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Everything posted by Taco

  1. The Police Chiefs say they like it, the line officers not so much. Any cop who goes into a domestic dispute call thinking no firearms based on what the registry tells him is a complete idiot and should be ridin' a desk or workin' the call centre. I can buy blackmarket handguns in Claresholm for christsakes not to mention the millions of longguns that went underground 14 yrs ago.
  2. Or 3N trips.. I just relearned something today. Thanks for posting that troutfriend
  3. high mountain lakes likely, anywhere there is a chance of non-native pollution on public lands they use a native fish for stocking. I discovered this summer that we lost a slowly recovering foothills cutthroat stream to non-native pollution, likely source is a stocked private pond that blew out in June of 2005
  4. There's a smartassed rely in there somewhere but I think I'll just leave it alone......
  5. No knot, despite claims, will hold 100 % of rated line strength. A properly tied and lubricated 5 turn improved cinch should hold 80-90% but if you have an "Ooops!" or a "WTF did that loop go to??" as I often do, can drop the knot strength down to as low as 60%. With my beat to hell hands and fingers I've recently switched to using a 5 turn uni knot to tie flies to tippet. This is after 45 yrs of usin' the improved cinch. It's about the same strength as the IC and a tad easier for me to tie. I use a 5 turn duncan loop for streamers and soft hacks anyway and the uni is similar except you throw the loop in the tag not the running line. One thing about knots... practice throwing them @ home until you're proficient, I use a chunk of old fly line. Standin' in the stream with risin' fish all around you is no time to try and remember a new to you knot.
  6. What knots you usin' to tie leader to tippet and tippet to fly BT?
  7. Brung your damn binocs too so's ya can see them little buggeredly hooks in the flat friggin' glare. Got so's I was settin' the hook on any rise within 6' of where the fly should/could be...... Maybe that why I didn't see anybody??...probably even spooked all the grizzlies outta the valley.
  8. True dat, them friggin invasive friggin' lake fiss should be destined for culinary uses anywho, Mmmm smoked rainbow.......
  9. God I love the fall blue wing olives, Livingstone and it's multitude of lip rippers still piss me off but I still managed to find a few hella beeg fisses without it and right in the middle of a random camper hell too. No pics, no time, there was fiss to catch
  10. Phone them. Sage is repairing an even older broken RPL+ of mine w/no warranty for the fifty bucks plus shippin'.
  11. So I take it Noud is the klootzak of the group? :P
  12. Nice. You know what really pisses me off about steelhead? The fishin' starts pickin' up @ the same time I gotta start restockin' the bank account
  13. How about Old Woman Fish? Like the coulee @ High River
  14. Ya they do, the record is 13 1/2 lbs
  15. Yeah you're probably right but I've been on receiving end of some idiot huntin' geese w/triple ought, noisy and stings a bit
  16. Don't know the zones but duck season is open in a large part of the Province and open province wide as of tomorrow. Lead shot falling from a couple hundred metres up will sound exactly as you described but generally lacks the energy to do any real damage. Don't ask me how I know.
  17. Yup, an armed society can be a very polite society
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