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Everything posted by bhurt

  1. John, Another thing you might want to look into is some type of insurance, check with sports canada if fly fishing falls under their insurance plan, as wit sports only cost $25 personally we make our players pay for it before they step on the feild, now this mind you is with contact sports but you don't want to have a kid slip and break something or worst drown and you have no insurance and the parents have nothing either.
  2. John, Just a word of advice, I do not know if you have it included or not but I would get release forms and medical forum, we use to have to do that all the time when I coached football basically it is covering your own ass. Also I would have on hand a crimal record (if any) report (you can go down to any cop shop and for $25 get a print out) of anyone that would be working with the kids. This is a standard thing with Calgary Bantam Football Association and Calgary and Area Pee-Wee and Atom Football Assoication and was something the league laywers made part of the league rules. These are just suggestions and would hate to see one bad parent or kid ruin it for everyone else.
  3. Couldn't agree with you more on that Jack, Hence why I told mike when we get out this week to try out mine, and also why Max also told Mike to stop by Southbow to try out the adventure series rod.
  4. It has nothing to do with the sponser beeing in town, I have personally been using nothing but Loop rods for the last year and a half and many others are the same. Personally I use the loop Multi's and the GASS cause in my own opion they best suit my own personal likes, and if I like something and someone asks what they should buy it is just natural that I would recommenxd something that I have used personally.
  5. Hey Mike, I like my 3wt 9foot Loop Multi real nice stick, when we get out this week I will bring it out for you to try out.
  6. Take it in to Springbrook here in town and you pay $30 per broken section and it is replaced that day, very easy and very fast to replace with Springbrook.
  7. Personally I do not like Sage myself, not because of the one bad experince with them but because I have found for myself that I like one product that cost about 1/2 the price and in my own opion is just as good if not better, its kind of spinning myself in loops (hint) Really I don;t care how long something takes or if I have to pay a small amount to get it replaced I just want to know what is happening, if sage told me right from the beginning that they wanted to see if they could find a replacement tip before upgrading and it might take a little bit of time then I would of been okay with that.
  8. Mike, I understand what you are saying but you are steryo-typing a store just because of one bad experince in one location, does it mean all the stores are that way. I'll tell you what come in to my store, and like I said before don't tell me who you are and see hat typeof service you get from me, and then go to another store location and see what type of service you get there, I bet you they will be very diffrent. Should I be labelled as given bad service because of experince you had in another store? Is it really fair to me? This whole big box or chain store topics sometimes gets me going cause there is alot of steryo typing that goes on and people have to realize that it is not the company that you got bad service from but that particallur location, like I said before I have been into main small stores and gotten absoultly crap service from does this now mean that the small stores are bad, no way just that particualluer store.
  9. The biggest thing with this topic really isn't about what is good and what is not but if the store that you shop at have your back. I hear alot of people saying big box stores don't, which in my own opion I think is a lot of bullshit, cause as I see it, it all comes down to the staff in the store regardless to weather it is a big box store or a small mom and pop's style store. I have gone into some of the small stores here in Calgary and been absoultly pissed off when I left cause of bad service, pushy sales people or aragont staff, those shops do not get my busniess anymore period. I do pick up some stuff from big box stores and other stuff I buy at diffrent places. What I am really tring to get at is know your shop and the people that work there, just cause it is a big box store or a small shop does not automatically mean that you are going to get bad service vs good service, it all depends on the staff. There is a huge misconception that big box stores are out to get your buck, but tell me this what business out there isn't out there to make a buck? What it really comes down to is not the type of store but the service you recieve at that place, if you don't like it don't shop there. Also wolfie, as with my sage rod, I was not pushy after 2 months of hearing nothing (I mailed it to them with the replacement money order made out to sage) I asked them about the status of my rod and if they knew when I would be getting it back. The first person I talked to had no idea of what I was talking about and said they checked the computer and there was no record of the rod (However tracking the ups waybill it clearly stated sage at received it) then the second person said they had it but it was on hold, when I asked why, I was told WELL YOU HAVE TO PROVE IT WASN'T MY FAULT, when I told the person that I had sent a money order with the rod just like the online isntruction told me (I also informed the person I wasn't looking for a free rod I just wanted mine fixed and would pay what I needed to pay to get it fixed) to do I was then told there was no money order and I was ling, then when I got the manager then checked once again and said yes they did get the money order. So after three people I finally got a answer, the whole time I was not pushy mean or demanded anything, I just wanted to know where it was, still took 6 months after that to get it back in my hands, but that was mainly because it was discounted and they had none in the warehouse at that time and whated to find a new tip before they upgraded me, which in my own personal opion is fine and dandy.
  10. Wolfie, I tend to disagree with you I own expensive rods and I own cheap rods and ask anyone that knows me I treat all my rods the same, and I know many people that own a TFO and have never had it break on them unless it was their fault. For the last three years I used a a tfo TRCIX and only had to replace the tip twice, once was cause I smacked it with a streamer and the second time was when I caught my line on a branch and yanked on it hard cause I was too lazy to untangle it, both where my fault and I should pay for it to be replace, on the other hand I have a sage 7wt 9foot SLT which I have used less then dozen times and have broken the tip twice on it, the first time I broke it I had to pay for a replacement part which took sage 8months to replace (this one might of been my fault I dunno though cause it was at night) when I finally got my new tip I used it once and guess what a borken tip again, when I called sage about it the reply I got back "PROVE TO US THAT YOU DIDN'T BREAK THE TIP YOURSELF" We'll see how long it takes for this one to come back. Does this now mean that Sage is not good? I personally think a TFO rod is great for beginners as its not very difficult to cast or doesn't cost you an arm and a leg and if you break it you can be fishin again within a day since their CANADAIN DISTRIBUTOR is located here in Calgary. I think this is the biggest reason not the fact that they can use and abuse it but if something does break on it they can have it replaced quickly, if Springbrook was not located here in calgary I think things would be much diffrent. However this discussion was about getting the service that you need from the store you go to. I know at my work we have strict rules about returns, if it is within 30 days no questions asked as long as you can show proof of purchase (bank statements or credit card statements are good for us too) Here is the thing though, I have seen alot of people come in with a piss poor attitude, and honestly how would you react to someone that is demanding (not saying you where) personally I would give the jackass *hit service, you get treated how you treat other, for example one day someone called me up at work I answered the phone with my normal greeting and I got about ****in time, needless to say I just hung up the phone without saying anything. My suggestion to most people is don't call, most of the time its just a waste of time, come in, in a friendly manner explain what had happened and I belive you would be surprised at how much people will try and find a soultion to the problem, the jerks usally leave mad and with nothing solved. Oh and by the way times havn't really changed (with the exception to this year) in the last 10 years pretty much the same, however this year is diffrent because of the recision alot of manufactures are beeing really picky with what they take back (They don't want to lose money on stuff) thus leaving the retail store or the distrubutor with eating the cost which in my opion is very unfair, so to pay a little bit extra isn't that bad of a thing, in the end everyone is happy. Oh and one more thing, hopefully the last, I guess you should of checked it before you left the store with it, not trying to pick on you but you say this and that and you expect everything to be in tip top shape but how do you know it was damaged at the store and not while beeing shipped to the store? Ever seen how UPS handles their freigt? So with that beeing said it is the manufactures resonability to replace the product and not the retail store.
  11. I would also like to add that with TFO, Springbrook is not the MAUFACTURE of the product they are the DISTRIBUTOR, so with that said how is it their fault? Also why do they have to pay for the replacement when it is a maufacturer problem, you want it replaced for nothing then deal with the manufacture of the product and not the distributor. Sure they get it for a discounted price but how many units do they need to buy in order to get that discount? In your cases wolfie I believe you should just get a replacement for the bad product, but if it happens after a year screw that, you should pay for it, and come on is the price really the outrageous, I think not. I have been in the retail industry for almost 20 years and 10 of that in a big box enviroment and you would be surprised at how many scams are pulled on a regular basis, I remeber a customer that came in one day wanting to return a laptop that didn't work after one year, looking at the unit I noticed a couple of screws missing from the bottom of the computer and upon futher investigation found out that the customer had opened up the laptop removed parts and replaced with very old components and was trying to pull a quick one. Scams happen more then what people think espically in big box stores, just cause they are a big box store doesn;t mean they are against you, come into my store, don;t tell me who you are and see the lengths I go to to help you out.
  12. I have to agree with you on this, this is the fault of the dump and not the bears or the F&W The biggest thing that we have to remeber is that we are the ones that are intruding on the bears, and the futher and further we expand into the wilderness we are going to see more and more wildlife.
  13. God Damn it gord, you have to come in while I am at work, I shake my fist at you...... And remeber Speyghillie know crap about spey fishing, still have the photo and still waiting for the right momment to use it. But on a side note, this is well worth it for anyone that is intrested in learning some spey stuff single or double and gordy and scott are excellent teachers.
  14. The problem with the bears is that just by putting up fences is not going to stop them espically when they turn into garbage bears, they lose their abilities to hunt and become dependant on the garbage they were once eating. In my own opion it is a lose lose situation, do you try and reloacate the bears which most of the time garbage bears end up dieing, kill them, which causes public out crying or leave them and allow them to go somewhere else and potientally hurt someone which causes a public outcry again and thus having to have the bears put down. Snakeman, not disrespecting you but it is easy to say what idoits or what not but what is a solution that satifies everyone, if there is even one out there?
  15. As a person that has played the sport since I was 5 years old (most people do not know but I lived half my life in the states) and ended when I was 18 (stopped playin cause I blew out my shoulder) and coached for close to 11 years I know my football extremly well, and personally it was the luck of the draw with last nights game. Calgary's Defense is decent at most times and the same could go with the special teams. Conditions where a huge factor (for both teams), ever played on slick artifical turf, easy for the offense to know which way to break on their routes, the snap count, and so forth and so forth. With the defensive team they have to rely on pure reaction which add a slick ground to the equation and it makes things alot hard espically on artifical turff, personally I like commonweath statium for the only fact that they are natural tuff, makes it more expensive in keeping it in condition but less injuries and you can actually dig your cleets into the wet ground and get more tracktion (Please note that with artifical turff they do not use cleets). Conditions is in no way a excess for a loss but it is something fans should take note of, but the biggest thing is that football is a TEAM sport and if both sides are not playin to their portintal then they will lose, losing Aroumor was a big hit to the defense (Even though the front office staff for the stamps will not say exactly why he was released {over aggresive at practice} I think he took a swing at one of the coaches and that is just a NO NO. Hufnagel (sp?) will get the team going, they may not win the cup this year (I personally hope they do) but they will be building another dynasty and that just does not happen in one years time.
  16. How true, I love it how people can spin things their way and then accuse someone of doing the samething, where I come from it calling the kettle black.
  17. Tonyr, I don't think you will find one person on this site that wouldn't say that their is without a doubt some eviromental issuses surrounding the oilsands that needs to be addressed and fixed, but here is a question for you, is there not some sort of enviroment damage done when drilling for oil. In a oil depended WORLD we need to do this so how do we fix it? Alternitive fuels, where are they? I see Hybrids but no true PRODUCTION vechilce that is 100% Alertintive fuel, so the blame is not only on the oil compaines but also the car maufactures that keep on producing vechicles that are depended on gas. Also you ccan blame the normal consumer also as they enable these compaines to keep on producting these types of vechicles. Lots of people and lots of compaines do we have to blame for the current state our world is in, and for the most part the biggest blame is on us as we allow these things to happen and hmm and hoo about them. Now for my quto. It was in reference to the current topic about things not beeing basis and Supremeleader comment that enviromental groups or CBC has nothing to gain. I disagreed with CBC having nothing to gain and stated why........
  18. Isn't CBC one of the largest broadcasting compaines in Canada? Also do they not depend heavly on veiwership and ratings? I dunno but I see lots that CBC has to lose. I must be crazy though.
  19. I couldn't agree more with you on this. Biggest reason why I do not read newspapers (with the exception of the sports sections mainly to find out game scores) or watch the news cause most of the time it is pretty one sided, and there is a old saying "GOOD NEWS IS BAD NEWS" If these are the only sources that I have in reserching something then so be it, but I do not look at it in Black and White. Plus how many times through history has a newspaper or media organization had to print a retraction for wrong information printed. There are lots of problems in the world that we all need to get a handle on, but people that base everything they think and say in outside sources in my own opion are nothing but puppets for the large media organizations. Personally I look for mutilple sources and compare notes and see if there are the same. 90% of the time there are to many diffrent things. I am reminded of another old saying" THERE ARE THREE SIDES TO EVERY STORY, YOURS, MINE AND THE TRUTH"
  20. No offence, but that is a fictional story in a fictional reailty, I would of used someone like Mr. Manson myself.
  21. You know what I find you pretty funny, and I think half your posts are there just to argue. Now if you are able to read you would of seen that I said to keep everything that has to do with the enviroment under the same thread and not to start 100 diffrent threads. NEVER DID I SAY WE SHOULD NOT DISCUSS THESE ISSUSE, instead I said tyo keep them to one thread, did you understand that or do I need to buy you hooked on phontics? I would like to know where I said not to discuss these issuse, once again you are only reading what you want to read and ignoring the rest or you are trying to start a fight cause you get some weird kick out of sitting behind your computer at some board of education station and start fights? Its not like none of us care about the issuse we are just sick and tired of YOU and the way you act and handle yourself. Nothing wrong with beeing passionate about what you belive in but I honestly think your main purpose, or hidden agenda is to start *hit here. Anyways I am done with this topic, can't wait to see your new thread about the same issuses. Oh and by the way it still has to do about the enviroment and the impacts to our enivorment and there are plently of tpoics about the enrivorment even opne about global warmming, and lots of topics about the oilsands and the impact it is having on our enviroment, so no thuis does not need to have a new topic, this threat is nothing but an argument anyways and is not talking about the issuses.
  22. I have read some articals (I will see if I can find them) from medical magazines (Will admit that half the words I read I don't even understand) but it states that children that purposly case down and hurt animals are more likely to be mean and aggressive when they grow older. Now not saying that this will happen to every kid but I can diffently see an impact, espically if the kids are not repremended for it. The kids will then in my own opion be more likely to do it again as they did not see the wrongs of their actions. I am a firm beliver that when these things happens and kids are invovled then it is very important to nip it in the butt, these kids showing these types of behaviours are our future. I use to snare gophers as a kid but that was about it, everything else we did was hunting related and was with in the law. As for the duck thing, I was surprised by some of the offenders comments such as we didn't know, so your telling me that there are places in canada that you can shot guns from a moving vechicle?????? People do dumb things at the best opf times and need to be reminded of what they are doing cause alot of problems we have are handed down from generation to generation.
  23. My only question is if it is not beating a dead horse then why do we need 100 diffrent topics about the samething or same topic (In the end it is all about the enviroment, might be diffrent stories but in the end its all about the samething), why not have 1 topic about it. If it gets pushed down from other posts, instead of making a new post just reply on that one. It is obviouse that you care for our evniroment and I can respect that but when I come onto the forum and I see a new topic about the same subject every week it starts to get on my nerves cause it is hard to shift through everything and read everything when it is scattered all over the place. If you think people will care then you don't need to start a new thread every time you find a new news artical. So how about this. How about anyone concern or wants to debate over this subject keep it to this thread and have no other threads start? My biggest complaint about alot of the things that you talk about is the fact that it is your way or the highway, alot of times you just back up your comments with news articals and personally I do not watch the news or read the newspaper because for the most half it is full of half truths and most of the time is a sespool (sp?) for inactrate information. Also if you are so concern with te species of the world then I guess you might as well hang up all of your fishing gear because it is more harmful to catch a fish then to leave it, but YOU IN YOUR GREED to catch a fish still do it. Might not happen in our lifes but sometime soon all the fishies in the river will be gone........ STOP FISHIN EVERYONE (Incase you didn't get it I was beeing sarcastic with my stop fishing everyone comment)
  24. Hmmm never had a problem getting a seat, probably because I reserve seats before I go
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