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Everything posted by dutchie

  1. hey thanks allot guys i'm looking forward to getting the mag for reading this winter , i was having a tough time deciding on which picture to send in myself , here's my other choice that i thought about , feel free to use it if you guys want it , it's a little 3 inch wide drum brass face perfect hardy with all 3 logo's ,
  2. i'll say hi to Bob for you and pass on about your rod getting sent by USPS to the wrong place , it will show up , you should be able to get all you shipping cost back if it's there screw up , had it happen to me lots on mailing and getting reels , now if the postal system is 1 day late, i put in a claim for the shipping cost all back , dame we pay enough to mail stuff and when they say 8 days , it best be at my door in 8 days , i'v always had a disliking for USPS , they always seem to be a few days late , the best is UPS or fed x , cost a bit more but never had anything broke or lost by the way , what model rod did you order and got coming when it does show up
  3. Bow River Meiser Spey Clave 2010 hosted by Bow River Adventures I am please to announce the Bow River Meiser Spey Clave gathering featuring the legend himself Bob Meiser, This is Bob first time in Calgary to spend some time with all who might want to see his rods and reels and new lines plus hear Bob talk about Spey Casting. If you fish with his rods or want to meet the legend and take the opportunity to and talk with Bob. We will hold the gathering the first weekend of May, Saturday May 1, 11:00 am till were done, Location will under the bridge at 22 x on the east side of the river Bob will speaking about 1. Correct rod/line marriages 2. When to use these line marriages 3. How to use these line marriages Calgary's own Spey specialist ''Toolman'' Greg Allard will be assisting Bob, here’s an opportunity to try out the many rods we will have on hand. Greg will take the time in the water with you with Bob's many spey rods and his Switch rods. Bob Meiser is the man who really started it all with switch rods and light trout Spey rods '' perfect for the bow river'', plus some steelhead and salmon rods on hand for everyone to cast and try FFC member ''Silver Doctor '' Lornce Lisowski and myself will be on hand to meet and greet everyone and handle the display, I'll be supply the coffee for everyone on me, and Timmy's of course for free donuts. There will be a free draw for a box of Silver Doctor favorite flies. This Bow River Meiser Spey Clave is sure to be a great time for all and everyone is welcome to come and say hello to Bob and all us thanks dutchie This is a no cost Spey Clave, of course, as it's all about meeting and just having a good time Meiser Rods Bow River Adventures
  4. Bow River Meiser Spey Clave 2010 hosted by Bow River Adventures I am please to announce the Bow River Meiser Spey Clave gathering featuring the legend himself Bob Meiser, This is Bob first time in Calgary to spend some time with all who might want to see his rods and reels and new lines plus hear Bob talk about Spey Casting. If you fish with his rods or want to meet the legend and take the opportunity to and talk with Bob. We will hold the gathering the first weekend of May, Saturday May 1, 11:00 am till were done, Location will under the bridge at 22 x on the east side of the river Bob will speaking about 1. Correct rod/line marriages 2. When to use these line marriages 3. How to use these line marriages Calgary's own Spey specialist ''Toolman'' Greg Allard will be assisting Bob, here’s an opportunity to try out the many rods we will have on hand. Greg will take the time in the water with you with Bob's many spey rods and his Switch rods. Bob Meiser is the man who really started it all with switch rods and light trout Spey rods '' perfect for the bow river'', plus some steelhead and salmon rods on hand for everyone to cast and try FFC member ''Silver Doctor '' Lornce Lisowski and myself will be on hand to meet and greet everyone and handle the display, I'll be supply the coffee for everyone on me, and Timmy's of course & free donuts. There will be a free draw for a box of Silver Doctor favorite flies. This Bow River Meiser Spey Clave is sure to be a great time for all and everyone is welcome to come and say hello to Bob and all us thanks dutchie This is a no cost Spey Clave, of course, as it's all about meeting and just having a good time Meiser Rods Bow River Adventures
  5. taco i think you's telling big lie's , might be something to do with all them sweet looking glass rods you have , maybe try a bamboo rod ,
  6. parker you look me up in april or earlly may ,as i don't get to busy in them months , i'll take you out and show you a few good tricks on me free , me and my other guide will take you for a float to get you into them good , anyone who's done 30 times on this river deserve to catch more then 2 fish
  7. headscan but it's just not worth it. You don't get it and I doubt you ever will. wrong , i do get it and more then you'll ever know , and i really doubt you will ever understand till it's you that is looking out a window of a plane while it's being over run by terrorists , then the light bulb will come on , i hope it never happens to you , yet if i does i'm sure you will remember back to your reply's , just a thought for you to ponder during the day of the terrorists that they have let go from cuba to go back into the world as good free people , FACT , at least 5 are known to have join back up with the terrorists cells and want nothing more then to kill the innocent again , makes no diff to them if it's woman or children , so why on gods earth should we even take a small chance on them , bringing them roses and asking them to be nice terrorist boys , just don't work
  8. yes god bless all the family in this time of loss , indeed another very very sad day for the country ,
  9. headscan first , that is not a war , war is what happens when a country declares it on another , these are not soldiers , they are terrorists , trying to push the life they want on the rest of the world , no care for women or children if they get killed , i think if you was on that plane or the ones that flew into the towers , and you knew you were going to die , you'd want them killed , after the great War 11, those found guilty for crimes against the people were shot or hung , i see no diff on this , you will never change the way they think of us , and rotting in jail , not likely , maybe sitting in jail with 3 meals a day and enjoying tv , all i'm saying is if that plane would of blew up and everyone killed on it and it landed on a school , and we had the chance or knew he was going to do it , then what is the diff of killing him befor or after , even if his plan didn't work , i'm sorry if my opinion is not the same as some , the only way to stop it is kill them all , every last living terrorist , again i say terrorist , they will never stop as they think by getting killed themselves they going to see the great one , and after seeing today a few more of my brothers in arms getting killed over in afgan , i feel for the loved ones they left behind , i myself served over 20 years and it deeply saddens me when i see my fellow brothers in arms and a couple friends who i used to work with not come back home all because of some terrorist , you can not give a inch or feel sorry for these crazy terrorists , i'm sure you might think diff if it was you in the towers and looked out and seen that plane coming at you , or if it was your wife or kids on one of them planes , maybe next time it just might be in canada , or someone you know is lost , i hope not , yet i see it only takes a few years for the world to start to let the guard down , they will strike again , it's a fact , big question is when and where , so to me the only way to ever stop it is to rid the world of them all , make this world a peace full loving place that we all get along ,
  10. he should be just taken out back and shot in the head , no need to waste time on a trial , but them bleeding hearts will cry foul , and say he can be saved , this world we live in is being overrun by thugs and gangs and i really feel sorry for we sold out our country and so has the u.s we have men and women over in afgan fighting for them and us and the rights to have freedoms and speach , some coming home in body bags and everytime i turn around or hear the news it just makes me sick to my stomach , if they did stuff like try to blow up a plane in there own country they would be standing in front of a firing squad , i say we need some tough love in this country , deal with them like china would ,
  11. worn boots , meiser rod , classic old Dingley fly reel with brass round line guide , and a box full of big drys bombers , one can tell from the picture that it was a good long day of fishing by the worn out boots , only thing missing is a bottle of Crown to sip on , i collect and fish these classic reels and with the Meiser spey rod , well , it just don't get any better unless your hooked up and running down the bank with almost all your backing gone hope you enjoy my picture
  12. great pic's , thanks for sharing with all of us , now i want to pack up and head out in the morning again
  13. i picked up a great rod the other day , and it has the name of the last owner on it , i liked to find a rod builder who can remover the name and touch it up , they say it can be done anyone know who's good or could do it for me , or any of you guys ever do one
  14. lethfisher if your wanting the sound and the scream your reel will make with a good fish on , then yes you need a click pawl reel , hardys makes some still , the new salmon reel and the new st georges or better you can find a nice older leaded finish reel pre 40's with round line guide , and if you don't want to drop alot of coin , pick up a older hardys st john in 3 7/8 , everything you need and should be able to get yourself into a good one for less then $350 , and the best part is you use it for 5 years and take care of it and it will only go up in value , be worth more then you paid , can't say that about orvis, sage's or even loop reels , they only go down in value the min you walk out the store if you need a hand finding a good click pawl reel , send me a email and i'll send you in the right direction , i seen a 3 screw hardy st john in leaded finish sell the other day for $260 , deals can be had
  15. great ideal , and from the looks of your job , very well done , your a pretty good handy man , how you at building a rod holder for the house , straight up , just rods , no reels ,
  16. very sad indeed , family man , i just hate hearing about stuff like this , from some of the posts , sounds like he was a heck of a nice chap , prayers for his family , this post just sucks bigtime , him with a family and xmas just coming up , i feel for them all one must be carefull and i'm sure he was , but nothing you can do when the wind comes up so fast and blowing like hell , happen to me years ago on cold lake , was in a 17 ft deep V boat and thats the only reason was saved , them waves came up so fast , big lake 22 km across and i was on the downside of the lake , we had to go with it to the shore and beach the boat , first time i ever put a life jacket on as i thought we was going to be swimming to shore i learn a good leason , mother nature is never to be trusted
  17. peter i hear you and i'm totally on board , been writeing and making phone calls , whats funny is alot of locals don't want this to happen , i swear if i owned a big company and this bullshit passed with making it all NRA , even if from canada ,and couldn't fish without one of them guides , in my company there was people from B.C working , i'd find a way to let them all go ,might take awhile but i'd find a way , and send them all packing back to B.C , the whole sad thing story is thats it's not about the fish , or the crowding , it's as everything these days ''the MONEY''
  18. if you ever fished for steelhead or even thought about going into B.C to try it , then you really really owe it to yourself to read this bunch of posts , it will take you some time as 17 pages , but you will see and understand what can happen when you let some guides get to much power , enjoy http://speypages.com/speyclave/showthread.php?t=30954 and please write a letter , only way to stop it
  19. i can't speak for the rest of the guys on here , but i already sent a email , i have been following this for sometime , and it's on another forum that i visit lots , it's a sad day as them guides are pushing really hard to have it all for themselves , NO NRA at all , even if your a canadian , oh forgot to add '' unless you fish with one of them crooked guides" and as pissed as everyone seems to be , don't look like it will get stoped , the hidden story i'm hearing from phone calls is , on the group of people making the decisions to be passed or push through is some guides , i think 3 , and some locals , 3 i think , someone from the min's office , someone from the town bussiness , can't really remember all the numbers , but the jif of it is the the locals were ex guides , so they kinda got it stacked in there favour i'm still holding onto the thought that they won't fool the people from B.C on what they are trying to do , i also hear another meeting is coming on it
  20. thanks for showing us them great looking fish , i like the colour of them and the outdoors is so nice in your pictures , good healthy looking fish
  21. Don't throw a pile of money at this but DO sponsor and support a much improved reporting feedback. Never just vote for giving governments more cash as the guys that need it cannot appropriately improve their capability with more cash very often. Government has a way of swallowing such $$ into the bureacracy where there is talk and little done nebc , very very well stated , that just about says it all
  22. donor fatigue i'd say that is the big one , it seems almost every day someone looking for money for this and that , i can just bet what them poor fly shops get pounded with everyone wanting them to give something out for free , i bet it's sick with all the request they get and in truth that is not really fair for them to have to step up all the time , this should be on all of us , every guy or gal who fishes in alberta and maybe some of them guides from over in south B.C who fish over in alberta will donate something this year for the good cause , heck i'd buy a float from them on the elk if they donated it for the auction , how about it elk river guys , putting you on the spot LOL i know this is a good cause , and maybe this year everyone can pass out the word and really push it as by god the rivers and lakes need it now more then ever
  23. Votes talk. your correct , only that if you was to add us all up for votes , we still wouldn't count for much in the numbers game , thats why they don't even look at it , the money is spent better in other areas for them to get way more votes the only thing i see that could help everyone ''NOW'' , is everyone who fish's or loves the outdoors , is to help get it police'd heavy , every time you look you should see a CO somewhere or a streamwatch guy , and even at that they will still take fish home or break the rules , increase the fines for poaching would really be good , start hitting the rule breakers pocket books for money and they will soon stop , word travels fast i just hope when this spring time rolls around , we all try or step up to bat in some way , even if it's just a wee little thing , it all will help and it's the only light i see at the end of the tunnel at this time , i'd like to see 5 guys in the south walking the rivers and checking the lakes , but that will never happen , i just heard from a email that alot of times the CO's don't get overtime pay and thats why they answer the calls the next day , budget cutbacks again ,
  24. BRB Why is the public paying for or solicting partners for Streamwatch? simple , the goverment is not going to spend more money and hire more co's , and even more so now with the budget and hard times , it just won't happen , so the big picture is that it's left to us to try to raise funds to hire '' some people to do the watching and protect the fish'' as a example in the last 3 years on the bow i have not been stopped while floating , once i seen one at the parking lot , what we need is to have people , everyone calling in everything and get some fish cops walking the banks , give no breaks whats so ever , and i really think everyone should have a quick read of this post , if after reading this and you still don't see what just can happen to the sport we all love , if you let this so called guides lic or outfitters have the power , and thats just the first step , they have it in B.C now and soon they will call all the shots , and it won't matter that your from canada at all , i'm telling you folks that this is bad for everyone and i'm a guide , it's all about the money and not the fish , here is a really good post and lots of people are now starting to see the truth , http://speypages.com/speyclave/showthread.php?t=30954
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