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Everything posted by Tungsten

  1. If you look at the flows of Calgary +Highwood and the flows at Carseland it would appear that more then half of the flow is bypassing the weir.Not sure how they're going to fix that berm that gave away.
  2. Where's copper jonny with pics of Police? if the berm is still there then theres still hope.
  3. Was down there today,all looks OK, too bad.
  4. Had to be there,everyone was doing 40 with lots of people stopped.Was very easy to pull in and leave. Just because the radio said it was dangerous..well you know.You'd had a harder time getting out of Chinook mall on a Sunday.
  5. harvie passage at deerfoot.
  6. in 05 we were hit on june 7-8th then again on the 18th.it took a month for the flows to drop below 200.i remember the fishing to be good as I had to go to different spots because police was washed out. Rick did the berm at police hold?would be a shame to lose that again.
  7. After sampling some smoked eel on fathers day my brother in law had mentioned that they were the opposite of salmon.I googled it and now I cant remember...
  8. Get 2 boats,done. Or Have a look at a Rapid Robert,good for rivers and lakes.But as you said, not perfect. http://www.google.ca/search?q=rapid+robert+drift+boat&rlz=1T4ACAW_enCA358CA360&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=cnO-Uf-xA4iNyAGUw4CwBQ&ved=0CC8QsAQ&biw=911&bih=351 Or if you don't want to build then this would be a good choice. http://www.princecraft.com/aluminum-boat/products/Fishing-Boats/2013/Utilities.aspx Since no boat does all get one that's good at Stillwater,river floating still works and light enough you can drag around.
  9. A tire gauge for a quad,reads from 1-5lbs pontoon i'd guess at around 3.5lbs
  10. Maybe slow down the retrieve, pause a little more/longer.Pike will often strike again if you just stop after you feel a tug.Hard to do I know .
  11. I think this was shot in New Zealand,Moe river maybe.He sure is nuts.
  12. Yes but the Honda will push out more power at idle,the champion will rev up and down alot more.
  13. working on some mid's Funny how they look good with the naked eye but when you take a pic I can see they need a little work yet.
  14. I've only ever flung a 10' so this may not apply but longer rods are considerably tip heavy.Maybe the butt was added to help balance.
  15. Thanks fellas,may get a chance this weekend to put some scratches on it.
  16. Ya my smart charger is not so smart,it gets confused when its hooked up to a bank of batteries.One at a time its ok.
  17. Well I had 50/50 chance of getting it right,guess I was wrong.
  18. My 2000i Honda will charge my lithium tool batteries,I have 2 12V group 27 for my trailer hooked up in series.I have to charge them one at a time.Maybe its my charger but trying to charge them together it won't go any higher then 67%.One at a time and I have no problem getting them to 100%
  19. LOL! i'm the same way,before the chepos came out not to many had gen sets all was quite, but now that you can get a cheap one every body has them. I run mine in the back of my covered truck,leave the topper door open pointed towards the bush and its barely noticeable.
  20. The 2000 or bigger have an econo mode.The Honda 1000 for instance needs to run at full throttle to run a battery charger where the 2000 stays at idle to charge the same battery.
  21. You get what you pay for. Honda 2000 for 4 years now,wife can run a hair dryer or a curling iron.Happy wife = more fishing time.
  22. Thanks guys,i'll be shopping soon.Most of the fellas couldn't be bothered with casting 30' leaders and watching bobbers.So a 9' fits best.Drinking and trolling is what there good at.
  23. Each year I go with a bunch a friends to a BC lake to do some fishin,We have a little derby with some prizes.I've been asked to purchase a rod, reel, line, flies.... for a prize. Keeping it around $1200. .Most of the fellas are not full time fisherman and mostly troll around the lake.So I plan on putting a type 6 sink line on the reel.Some deep sea chrionomid fishin can also work. Islander LX 3.2 or 3.4 comes to mind for a reel.For a rod something a little softer then a Sage Z. There just a little stiff for what we do .I plan on a 9' 5wt. What would you buy? Thanks,
  24. Almost exactly a year since I started, now if the weather would cooperate,i could go fishing.
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