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Everything posted by Pythagoras

  1. Glove slap baby..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Otu7eudkC6E
  2. LMAO....
  3. The bad news is we didn't waste 8 mins of Winter....we wasted 8 minutes of Fall....sigh....
  4. Orvis Battenkill LA.....I only used mine a couple 3 times last year but I liked it. $229 USD from the company.
  5. Did you see the hook on that bully rig? Sweet Jeabus!
  6. 1 L Hoodie 1 Cap 1 Tee 1 Sticker 2 calling birds and a partridge in a pear tree.
  7. Most users ever online was 189 on Today, 09:37 PM (Dec 3, 2007)
  8. The weatherman got the chinook wrong this week...do you really expect he can tell how harsh this winter is gonna be?
  9. We should all just believe blindly what our religious leaders tell us. Really, when has religion ever been wrong?
  10. Are you sure thats his rod?
  11. That first (real) guitar player was un-fing-real...wow. I have a couple friends who play the GH video game. If they put in the same effort on a real guitar they would be decient players by now.
  12. I would like to reply that guide need a licence...peroid...but Dryfly makes the point so much better than I can so I'll just stand beside and cheer him on....go Clive, good points!
  13. I looked at going and very much wanted to but it starts at 5pm...I work till 6 on Wed/Thurs...then travel time and, well I'm afraid I'd miss most of it.
  14. Sunshine and kittens eating cupcakes........lmao best phrase I've heard in a while....Sunshine and kittens eating cupcakes....lmfao
  15. Just read the most interesting document today....attached is the Province of Alberta economic forcast into 2010....things to notice would be the estimate of the CDN/USD exchange rate and the expected price of oil (not so much the gas). Anyone wanna take a guess at what the Provincial surplus will be for 2007? My bet is it's gonna be bigger than a few breadboxes Lots of other interesting stuff there....actually strained my eyes reading the off the computer today. http://www.finance.alberta.ca/publications...html#oil_prices
  16. I think that kinda sounds like the Federal Liberal party.....
  17. I went for the pale green....opps... I ment olive....and possibly oval shaped....is this ment to pick the logo and colour or just the colour?
  18. I have yet to hear it but have heard good things...gotta be a killer to top OK Computer....
  19. Cool....I laughed, I cried....I wished Winter wasn't coming.... Great job MTB
  20. Uggghhh...now that gives me the shivers right in time for Halloween....'shudder'.... I like the idea of calling those cheques 'Ralph Bucks" cause I spent mine on the same stuff that he liked....
  21. My top 3 would be Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall and possibly The Final Cut....big fan of those guys. I recently saw Roger perform DSotM and checked off a life goal tickbox....nice.
  22. LMAO....
  23. Some might call them....Tim?
  24. Now thats the coolest optical trick I've seen in a lnog time...thanks for posting. and...ya....she's hot.....lol
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