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Everything posted by Tako

  1. Here's my nearly complete go-to nymph box. Closeup of the black stretchflex wing case. How does it look? And my 'needs lots of work' lake box. I don't like fishing lakes much, and can usually get by with leeches and chonnies, so this box typically gets shafted.
  2. Jmasson have you ever fished for pike or eyes in the lower smoky? Pretty nice fish down in the lower end. near Fox Crk. I'll dig up a walleye pic
  3. All the big names are dropping out! Maybe I have a chance!
  4. I won't fish for bulls during those months. Pisses me off to see people holding up bright orange bulltrout. If that's the only time you can be successful targeting bulls, you suck.
  5. Word. But if you've got a quad, I know some redic holes. I mean redic like you've never seen before.
  6. *Try* to stay away from the bulls if you go in August, as they are very close to spawning.
  7. I dunno, August was pretty good. And I know a lot better places than the bridges As long as I get the job I want, I'm there
  8. You got me Din. The easy answer is whitefish. But I say it's a grayling
  9. No coho in that river I am down like a clown. Give me when and where.
  10. I would kill to have that many supplies To poor. Nice setups guys
  11. Stillwater nymphs can be anything from brown to yellow to black to red. Olive, tan and brown are your most common. I like this as a general searcher pattern when fish won't take my usual assortment of leeches, scuds, chironomids and dragons. It's simply a marabou feather tied in as a tail and wrapped forward on a size 10 hook. Looks like any type of bug. Mayfly, damsel, leech, whatever. It works
  12. I happened to be catching these on the same fly Photo-whore mode off
  13. Educational purposes. That, and I don't trophy fish Welcome aboard
  14. lol.....lmao too funny I guess I'm lucky, growing up in a family full of carpenters.
  15. How do you do that?? I still haven't figured it out
  16. Minus the hackle, which I find is useless.....enjoy BH Prince Nymph
  17. There is LESS (read: LESS) friction on the guides. The ridging of the line puts less surface area on the guides. IE: the purpose of the line. The reason it will probably mangle your hands is because your hands will form to the line, and are a lot softer than your guides. You guys are making it difficult not to buy one of these
  18. HA! Don't bother with BC. The gov't is making a huge push to increase angler numbers
  19. Good one Bobbers A few got it and a few didn't. I think ausnuck cheated It is a yearling chinook. The spacing between the parr marks, lack of spotting on the adipose fin and somewhat hidden anal fin were the giveaways. This was a tough one even for me, as I second guessed my original guess of chinook (thinking they should have migrated out of the system already) and thought rainbow briefly. A quick email to a prof cleared that up Good guess on coho smolt weeds But there's no white edge on the anal fin. Greedy little beggars. I caught 5 of them on that same pattern!
  20. Release them outside the city, so they compete with native critters. Wonderful. Those folks should have their knees busted.
  21. The fish was caught in British Columbia
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