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Everything posted by Hawgstoppah

  1. they are on for sure get out there. matter of fact it may be starting to slow down a bit... or at least there were less bugs on the water today than a few days ago. Fish still cackin though!
  2. all booked, slight chance we might need one person for sunday 24th. next spots are aug 1st and 2nd. river should still be fishing very well by then. caddis is picking up now too.
  3. you have it all wrong! that's an expensive Cuban! those things smelled so good, almost had me wanting to take it up.
  4. stop in at southbow fly shop (between McLeod Trail and Deerfoot on dunbow road) or fish tales farther into town on mcleod trail at lake fraser gate area. both are awesome shops that will set you right up for what's working. Float options, day one glenmore to police, day two police to mackinnons day three mackinnons to carselend. you'll see the entire "blue ribbon" stretch. wave if you see a dark green hyde with a first nations lookin fish logo on it...
  5. ok the saturday is gone and the 29th is booked up as well. we still have room on the 24th, I have one person who is looking for a second. Going to be an excellent week, stonefly action still going on and caddis starting to pick up steam too!
  6. if you have a TFO rod might I suggest the classic "rod throw" at times like this. A good solid arcing shot into the bush with line dangling and reel singing is enough to make anyone smile! The no questions warranty will have you covered. LOL
  7. 29th now booked, looking for a second person to join a float for this weekend on either the 23rd or 24th my other guy is pretty wide open. Still room for one full trip as well on either the 23rd or 24th. Stonefly dry fly almost a gaurantee! double on the dry last week! Brian
  8. They did pretty good Bobloblaw! Thanks for sending them this way!! No comments on my flower pics? those were for you man!
  9. more coming later in the year. the bow is on fire right now, go out and enjoy it while it lasts!!
  10. Lots of awesome fish and great times with clients and on personal fishing trips too. Here's some of my favorites so far! enjoy!
  11. we now have some spots on the 23,24 and 29 of July. We can probably find a second person for you to split a float if you are just one person. Drop us a note, send us an e-mail, or PM me to arrange your trip, as always, tight lines! Brian
  12. sounds like a normal Bow river day bro! when you catch fish the river has a way of getting back at you!!! haha!
  13. Still looking to fill these spots. At just $400 for a Bow River float right now it is a great deal. It would be a total shame to have the boat sit for a few days while I know my clients could be having the kind of action we've been into the last 2 weeks. Still have 18,19,20, and we're looking at moving a float from the 21st to one of the other 3 days, so I may have the 21st instead of one of those days. Drop me a PM if you are interested! cheers and tight lines! Brian
  14. big weighted streamer + a bunch of extra splitshot and you'll be going down to where the big bulls live. Plunge pools are classic bull trout water as they wait and ambush any unsuspecting fish that falls over them.
  15. Bow River Adventures has a few openings for floats on Aug 1,2. The river is fishing very well lately, and the stones are going really good too. It's a good time of year for a big day on the river. You can drop me (Hawgstoppah) or Richard (dutchie) a PM on here and we'll be glad to get you out on the river. Please visit our website for more information at Bow River Adventures Tight lines!
  16. this used to just read "within 25 yards of a fish ladder". I am glad to see it read more clearly. I wrote a lot of letters. :$*%&: .
  17. if it was early morning on the bow recently, and they are large slurping loud boils, they are taking stoneflies. Try a large foam stonefly imitation of large stimulator. If it was evening it's more likely they were hitting caddis emergers, grab emerging caddis patterns and fish on a swing through the area of active fish and you should connect. If not try a small minnow-like streamer fished through the area, usually get their attention!
  18. Peter. the only fishing voilation (or any violation of any kind) I ever got in my life was becuase of the confusion regarding that exact rule. I even tried to fight it in court. Apparently you need to read the alberta fisheries act ... it's available online at the AB gov't website... Turns out fishing anywhere near any structure of any type (wier, spillway, etc) is illegal. I guess all the folks fishing the inlet at crawling valley for walleye better move eh? They can give you a ticket for fishing ANYWHERE within 25metres of ANY obsatcle, if the CO is having a slow day and feeling like being a dick instead of actually going out and getting poachers.
  19. It was a lot of fun Jason! Thanks for the kind words! That storm we barely beat into the vehicles at the end of the day was NUTS!!! I couldn't see 15 feet at times driving out to the highway.
  20. I've been running the Islanders on my small stream rods for the last 10 years and besides a clicker replacement, they are as good as new still. Fantastic and I am thinking about getting into one for my steelie gear too.
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