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Everything posted by esleech

  1. esleech


    Fished the Oldman on wednesday. I guess I got lucky, as I heard about the closure on the way home, and had decided to fish there last minute. I got there quite early, and was able to get the first fish by 7 a.m. or so. On the way, I happened to get lucky and see 6 nice mulies feeding on the side of the road. Anyways, While fishing a rather large pool, I happened to catch some movement out of the corner of my eye. Well, I'm just happy the "movement", was more occupied with a patch of berries and not me. Seeing as he was on the far side of the pool and oblivious to my presence, I moved away behind some rocks, and snapped a few shots. Not the biggest bear, but could still fudge you up pretty good. Anyways, fishing shut off to an extent around 11 a.m., and I counted 14 people between the gap and racehorse!? Pretty crazy, I'm glad the fish are getting a break. Finished the day off, at somewhat of a "secret" stretch, and hooked a few NICE fish on a #18 lime sally, but missed em all. Enjoy the shots guys.
  2. esleech

    My July

    Nice pics Max, I recognize some of the spots as well. Your composition on some of those shots is awesome!
  3. Someone mentioned a closure of the bow? Even though he was joking it might not be the worst thing they've ever done. A guide buddy of mine floated the lower bow a few days back and saw quite a few floaters, fish on their sides in the rocks. A reliable source in F&W, also informed me of the possibility for the bow being closed if we have another few weeks of this. Sure it would piss people off, but ethically, it should make you think.
  4. Actually the one guy got pretty bloodied up, and lost all his kit (clothes), they were brits.
  5. Great story! There should be a movie about Slick!
  6. Hey bud, The cascade ponds are full of little brookies. The only time I've caught them was in the evening after 9:00 PM, and all came on small dries. The creek that empties into the ponds is also full of brookies, some of them respectable in size. The river, below bow falls has a few nice fish, I've only tagged smaller fish there though. If your buddy is coming all the way from Germany, I recommend you do a drift on the upper bow with a guide.
  7. This is a very interesting post. The other night while wading slightly downstream of the bearspaw dam, this guy came down and was asking me about technique, flies, etc... After our conversation, I begin to cast a mother of a streamer, and promptly hook some mono line coming from the same guy, who is casting a HUGE len thompson spoon, who is standing about 15 feet behind me on the bank. I look down and see this line running right along my knee! I simply lost it. Something to the effect of "if you hook me, it will get real ugly"! The guy just looked at me, and left! Sometimes, as was said before, you have to "educate" the yahoos yourself.
  8. Very cool! Those sea trout taste good on the barbi? Any other species seen cruising?
  9. Awww crap...I can see the hole in my wallet already!
  10. Tom...pissed off? No, NEVER. He's a good guy though.
  11. Ok, Cool.
  12. That vid looks like single handed 9 foot rod to me.
  13. Awesome bass. I may have to hit that up next year. Thanks for the info!
  14. Thanks guys, yes, it has been a hot summer. Lots of shade on the creek though, which is perfect for sitting down midstream, and smoking a.....cigarette, yeah, a cigarette.
  15. LOL! Suckers get such a bad rap. I swear they fight better than walleye though!
  16. Awesome post! That is precisely the reason I can even fathom the thought of children in my future. Good on you for getting your kids into nature!
  17. Thanks Dryfly.
  18. Dude! Be realistic! Should they build a fence? Shoot it? How about YOU don't fish there anymore if you're concerned. Your statement is the equivalent of saying "get rid of the bears, dammit, there's people camping in the woods!" I'm sorry for being harsh, but you are OUT OF TOUCH.
  19. Did a little paddling last week up 40 mile creek in Banff, as well as the Bow. Fished a little, but managed only the smallest of the small, in the way of brookies. Saw some cool wildlife and enjoyed gliding along, as it had been a while since I last canooed...how the hell do you spell that anyways? CANNNOOOOOOEEEDDDUD!?
  20. Fished about 6 kms of a small creek on wednesday. It was a ton of fun catching cutties all day, and enjoying the slightly cooler weather (+25 or so with a few clouds). Anyways, most were small, but fun anyways, and I caught the usual respectable fish out of the smallest buckets(about the size of the fish)in a long featureless stretches. Hunted bulls on the way back to the truck, and had an amazing strike on a clouser, but missed em! Here's a few pics to enjoy.
  21. Bhurt, those are some sweet trout.
  22. Gopherboy, please shut up.
  23. Geez...good to hear you are OK. I know it'll happen to me eventually. I've encountered 6 grizz, but I've never once been charged.
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