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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. Brownstone


    yeah, your looking at a minimum charge of GST + 5.00 handling fee on anything over $40.00 from US more and sometimes more if its handled by a courier .. so consider that into your price ..
  2. Offically twenty something .... have a gooder meng...
  3. I know there use to be brooding Brookies @ Raven, but can;t recall seeing any Browns..went to Allisononce when passing through for a tour but it was closed
  4. I have no idea, I know most brookies come from the east but some sort of virus/parasite or something has slowed the process this year.. atleast from one particular supplier, apparently they are hard to find..
  5. thats what i said - "cool..quite possible there was a brookie in the stock .. as for the cross between a brown and rainbow..don't think they can interbreed..but browns can breed with brookies I think..very interesting" i leave ideas open with phrases such as "I think" or "don't think" as not to come off as a know it all ... guess i'll have to try harder .. Sun - dunno where to get Browns but can get you some lovely triploid Rainbows....and with some luck some Brookies by the end of summer ..
  6. My girlfiend backpacked Costa Rica by herself two years ago without incident also..but that does'nt mean every canadian who goes down there will have the same experience .. I personally know people who will not go back (one of which robbed at gun point in Villahermosa) and i know people who have loved it so much that they have relocated .. take it as you want, but the truth is, there are places/times you are indeed at risk..there are places in parts of the US that are as equally sketchy that I won't ever visit...just because... and i agree canadians are not a target..
  7. I think that a persons opinion is just that .. he's entitled to speak his mind ... saying that, I'd go to Mexico only on an all inclusive "stay on the resort" type of thing..maybe I'm foolish in thinking this way or maybe I don't want to be another statistic....I know it's not indicitive but i know guys who went to Mexico (& countries in SA) and have been brought to site by armed guards with 15 foot fences and advised not to leave the compound for "thier own safety" .. I know this is not typical for the whole country but ......................
  8. Terrible very unfortunate..would'nt go there if they paid me ..literally..I'm after turning down several opportunities to go to Mexico to work.
  9. cool..quite possible there was a brookie in the stock .. as for the cross between a brown and rainbow..don't think they can interbreed..but browns can breed with brookies I think..very interesting
  10. ditto..best way to stay safe.. hate see a fellow rider involved in an accident..
  11. sometimes I carry a hydration bladder on really warm days when i wear a vest..mine is 2L and it can definatly weigh on you when its full .. and will warm fairly quickly and can make your back uncomforably cold..Ive also tryed freezing 500ml bottles half full on their side and fill the remainder just before you head out..i find this system better for distibuting weight and keeping your drinking water cooler for longer..
  12. it hurts to get rid off a vehicle your attached too..sold my 98 ram last spring with about 400,000 k on it .. seemed like the responsible thing to do at the time cause as it was starting to cost me money in "little" things .. she was loud and smelly .. but i loved her..
  13. Thanks, don't really know to tell you the truth..but it seems pretty durable..I have a tendancy to use what i can find on hand when im tying
  14. your going to hunt trout redds? :lol: have a good trip..give a red a big sloppy kiss for me
  15. alot of competition for food amongst the locals
  16. ummm...yeah..hopper dropper, foam hopper or similar with nymph(s) underneath it .. very popular, not sure what you mean by tube fly in regards to a hopper .. i know of tube flies..i.e. a small tube with feathers tied around it, you run your line through it and tie on a hook or another fly .. mainly used for salmon or steelhead fished down and across..pretty popular with the two hander fisherman..
  17. cover everything....slow,fast,shallow,deep, if you get a follow with no strike..change it up, Bulls are naturally aggresive mainly due to the fact food is scarce in their enviroment so they will eat when given the opportunity..most times.. .if you know there are fish in a certain place and fish for them for awhile with no strikes, best to move on and try someplace else..your best chance at some action is to present to a "fresh" fish..
  18. have seen a few "sick" looking bulls come out of there...half of them are afraid to eat I think .. there are fish in rough shape everywhere, perfectly normal, survival of the fittest .. don;t forget, that fish is older than the average pet dog
  19. sssssssssssssnakey ..
  20. Was pretty bad in Didsbury yesterday could'nt see across the street for the most of the day, woke up this morning to a nice blanket of snow probably one of the more significant snowfalls of the season.
  21. very nice, looks like a nice day
  22. Cool video..looks like a good trip
  23. That's terrible news, all my best to you and yours .. get well soon ..
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