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Everything posted by esleech

  1. I know a dude who consistently catches fish over 5lbs out of there. The dude is 90+ years old though, and is a mighty fine fly fisherman. I would think the broods would do quite well in there. It's a big lake, and not too many people that fish there know what they're doing.
  2. Some ice just below the joint on the "male" end works.
  3. Yo max, that's the new "flyfisherman" magazine. I think?
  4. Sorry, I'm a beer and couch kind of guy. Not a swivel chair and mountain dew kind of guy.
  5. Very nice fish and pictures, Glen. I am impressed you caught that many out of ghost. Tough lake to fish somedays.
  6. I'd say it is a pretty good reel. Large arbor for fast line pick-ups, and okumas are quite reliable. It is an entry level reel though, so don't be suprised if it doesn't last ten years.
  7. Nice fish man. Pike on the fly are a blast. What patterns did you use?
  8. Yes, it is fishable from shore. I caught most of my rainbows within 30 ft of shore there. You can also go to the hatchery itself. Lots of bows hanging around their old homes. Go across the lake by ferry and follow the highway that parallels the lake to the right. Turn right at the "can gro" sign. I would hit that buffalo pond troutpond first though. There are tons of fish in there. Theres usually an older fella fly fishing there...drives a forerunner.
  9. It's fish o mania...not rama! Geez get your foreign carp tournaments straight! Geez!
  10. Dude! Tiger beetles or perch streamers on deifenbaker would be DYNAMITE right now. Go to the riverhurst ferry and fish the big bay just to the left it. My best bow came out of there, a ten pound beaut. You can fish goldeye on the sask river right in town, or zip to the forestry farm stocked trout pond in town. There is a pretty good pond in buffalo pound provincial park. Lots of BIG brood stocks, tiger trout, and brookies. Have at er.
  11. Whoa...that's a fugly fish in the best way!
  12. Amazing pictures as usual. Man, I've got to get after those gobblers sometime!
  13. Nice rainbows. That's a pretty good gift from the wife.
  14. Greys G series 9ft #5/6 3pc. Awesome rod for the coin, if you like a fairly slow rod.
  15. Kyle man! Let's head out this year! Newell pike?
  16. Very neat. Can you get permits to start a personal collection?
  17. Thanks. Not too bad a walk, about 20 minutes. The trick is where you park. PM me if you want to know.
  18. Fished blood indian yesterday, and man what a day! Left Calgary at 5 am and was on the water by 8. Must have slept half the way there, and was raring to go. Amongst the three of us, we hooked a fish nearly every cast for the first hour, and then spent some time warming up and exploring the lake. The evening was STELLAR! A slowly stripped purple leech under an indicator was getting hit nearly every cast, with numerous double headers. A big thanks to my fishing buds for taking me out there, and putting us on fish all day. As for fish sizes, there was nothing huge, mostly footballs around 12-16 inches. Nothing photo worthy.
  19. Hit the bearspaw res today. Fished where the bow comes in hoping to nail a few lakers heading into the bow to spawn. The wind was nasty, but I managed a nice cutbow pushing 20 ins , and lost three others, one of which was a very big rainbow. They definetly fight different in there, cartwheeling and running deep.
  20. esleech

    Bc Steel

    Nice shots! I like da bears.
  21. Good job man, thats a nice brown.
  22. Stop bonking all your fish and they won't be so scared of ya!
  23. Rotti cross? Glenmore can be tough. I've only caught them on the spinning gear there (GASP) .
  24. Thankyou Brian. I'm guessing you read that in a book about trout?
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