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Everything posted by acurrie

  1. What kind of Hackle do you use for the body???
  2. When I was near the southland bridge a few days ago about 4 "teen" males were lighting fireworks from the bridge into the river and air. It was annoying as hell when all you hear is "weeeeeeeeee......... BANG!" But after they let 10 or so go, they almost blew themselves up when like 4 or 5 fireworks went off right beside them.... the whole time I was thinking "Idiots". Of course they were laughing hysterically at there near death experience, truly Darwinism at work.
  3. Doesn't putting fruit in a drink make it a cooler? so it can no longer be called beer! especially at 4% alc.
  4. Doubt it. But it shouldn't be too hard to find the closest dealer. Here is there closest dealer #: 1-800-284-2247 They are nice boats! a little pricey, but nice.
  5. Freakin nice fish man!
  6. I concur, Columbia river rainbows get huge. I know that river fishes amazing in Spring, but not to sure about mid summer (probably still amazing).
  7. But then you leave out Stauffer, Ram, Clearwater, Red Deer, Prairie Cr, Fallen Timber, Little Red, Bullshead, ...etc etc It's just way to hard to pick! I know I couldn't do it. Just move here man, and make life easy for yourself
  8. First off, I don't believe there is really any SUPER EASY fishing anywhere. I mean if you say you don't know the "first thing about fly selection, fishable water, leader length, or indicator rigging" then I would grab one of Jim Mclennan's Books, preferably "Trout streams of Alberta" link: http://www.mclennanflyfishing.com/ for starters. The book also has a lot of maps, access points, campgrounds, flies etc etc. I don't know of to many places where you can tie on whatever fly you want and catch 100 fish/ day. But trying some different water and techniques should get you into a fair amount of fish. It might also be a good idea to start off with a guided trip down the Bow just to get your feet wet. Just my 0.02 Good luck, Drew
  9. AWWWW. Bambi's Mom i gonna be pissed!
  10. Don't worry, I'm stuck indoors as well. What CRAP!
  11. Don't forget about mosquito's either. When you wet wade in the middle of Skeeter season the Muskol comes right off and you'll get eaten alive!
  12. Awesome fish guys! One hell of a brown!
  13. Is this thread still going???? Holy Crap! Can't we all just go pike fishing together... I mean... Come on!
  14. Download Google Earth, that's probably the best way to find access points and directions. http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html -Drew
  15. L.L. Bean Rapid River Vest. Huge Pockets, hydration pack, Lots of storage, Lumbar belt for those long days, Built in Fly Pouches, retractors..etc, etc.. http://www.llbean.com/webapp/wcs/stores/se...n&cat4=9963
  16. Now the key is just finding the slow, deep, grassy inside edge.... Good Luck!
  17. Great fish fella's. I'm with SanJuanWorm... Location via PM... LOL Keep the great vids coming, Drew
  18. Might as well stay home, only small fish can be caught during runoff!
  19. I've been listening to Laugh USA the last few outings.. but that's Sirius.
  20. There are bonuses to living on the East central side of the city as well. You can get a 2000 Sq foot house for under $350,000! what a deal! Damn Calgary! time to move OUT of the city. I think I may just be sick and tired of being Land Locked for the past 15 years... I need an Ocean!
  21. I know some truckers use a catheter...
  22. I would say yes, it would affect how you live. If there are kids running through the street all day, dogs barking etc etc then it may not be what you want. If you have friends over later and have a patio party, the neighbors might not be as leaneant with noise, drinking and swearing.. etc. I'm not saying it's a huge issue, just that it is probably a better idea to live in a community that fits your lifestyle.
  23. I would rent first then. Maybe rent inner City for a few months and wait to find out where they will be working. Because if they buy in the SW and end up working in the NE that's about an 1 hour and 10 min drive with traffic. Plus, housing prices will probably dip down again in the Fall, Spring is usually the worst time to buy (although it's much cheaper then last year). My wife and I are D.I.N.K's as well, and there is no way in hell I'd move into the suburb's where every house has 2 kids (No offense intended). So if they plan on staying DINK's, then stay clear of the communities like that... i.e. Tuscany, McKenzie town, Cranston Just my 2 cents. Drew
  24. Awesome info guys. I think I might head out again this weekend and try my luck. I'm gonna keep telling myself "any hesitation.... Hook SET!" I'd consider even a 2 pounder a success! I'll let you know if I have any success. I forgot to ask, I have 30 lb wire leader at the tip... Any chance the pike are leader shy?? I'd guess no, but I really have no idea. Thanks Drew
  25. that thing is HUGE!
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