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Everything posted by Gil

  1. Can anyone confirm the gate is open now?
  2. I've been looking forward to fishing the Skenna again this summer. Here are some of my ties...
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  3. I've had ultra light weight reels warp as well. A reel can definitely be too light. Just bought a Hatch for that reason...
  4. Ive lost track of how many rio lines I've bought. Every year I seem to buy at least one. Never had that issue. Cracking ---yes
  5. I found the same thing with smaller stimulators. Drastically smaller sizes than the real thing can be fantastic at times....
  6. I have a norvice and had a peak prior to that. The norvice is ok but perhaps not worth the money I spent. The peak on the other had as a first vice was a solid investment.
  7. Anyone know if it's open now?
  8. Choice of fishing style shouldn't come into. Poaching is the issue. Public caning is the real solution....
  9. If you start brewing your own beer I'm sure we can work something out...
  10. Pontillo furniture, WhiteFish Montana... A one man show. Nice guy
  11. I imagine some of you have a similar issue. I tie more than I fish and am constantly running out of boxes etc. Last fall I decided to solve the problem by picking up a custom made fly case in Whitefish Montana. Three weeks to build it. Ended up driving down as shipping was going to be a bitch. Love the desk. Only issue is its already getting full...
  12. Would love to try bamboo one of these days...
  13. It is hard to avoid conflict when one of those user group is destroying what some of us love. Time for significant changes...
  14. These are the people I hate....
  15. CBC was covering these guys on the radio today. Couldn't be a better cause. Save the fish and one of the most beautiful areas in the country (in my opinion). Random camping needs to go...
  16. I recently figured out I love going after pike with poppers. Starting playing around on the bench today...Foam body with epoxy coating....
  17. 12 years with Louise Shotton now. No issues...
  18. Have a 3 weight. Love it. Great rod
  19. Preparing for our trip to the Missouri River Mo this summer....Very easy tie.
  20. Played with a few new versions of a stone. Settled on this one. Takes a bit longer than I'd like but like the look.
  21. I agree with Murray. If it was me I'd go to a 4 before a 5 for the versatility on other water and the fact that I prefer a 4 weight for dry (excluding hoppers and stones ).
  22. Gil

    New Vise

    I have a peak. Solid vice that I've been happy with. Just bought a Nor-vice at the show. Yes Norm sold me. Still adapting to it. Having some difficultly with flies that require tying lower on the bend like midges Might need to get the small fly attachment. Another $100
  23. If you are using an slr camera you can by close up lenses attachments for a low cost that allow you to focus in on close objects
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