I hit up the Oldman yesterday at an ungodly hour. Lets just say, that the stars are real visible south of Longview. Anyways, I figured it would be a little early for good fishing, but the season is drawing to a close soon, and I couldn't sleep. I decided to hike down to the confluence of the oldman and the livingstone, begin fishing downstream, and then fish all the way back up. To cut a long story short, I saw 1 fish rise all day, caught 2 PIG whities, and one real nice cutty. Sorry, no pic of the cutty, must have been close to 20 though. I hooked him on a 18 CDC bwo, and the hook popped out at my feet. What worries me, is the lack of fish. Is this not a particularily good stretch? Been pounded too much? Fish moving at this time of year? I didn't see more than 10 cuttys, and no bulls in the pools or runs. Irregardless, it was still great to get out, and hell, I didn't get skunked.