Fished the Oldman on wednesday. I guess I got lucky, as I heard about the closure on the way home, and had decided to fish there last minute. I got there quite early, and was able to get the first fish by 7 a.m. or so. On the way, I happened to get lucky and see 6 nice mulies feeding on the side of the road. Anyways, While fishing a rather large pool, I happened to catch some movement out of the corner of my eye. Well, I'm just happy the "movement", was more occupied with a patch of berries and not me. Seeing as he was on the far side of the pool and oblivious to my presence, I moved away behind some rocks, and snapped a few shots. Not the biggest bear, but could still fudge you up pretty good. Anyways, fishing shut off to an extent around 11 a.m., and I counted 14 people between the gap and racehorse!? Pretty crazy, I'm glad the fish are getting a break. Finished the day off, at somewhat of a "secret" stretch, and hooked a few NICE fish on a #18 lime sally, but missed em all. Enjoy the shots guys.