil
  11. There is little doubt that the SE-NE on the east side of the Deerfoot has some very unsavory neighborhoods. Sure you can get bad neighbors in any neighborhood but you would really up your odds of a crack house next door moving to Forest Lawn. There is a reason that homes are more affordable in some neighborhoods...
  12. Some of the put and take fisheries around Calgary were never fisheries until they were created and stocked, same goes for lots of other P&T lakes and "trophy" pothole lakes and ponds throughout the Province. Are you suggesting they should have never be stocked or created in the first place, only C&R? When you use the phrase "preserving fisheries" it lends itself to among other things, no kill. please clarify.
  13. Don't drink 3 cups of coffee on the drive to the lake. I was watching the Indy 500 yesterday and wondered how they do it as well?
  14. The whole idea here is a balance, and the balance is defitately for the meat fisherman. There are enough places to go with kids and bait to catch fish around Calgary. Why is the focus is on taking a youngster, or new fishermen out to a place where you are going to use bait and kill whatever you catch? A new person/youngster to fishing would have just as much fun at a lake as bullshead where you will release fish, but the option is there to kill one if it is large enough. And you don't have to flyfish either. A fly under a bobber will work just as good. The focus should be on cathing alot of fish, and maybe killing one or two, but now the focus is on hustling to a newly stocked lake and getting your share, killing five before the lake is cleaned out. Nothing wrong with put and take, but more emphasis has to be on take less. How is it going to be around Calgary when there is 2million living here? On the lakes near calgary the limit should be reduced, simply not enough water within an hour to keep this sustainable. And speaking of balance what about our Southern resevoirs? With the current size requirements on Pike it ensures that the old hens get bonked. I fish down south alot and maybe 1 guy out of 20 or so that I talk to will release the big pike, the rest get taken out. Yes the limit has been reduced, but with more people fishing (or so it seems the past few years) there is still more pressure on the fish that are doing the recruitment, the big females. We need a minimum of a couple of the southern resevoirs where a slot size is put in for pike, and any pike bigger than 28" (females) are released.
  15. I would reccomend moving very close to where his work will be, like walking or biking distance if possible. Beautiful City to live in but it can be a miserable SOB to commute here if you plan it wrong, and sometimes when you plan it right! Is the transfer voluntary? He is leaving a great city!
  16. Lots of great info here! I was out this weekend and there was a few hours each day with glass like water! It is pretty cool when there is good visibility and you can see your fly coming in from 25 or so feet away. Really makes you realize how many follows you get and would never know it. Had some that follow it right to the boat and then you just see the fly dissapear! I would just set the hook when I lost sight of the fly on the follow, when it happend the fly usually dissapeared on the pause, so it was all visual and fish on! Real cool to see the eat before you feel it. A few fish smashed the fly, but picked up most when I felt slight hesitation after the pause starting to strip it again. Repeating what others have said, on the slightest hesitation or bump you best be striking!
  17. Wow Clive, that chinook shot is great! heh, they are all great but the chinook gets the ribbon.
  18. The leader you post comes with a few metal crimp collars and a snap lock that you crimp on. Drop a collar onto the steel leader, then the snap lock, loop the steel leader back into the collar and crimp. Makes changing flies easy! It comes with extra collars so you can trim back the leader when it becomes all twisted from the pike teeth thrashing the bottom few inches. Some guys just twist the steel leader and melt the coating and fish it that way. I like to be more cautious and use a crimp collar. There are also steel leaders that you can tie like mono- tygerwire.
  19. I have a 4wt Z axis and If I was in the market for a lighter lined rod (3 wt) I would go with a slower rod. If you are fishing fine tippet where you could run into bigger fish I would want a softer rod tip than the Z axis has.
  20. Wear this and you will not have to worry about the dreaded "fisherman tan" Very Nice!
  21. Bhurt, Take a breath and re-read my post, we agree on this I am sure. If you ever get a chance to fly over the eastern slopes you will see where I am coming from. All I said is that the perception is that the majority of environmental damage is coming from ATV'ers and long weekend campers which it is not, and media sure likes to jump on this bandwagon every spring as well. When Spray lake sawmills gets a permit to log K-country, or NAL gets a permit to punch dozens of new roads to a new gas fields is where the real damage is coming from, which I have never seen a news report on. Through proper permits and following protocol 1000 fold more damage to our wild places happens from industrial use than recreational use. There should be a balance of course, but blanket protection such as more wildland parks will never happen as the industrial users would be shut out. A kid getting a ticket with 35" tires on his truck gets the sound byte on the news but in the big picture it is insignificant compared to what legally happens under the guise of growth. Ya think one burnt out abandoned vehicle is as harmful to the environment as the 10's of thousands of flares that burn 24/7 at the gas wells? Yes it is upsetting to see all the garbage and crap that gets left out there, and great that they give tickets to the litterbugs. But at the rate tey are whacking all the trees down in K-country outside of the park some litter after a weekend is really not the long term problem for the area as you are led to believe after watching the news. Eh I think these OHV areas should be shut right down, so pretty obvious I am for more enforcement, just the media slant and then Ted Morton's long weekend tour to address this pisses me off. I sure know that Ted Morton is against OHV's but I wonder what he thinks of Sparay Lakes Sawmills clearcutting in K-country right where all this ATV abuse is taking place? This *hit has been on the news for the past 4 evenings now, what should get more media attention?
  22. I am no ATV'er or offroader but it is odd how the media and government focuses on areas that are designated off road areas such as McLean creek (sacrificial areas designated for this destruction by the government) and then shows a messy camp or burned out old car and you think this is the whole forestry? Fly over the north country or the foothills low altitude in a helicopter and it really shows how industry (forestry, oil and gas) is the real culprit of what is perminately screwing up our wild places. So they give a few punks with their mudders tickets for no mud flaps or an open case of beer and that will make it all better. No doubt these places need enforcement but come on- The majority of Albertans have no clue of the environmental cost of our prosperity, but show a warden on the evening news giving an 18 year old a ticket and the perception is we are protecting our wild places, its a joke!
  23. People with no/poor etiquette are like guys with a limp handshake, it happens because no one has pointed it out to them so they don't know better.
  24. That is a great sign, right to the point. F&W should fire the lawyer that writes the regulations and hire you!
  25. At most every entrance to the EID there is a sign that says; stay on trails, no OHV's, no fires, and no camping. The rules are pretty clear. There are lots of designated campgrounds in the area, so no need to break their rules. EID Information
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