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Everything posted by esleech

  1. This is the second time I've heard you refer to this fish....you're not holding out, so that you can suprise us with a 30 inch _________ pic are you? I don't expect locations and wouldn't even want to fish "your" fish If you did, but I live for these kind of stories!
  2. I am so glad this did not happen to me...I would have done something REAL stupid. Makes for a real good story for the grandkids, 40 years from now when you'll only be able to use a hookless lure and you simply count the number of strikes...Granpappy was a foreward thinker!
  3. Ughhh...fished the highwood today. 3 to hand, and I stopped counting at 9 fish lost after 5 seconds on. I believe it is a combination of things: A real slow action rod(I like these), the fact that I was using 6X tippet and was tentative having broke off 2 earlier, the heavier current, what other excuses can I tell myself?!? I'm not kidding when I say I probably lost 15 fish! Normally, It doesn't bother me, but tommorow those cutties will PAY! MUHAHAHAHA!
  4. I know...I hate coming across big logjams...and expecting to see a decomposing body underneath...It would completely ruin my week.
  5. Don't have to ask me twice! 5th pic is the most beautiful fish I've ever caught...hybridized hybrid I think!
  6. Click here if the movie does not play.
  7. No problem bro! I'm glad to hear they worked!
  8. Yeah Max...NO BLACK...BREAK ITS BACK, then throw it in the pan!
  9. esleech


    I love fry! Signs of a healthy ecosystem. I think I see some of yesterdays lunch on that grass though!
  10. ROFL! Brian, are you what the trucking world calls a "LOT LIZARD"?
  11. I can't even find this kind of thing funny...just sad...I want to laugh...really.
  12. Damn it....you made me go out for a smoke now!
  13. A great site indeed. Glad to have been a member at the old site, and to have seen the changes happen in a positive way!
  14. HA HA! That is awesome..."the crack corner of your local detroit hood fisherman"
  15. Those are huge! Great pictures in all your galleries!
  16. Thanks for asking Lynn! The trip was awesome as usual ! Check photo posts.
  17. The sport is called fishing, not catching, as well. I agree, i do get frustrated too. Life always comes down to perspective.
  18. Well, I just got back from my trip. Hit the lake that I've been going to since I was eleven years old, and my grampa used to fish in the early 50's. One thing was different this trip...the lack of big fish. Don't get me wrong, it IS A BLAST, catching 40-50 fish in two and a half hours, going back to camp, have a few drinks, eat some fish and chips, and go out and do it again! The average of all twenty people in our group for fish size was 22-26 inches or 2-6 pounds. Quantity was excellent, my best was 4.5 pounds and six fish on consecutive casts. No trophys this time, but LOTS of fish were caught and I have many good memories from camp and on the lake as usual. I don't have too many pics of fish. No real need to have 300 pictures of 24 inch pike! Anyways, If you want to drive 8-9 hours and stay at a place where you can catch 100+ pike on the flyrod or spinning, in an afternoon, PM me and I'll give you the number of the camp. Here's some pics.
  19. Very cool. Is this spot closed year round, or just for a little while longer?
  20. OH! Centered pupils! Centered Pupils! Heh...
  21. Well, after a 2 year hiatus, I'm off to northern Saskabush for 5 days of slammin pike on the fly. The ten hour drive will be so fun! Anyways guys, I'll post next week with pics and details of my adventure! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
  22. And you wonder why I'm scared of Americans.
  23. I don't think many of us guys would mind that at all!
  24. Look even closer and there's this guy in the video, listen closely and you'll hear them speaking swedish! Thankyou pacres, you are the newly crowned king of the obvious! I'm leaving tommorow to fish these toothed torpedos up in North Saskabush! WOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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