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Everything posted by acurrie

  1. great shots man!
  2. Its any vehicle over 12 years. Watch for Cracks in the Windshield that interfere with the drivers view, brakes are a big one (worn rotors/ pads), and i would guess no leaks in the exhaust system. Obviously this isn't everything, but easy things to watch out for. orrrrrrrr, you could just slip the mechanic $100 bucks....lol
  3. Just be careful in a belly boat!
  4. I first started fly fishing when I was going to school in Portland, OR. We used to hit up all the "named" rivers in the area, but to be honest i had no idea what i was doing. I finally thought i had caught a Steelhead and smacked it on the head as soon as i got it to shore (for Proof!), only to be told by my more knowledgeable fishing buddies that it was just a big Rainbow trout, and the trout season was closed. from that point on they named me "POACHER"....... lol oooooo, the shame!
  5. Come on now, Isn't there a Timmies on the nearest corner??? RRRRRRRoll up the rim to Win!
  6. Kelowna from a far looks like it would be a great place to live, but it seems more like a retirement community. And I recall many a trips through there in the summer time when the traffic was horrendous! Penticton would be a better option, has anyone ever lived near Invermere or Windermere, BC?
  7. I was just talking with my wife the other day about potentially moving from Calgary and getting away from all the hustle and bustle of the big city. Then we started to brainstorm some cool places to live throughout Canada (like: Halifax, Kelowna, Montreal..etc). So my question is: If you could live anywhere in Canada, and employment or cost of living weren't that big of an issue (not that it isn't), then where would you live???
  8. I'm with both of you. I'd much rather listen to Peter Lobardious on Sportsnet then the HNIC guys. Even though Lobardious says the names: Camallariiiiiiieeeee, Lombardiiiiiiiiiiieee, Bertuzziiiieeeeee, Pardyyyyyyyyyyyyy, and to top it off....... Giiiiiiiiiordano!
  9. The Watermaster ones look awesome. the Bottom is open like a pontoon boat, but u can get casting platform. They only weigh like 23lbs and fold into a backpack, and they are rated for 500lbs. They have 3 models, the grizzly, the Kodiak and a 2 maner. the cheapest is like $1200. It would be fun to take one of these down an Alaskan wilderness river for a week.
  10. Then why aren't the Scot's any good at it? LOL
  11. Damn, Rene Bourque may miss the entire rest of the season and possibly the playoff with what they are calling a "high ankle sprain". That sucks. May want to delve in the trade market and pickup a left winger.
  12. If i had to choose how I would go, Fishing with one of my closest family members would be my first choice. Sorry again for your loss. Drew
  13. I forgot to add the photographers name. It's Mike Montana, here is his Website: http://www.artbeat.ab.ca/a_ph_montanam.html
  14. Back in Spring 08 I ventured out to Wedge pond to land a few grayling (unsuccessful I might add). While i was just floating in the middle, waiting for the indie to move, some guy yelled down and asked if he could snap a few photo's from above the pond. He had mentioned (well, yelled) he was a Wildlife Photographer and wouldn't mind a few shots. He had what looked like a billion dollar camera with a huge Zoom lens and an assistant with him, so of course I obliged. So i just Kept on fishing, and smoking what was beautiful No. 1 Cohiba recently brought back from Cuba. As he left, he yelled and said he would leave his Business card on my car and he would Send me the photo's after he developed and sorted through them. Well, about a month or so after i finally e-mailed him i got the photo's. Here are a few shots he took (Not the most flattering poses, and I wish I had a bend in my Rod but hey.... what can you do).
  15. Awesome Video man. I've never seen it before.
  16. Good game tonight, although only listened to the final 30 minutes or so (damn PPV!). Glad to see us win another OT game, gives me hope for the playoffs.
  17. Well, I didn't actually do the math, but if your working 40hr/ week @ 11.00/ hr your making $440/week and 880$ a paycheque, and only 1740$ a month then you better have a tight budget (without income tax mind you). So you better be renting a 1 bedroom apartment for less than $600 month, eat only $200 a month in grocery, have no car payment, pay very little insurance and not purchase to many items you dont need. Just saying $11.00/ hour in Calgary with regular hours isn't very prosperous.
  18. Wow huge money... lol. Good for kids still in College or for some summer work, but you can't live on $11.00 an hr in Calgary unless you work 70 hours/week.
  19. I've never been in a Bass pro shop, but have been in Cabela's many times, and once you get over the shock and awe of the size it's really not that impressive (In terms of the fly fishing section). They seem to stock like 5-6 main items, but have like 500 of them in different sizes and colours.
  20. What do "Bass Pro Shops" pay there employee's? I could use a Career change!!!!!!
  21. Not exactly our best photo... but i like the Redneck quality of this photo...lol. The caterpillar is cool too.
  22. Many trips to the bow and bull's. explore the livingston, and Oldman... never been! Take the annual USA trip to montana and Idaho Try and gather a few brave souls to hike and fish Fortress lake Catch a few browns in the North Raven explore the Ram river and try and land some cutties
  23. acurrie

    Photo Test

    Yeah, you did it!
  24. Lol, nice. Is your Cat on a leash?
  25. I know this was a year or two back, but wow!, that is one damn big rainbow! heres the story as well: (From Trophytroutguide.com) Bend, Oregon and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada – Somebody once said, “records are made to be broken." One of the premiere freshwater world records fell a few weeks ago. Trophytroutguide.com announces that partner angler Adam Konrad of Saskatoon, SK., has landed the largest rainbow trout ever documented on 6-6-07. The huge fish weighed an astonishing 43.6 LB on a certified scale. With a girth of 34 in. and a length of 38.5 in., the fish was almost as big around as it was long! The fish came out of the Lake Diefenbaker system, which is a virtually unknown trophy trout fishery located in Saskatchewan, Canada. Adam and his twin brother Sean, have been pounding some of the biggest rainbows in the world for some time now. They both own IGFA line class records and now the all-tackle record, which just happened to be caught on 6 LB. test. A Mepps Syclops spoon did the trick. The old record has stood since 1970 when David White caught a 42.2 pound rainbow near Bell Island Alaska. Adam has submitted his IGFA application for the new record and a source at IGFA says that Adam’s application has been received and is in process. When the application goes through, Adam will hold the new all tackle world record for rainbow trout. Adam has partnered up with trophytroutguide.com to create a DVD with footage of his world record catch. This will certainly be something that trophy trout aficionados will want to see! Rick Arnold of trophytroutguide.com said this is a “huge deal” and one of the most exciting things to happen in the trophy trout world over the last 40 years. Congratulations Adam and Sean! This truly is the "fish of a lifetime"!
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