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Everything posted by Brownstone

  1. Just looked through about 50 pictures of fish.. all larger fish 18+ and this is what I noticed. if the fish is lying on its side in the water, most times down turned eye (at least the one that is facing the camera) If the fish is being cradled by hand just barley out of the water, most times down turned but a few blank stares.. If the fish is on it's side out of the water, most lying in a net on the rocks (not proud of this but, some real old pics and Im digging for facts) more blank stares then down turned eyes. got a few snap shots of fish underwater and ALL have blank stares .. but I don;t for one minute buy the hydrostatic pressure theory (just my belief) in a few inches or even a foot of water .. a foot of water will produce 3 kPa - you'll get a larger pressure change from nice to bad weather or vice versa. nowhere near enough pressure to effect the eyes (again my belief). AND..of all the pics I have of Whitefish..ALL have a blank stare regardless of position .. take this for what it is but all i know for sure is I have two rainbows in an aquarium and both have the ghostly stare you could imagine & their eyes move in the socket not unlike ours do, and as far as i can tell..they are very happy fish either or .. handle your fish with care and do everything you can to ensure a safe release..even if it means missing that perfect pose .. who wants a picture of a soon to be dead fish ?
  2. sneakin out in the am for a few hours .. gonna try and make an appearance on my way home..
  3. where did you learn the main channel of the bird sanctury is closed to walking and wading? not saying its a bad idea to have it closed. from the Western Headworks Diversion (W.H.D.) Weir downstream to the Carseland Weir (includes 500 m of the Highwood River) but excluding all waters in the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary (see Inglewood Bird Sanctuary) – Open all year. Apr. 1 to Mar. 31 – Trout limit 1 under 35 cm; All trout over 35 cm must be released; Mountain Whitefish limit 5 over 30 cm; Bait Ban. Inglewood Bird Sanctuary (SE12-24-1-W5) – All waters, including back and side channels within the Bird Sanctuary and not including the main channel of the Bow River – CLOSED.
  4. yeah I dunno dude...bored? GO FISHING
  5. NAY .. blondie stays less you wanna make it a total sausagefest btw .. where is Tiana these days?
  6. I'm gonna try buddy..hopefully theres a ton of school work to be done by the better half..realize its a 250 km round trip for me to hit Fish Creek as well so thats a factor when you drive a full size pick-up .. but wait maybe she'll lemme use her Jetta? hmmmmmm........
  7. 1 - 14' 9wt Loop Black 1- pfluger trion 1912 reel c/w 550 gr Rio Skagit + cheater END TWO HANDER LIST I enjoy spey casting cause its different, its the fishing i have a problem with not the over purchasing
  8. this belongs in the shack nasties thread TWO PLANKER!!!!
  9. WHAT?!?!?!? I call for mutiny against Capt. Weedy, he's obviously delirious from the scurvy, .. give him one in the poop deck and send him to deck 5 with a bag of lemons..
  10. Aye, was only out 4 times last year..four days in a row in Breckenridge CO .. work seems to get in the way of life something serious past couple years
  11. <gag> I dunno what it is with Newfs and vienna sausages, potted meat (dunno how they can call it meat) & baloney..
  12. It's bad luck to set sail without a Newfie eh .. especially with all those women onboard and you will need a translator for your guide anyways
  13. what about the rod racks? I got a set you can have cause ive lost faith...just lemme go a round with Tigers old lady and they are yours ..
  14. don't taze me bro!!!! give cops an alternative to guns that can be just as dangerous I think thats why you hear about deaths cause they are using it way too much and its turned into a percentage game..
  15. ya know..this place is way more fun when people expect you to be an ***hole
  16. dunno buddy..I was born on the banks of the Miramichi (not literally.. about 200 yards from in a hospital) but moved to the Rock when i was like 2 so Im gonna claim dual citizenship on this one since a Caper ain;t nuddin but a Newfie who never had change for the ferry .. I'll let you two have it out .. but I'll warn ya those herring chokers are wirey bastards
  17. how would you know if you've only been here since Septmeber .. he he he he he
  18. I was quite impressed with Mcains loser speech too..
  19. wow there is some genuine hate on here eh? .. negativity gives me heartburn especially when fishing is involved..and all this talk about steelhead feeding and *hit .. you talk like those anadromous trout are the be all end all of sportfishing a benchmark of sorts .. im sure steelheaders on the coast would get a get kick out of this thread .. guys who fish them all the time .. Im sure they got the what when and where figured out much like a good population of this community does the Bow .. no matter how good/bad you are at something there is always somebody 100 times better/worst. Fact is..sea run anything can be difficult to catch at times and other times difficult to keep off your fly .. so go chase your Christmas steel when they are fishing well..and preach how you are the master cause you done well on a three day trip and why your at it pull your head out of your ass and try and realize when the fish are feeding hard a newb with a broomhandle, string and a paperclip could probably land a fish..fishing anadromous fish is 80% timing and 20% luck
  20. I'd believe it for sure, my dad was a radar tech in the RCAF back in the late 60's and went to Biloxi for a "training" seminar that was suppose to be three weeks long, after a month, he moved my mother down there and stayed for 4 more years as the instructor. He was actually employed by the USAF and had to ask for a discharge in '74 when my mom became pregnant with my sister. not to bad for a crazy canuck .. ("stupid" Newfie at that) .. but hands down the best military EQUIPMENT
  21. Hundreds of miles eh?.... so are you trying to say that by next summer we're all gonna have to take up kite fishing on the Bow to catch fish .. ?
  22. you gonna step up or keep thinking up *hit to add to the same lame post .. thats three edits and still strugging .. maybe you should stick to taking pictures of hoppers .. I got a species of hopper for ya GRASS!! never ever seen a hopper jump 200 feet into the middle of the river where all the fish are BTW - Benny Goodman was the king of swing oops EDIT : DING DING DING!!!
  23. all this coming from a man who last year claimed he did'nt wear waders because the fish were only a rods lenght away..now that he can half assed cast that big ass stick of his (which is 10 times easier to cast than a single hander anyways) all the fish are holding in the middle of the river oh how the river changes suppose next season you'll need a 100 yard drift to catch any fish if you take up centre pin .. as for the superior intelligent fly fishers .. I know who you fish with .. and intelligent does not exactly come to mind .. do I have it right, is this how this thread is suppsose to work? .. I have a hard time being an ***hole
  24. After some research, I found that in a basment setting in our climate a chiller should not be nessesary, I turned off the heat to the room in the basement and even in July when I filled the tank and began it circulating the temp reached a max of about 65F. For filtration Im running two Fluval 403 canister filters which will do about 300 gph each, the water has been nothing but crystal clear and Ive yet to clean the filters since the fish have been in there,ammonia & nitrate levels are non-exsistant. I circulated the tank for about 2 1/2 months, conditioning it with beneficial bacteria (cycle) and nothing else. The fish started eating about 10 days after introducing them and now seem to have an insatiable appetite, I usually only feed them once every other day.
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