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Everything posted by Taco

  1. If that'n came from the waters down east then that is a special fish
  2. Shh!! there's just so few surprises left with our aging society, sides it has something to do w/high water across the southern half of 2 provinces, now if I could just catch a gawdamned fish it would be somewhat alright friggin'lakes
  3. I've got the super fat cat, works slick w/no problems and I'm in your weight range. BTW do yourself a favour when picking out the fins, get the Force Fins the rest are junk in comparison. I worked from the bottom up and woulda saved beaucoup money if I had gotten the force fins from the beginning.
  4. Ah! Edward Abbey, now there a guy who put the curmudgeon into curmudgeonly. Thanks for the reminder, I gotta do some rereading and slick up my style.
  5. Ya mean the Rowley-Chan slip bobber? Christ I finally got around to buying some thingmabobbers, will the insanity ever stop? friggin' lakes
  6. Click here if the movie does not play.
  7. Buddy smuddy, I fish by myself, that way I only have one jackass to put up with.
  8. Jesumcry, there's a voice outta the past, y'all still scarin' the crap outta them slough sharks?? Done deal mang
  9. lotsa snow up high, big water till July, may hafta drag me rods out east, right now I'm preoccupied tryin' to find that leakin' seam in my effin' old neos
  10. I keep havin' flashbacks from 2 yrs ago???? I need to go fishin, everything old is new again.
  11. Thanks, I kinda figgered it had to be either or
  12. So BBT, was it you @ the Lethbridge Air Show in July of '08 ?? Inquirin' minds need to know
  13. sold my ticr this spring for 150, I don't own any TFOs anymore
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