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Everything posted by esleech

  1. Very good to hear. Stay strong my friend.
  2. The third one is great cause he says "you're a f**, jim kelly's the best", then eats it!
  3. Oh man, that was over after 20 seconds.
  4. esleech

    Foggy Day

    Nice cutts!
  5. Wow, nice laker!
  6. esleech


    Awesome! Thanks for sharing. Foreign fish are always more interesting!
  7. By the way, Clive is COLOMBIAN. Thanks Clive, very thrifty!
  8. esleech


    Very nice! Thanks for sharing.
  9. All you can do in the end is worry about yourself, and make a small difference with your OWN actions...and oh yeah, BEEYAH!
  10. Yeah, well I think they suck! Get it? SUCK! (birchy ain't got nothing on me)
  11. I've caught suckers that have put up quite the fight. But they always get a bum rap.
  12. This shooting BS has got to stop. I have so many things, I would like to say, but won't cause it would be "racist".
  13. That looks very practical...if the result is to look like a fairy. Just jokes, that's some good casting.
  14. Nice bull trout man!
  15. Nice fish Brian!
  16. Awesome! Rick, how much you want for a couple of those shark teeth? Of course being that it is legal, and the shark goes to good use in a soup or something!
  18. C'mon Brian...don't hold out!
  19. As the person that started this thread, I hereby decree a cessastion to all primitive fecal throwing, and declare that all who do not begin to post "different stuff from the bow", be excommunicated from the church of FFC, and, or be beheaded!
  20. esleech


    I could have taken that bear....I would have given him indigestion.
  21. esleech


    Thanks guys. It was a good trip...one of the last ones out of the FTR before the closure....and I'll be one of the first ones back.
  22. Congrats!
  23. What's up with the ultrasound in the background?
  24. Well, my buddies been guiding since 1979, so........I think I'll take his word. Although I do believe you didn't see any dead fish.
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