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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. Good post rick. remind me of why I go fishing on remebrance day every year. Not becuase I want to sometimes. Cheers man
  2. if your feet get cold easy pack some sort of foot warmers... gloves, etc. there as important as thick neo's IMHO. I use 5mm neo's for winter fishing and stay pretty warm for the most part. There's not a whole lot of dry fly mid winter so a streamer / nymph rig would be ideal. Good luck!
  3. birchy. me too. here's a shot from FS9. with some addons glacier national park scenery. You ever fly online using vatsim?
  4. Yes colorado scares the crap out of me right now, it's going to be one heck of a game. I got my mens league game at the same time so I'll have to PVR it and force myself to NOT find out the score! as far as your other comment... you owe me a new computer I just covered mine in spit out coca cola. PS: HNIC stats showed kipper made 38 saves... and that TO had 40 shots, did they change that?
  5. I always thought you had some weird opinions Mr Waugh, but seriosuly, how can you side with a f**ckin THEIF?? wether it be poaching or not. The rules governing that body of water are the rules... period. Wether they are LAWS or not, abide by them. Or maybe your the kind of guys who pushes past everyone in a line to get to the front, becuase there's no "law" against doing that is there? Makes you look like an azz though.... Oh... never mind you've done that well enough already here. Good to know we have your type in our media!! :$*%&:
  6. well chalk up two more wins on the back of kipper. Would have been losses if kipper would not have been spectacular both of those games. I'm pretty excited to see him playing the way he is... I feel with him playing that well this team can do anything.
  7. Holy crap that looked like some of the "LCI vs CCH" battles (you folks from leth would know what I'm talking about)!!!! LOL
  8. I've had lots and lots of 100+ fish days. I've even had some 200+ fish days. I also got shut out on the crow yesterday except for one whitefish that decided to take pity on me in the sideways sownstorm that nailed us. Does that make up for the 100+ fish days? It all averages out. Skilled guys will maybe average 20-30 fish / day.. per day they spend per year, on all bodies of water they fish. Unskilled guys will average a lot less. Are you trying to say that people who are skilled should stop fishing so much? lol. This post really has no point. Which is why I posted in jest. Is it april yet? anyone wanna meet me at the highwood confluence?
  9. Agreed. Thought it seems like sutter lit a fire under the whloe teams a@@
  10. Taking my brother fishing on the crow and watching him lose a buncha bigguns and then start landing them too. He was pretty excited. Which reminds me, the bugger has YET to send me those pics!!
  11. again, wow. what an effort. great to see the flames playing this way. Kipper's back and that's not what the rest of the NHL wants to hear. He's startin to look like the good ol' kipper.
  12. "Your KIDS an honor student, but YOU'RE a MORON!!" "Driver carries no cash, HE'S MARRIED!!"
  13. Joki has lost his hands. If anyone sees them, plz return to the calgary flames hockey club asap. Pretty solid effort all around from the flames. Watched the press conf after the game and tortarella was saying it was the best the rangers had played all year, and they got beat. So that's a big positive step in the right direction from the flames. I saw a lotta hustle over the last 3 games... startin to LIKE what i see now. Not too much to complain about ... woot!
  14. One thing about last nights win over dallas... DAMN did that feel good as a flames fan to watch the OTHER team finally get SCREWED on a call!!! LOLOL Beeeeeyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Thought they played with more intensity, but MAN do they give up a lot of shots. Curtiss was a rock in net.
  15. Taco, keep in mind if it wasn't for the hundreds of "artificial" lakes in alberta stocked with trout, your (and mine) beloved mountain streams would be EMPTY by now. Give them the respect they deserve, becuase, they DO deserve it.
  16. I havent fished from the boat launch area, but the day use area on the west end (the boardwalk to the island, etc) could use some bigger... BOLDER... signs!! :$*%&: I don't think a billboard would stop some of the people that go there from doing what they do though.
  17. Well... I'd sure rather be on the "doing" side of this than the "saying were gonna do it" side of this. I've been a big donater of items for the auction, would still try and do at least one.... asfor the position.... I'd love to be interviewed! I'll be free from april to end of Aug can you send me the details so I might get into contact with him please Al? thanks a ton!
  18. Just a slight bit off topic, but would streamwatch be able to accept a law enforcement college student for a summer program? Or does in have to be some one directly in the F+W program? I certainly know where poachers are likely to be hiding!!!
  19. dude... I know people say this too often... but I seriously just spewed coke zero all over my keyboard and monitor... LOLOL ... crap now I gotta clean this up...
  20. The trout needs more Bling weedy. Maybe an earing or two, and a nose ring. Maybe some bling on the fins... fin studs... gold of course..
  21. we probably get a lot of inter-breeding with the coyotes and the wild native dogs from the reserve out here then I would guess... we got packs of "wild dogs"... killed my cats last year... they were quite large, bigger than shepards, and this wild "dog" in my backyard a few days ago was near twice that size.. makes the one in wolfies pic there look like a little puppy that's why I thought it was a wolf at first... had a pointy nose like a coyote... the exact coloration pretty much as wolfie's photo too...that's why I thought it was a huge, huge coyote... he ran away yipping tho. do we have "grey wolves" in this area? anyone know? that's all I can think of possibly what this may have been then if everyone's saying a real coyote would top out at 50lbs max... the thing probably stood 3ft tall at it's head??.
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