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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. 1. Strawberry, turkey. brie on ciabatta 2. all the ones that work of course 3. half? 4. You can;t even imagine (sorry Rick) 5. Everything you need to know 6. I don;t often drink, but will bring your drinks of choice 7. Tell who? 8. ummmm...sure if you really want me to 9. I won;t even tie on a hook In all seriousness, we should organize an inflatable flotilla to start the season out right..I have a two person inflatable.
  2. May 5th - Boy April 28 - Girl
  3. Interesting, Iv'e always considered alder to be more of a weed than anything else..never heard of or considered smoking with it..minght have to give it a go
  4. Plenty of Walleye in the Bow..just look below the Box
  5. Alder for smoke..I'd imagine that would be fairly bitter no?
  6. can I get an amen .. .. ..
  7. hmmm..very helpful..they told me it was weather balloon but i never believed them until now..
  8. Wow nice work Newf
  9. The two days I spent in your booth at the show last year was enough to convince me your both a little CRAZY (the good kind) Hope to get out fishing with you two someday.
  10. Nice Pics Courtney, That last one is awesome, That crazy Scot staring down a black bear .. poor bear
  11. Anybody have experience with these boats or know someone who has one? These look like awesome boats..
  12. need them..no like them.. yes, at least on larger rods grew up fishing 8wt w/o a butt on the east coast, never even seen a rod with one till I moved west, I like them on larger rods for a little more support along the back of your arm while landed a nice fish and I find they offer more ruggedness and protection when you have you have to lay down or drop your gear. I also like to plant it in my gut when I'm fighting elusive Bow River Blue Fin.
  13. very well said Rick, I agree 100% NE BC has more gas than northern Alberta, it truly would be a shame to see an ecological disaster anywhere in regards to a spill or such but BC is no differnt from anywhere else .. you can't have your cake and eat it too ..
  14. Brownstone


    sorry for your loss, all the best to you and yours..
  15. Awesome spiders Flyangler .. Ignorance is bliss, if you knew how may times you were within feet of Widows and Rattlers you would stay out of the southern parts of the province.. nice photos DBT
  16. may I add .. WOW .. some guys need to calm the fack down I fish 5 and 7 .. I have a 9wt 14' but barely know how to cast it and still haven't got the whole spey dealy..
  17. I voted for capital punishment but this is a start..thanks for the post Don
  18. can't wait I got a gift certificate for xmas .. as for your guys who think that big ass building is gonna be full of fly fishing gear, your gonna be dissapointed, Ive been in a few and best I can say is it is very similar to Wholesale Sports only bigger but with more "attractions" (I'll call them for lack of a better word). BPS will not offer much competition to your local fly-shops, but will be a larger threat to places like Wholesale Sports, The Fishing Hole, Campers Village, MEC etc. Its an all under one roof place, not a fly shop. I bet you'll smile when you walk through the doors and say wow thats cool about a dozen times your first visit .. just my 0.02
  19. you can get eyes made of glass that are only a fraction of the weight w/o loosing any size
  20. wow....scary stuff Canada will probably buy that sub as a fixer up'er
  21. don't know that one but I bet it would do good "up the coast".
  22. Definalty looks like a staple pattern, last summer was the first summer in 7-8 years I never made it back to the coast, and missed out on the best salmon runs in years, since I've been alive as described by a few, but I keep telling myself it was just to rouse jelously..
  23. I've seen 'em with a blue throat similar to a blue charm, but don't remmeber a full hackle like that one. Never fished them in my rotation, even though the Humber is pretty much where I cut my teeth.
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