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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Secondary sexual characteristics. Some fish retain em, some fish don't. Also, look at the size differences in your examples. I could be said that the silver ones are not yet sexually mature. Also to do with water quality, light attenuation and a bit food. I've caught dark purple rainbows that live under logs their entire lives. They stay DARK because they rarely swim into the light.
  2. Actually, I'm on the very bottom of your list. I icefish. But I also hate using indies cause they're boring. I've even been known to roe fish for springs. But that's all in the past, well except for the icefishing. Because it takes way more skill than flyfishing
  3. Let me know when you're done on the soapbox
  4. Like I commented on the vid, 3.5lbs max.
  5. And yet you wonder why BC charges you a wackload to fish per day. It's a guided trip, whether you think it is or not.
  6. A tip from me: Stack your squirrel tail.
  7. Beauty. That's all ya need., I stopped tying hackle on mine long ago. Works just as good without it. I would work on cutting down your buildup around the bead next. But you will ALWAYS have buildup on the PN. Here's what I use as a PN
  8. Hey Max you got anything around April 20th? Or is that too early? We want good fishin if we're gonna drive that far
  9. :rolleyes: They're actually becoming stunted. And the sewage spill was over ten years ago...
  10. Silly Kyle. Pike on a trout forum. When we goin goose shootin? I don't know jack about pike but I'll go out on a limb and say they're similar to walleye? So you got two options. 1) Remove some mature adults (who are possibly too old to spawn, however a stage rarely reached in fish) to avoid excessive harvests on juvenile fish, which are your future harvestable fish populations. As long as the adult harvest is sustainable and you're still meeting your spawning success rates, you're all good. 2) Remove a small number of juveniles (as you seem to prefer) and keep the big boys for guaranteed spawning success, which can potentially lead to an overpopulation of stunted pike? The two management approaches will be used differently under different circumstances. I think. I don't know jack about pike though. I'm more or less guessing based on what I know about slot sizes, which ain't much.
  11. You aint gonna buy this. But I can't eat fish. I developed an allergy to eating them 2 years ago
  12. Ya no joke. Anyone with two pennies to rub together had better be bidding on that auction considering I've given up food for a box of Toolman's worms.
  13. Self taught @ age 12. I don't cast like anyone you know.
  14. Then pull your head out and remember that the MANAGERS (the people that make decisions about fisheries, the ones with the brains) have almost no say in their budget allocations. So if in fact you are complaining about BUDGET allocations, don't blame the managers, blame your tight fisted conservative government, and LOBBY for more SRD dollars.
  15. GOT A BETTER IDEA!!!??? I don't see MSc after your name bucko! THAT KIND OF TALK PISSES ME OFF
  16. One final word before I go back to the bushes. Why not let the fish managers manage the fish? There's a reason for these people you know. They're good.
  17. Tako

    Lime Trude

    But is very satisfying to those of us who tie OCD style and ALL HAIRS MUST BE LINED UP......*twitch* I don't think you need to make the wing longer, but another vote for a bigger hackle.
  18. 122 user(s) active in the past 60 minutes Active Users 74 guests, 45 members, 3 anonymous members Tako, Wanny, Byron, birchy, rickr, KnotLikely, headscan, 126barnes, Red, Jokey, pisces, ifulton, bigbadbrown, BIGJ, iree, walker1, alhuger, Bravo, pacreseltoro, retread, Stimmy, Crogg, Hopper, gadfly, PeteZahut, greenteal, Islandguy, fegus, xavier, adams, ham, annapolis, JFO, fishinhogdaddy, kritofr, trex, FFF, Tpetey, SanJuanWorm, pkk, Maximum, johna, Din, KingSalmon, bloom It ain't rocket science folks
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