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Everything posted by Taco

  1. Could be Brian, ain't that far below the falls and a decent hike from the obvious access, seemed to me there was some extra ornamentation to that stupid log and now it's got a goodly portion of my klinks etc. Oh yeah..... great original post Rick, love it when things come together and bounces ya of the trees when it don't but it's all good.
  2. Sure is a different Rickr than the one I fished with... seems to be way more poetic lot less swearing nowadays, must be coming to grips with his own mortality. I did my best old Rickr impersonation Friday. Ran across a extremely picky big pig of cutty rising along side a log jam, in a friggin' cross wind in the only friggin' approach. Left over a dozen flies stuck in a 4" log and the BP refused anything that I finally did get pitched in there until I was down to a sz20 pmd and then I overset gawddamned fly. Think I heard timber poppin' afterwards.
  3. LMAO, now that we've completely derailed poor birddog's thread, My apologizes to birddog not the rest of them smucks....
  4. Haven't talked to a CO in the field for over 10 yrs. Then again I must be a mean redneck lookin' SOB that people tend to avoid if the Orvis clad light-in-their-loafers FFers I tried to talk to yesterday are any indication.
  5. Apple computer announced today that it has developed a computer chip that can store and play high fidelity music in women's breast implants. Called iTit, the chip will cost between $499 and $699 depending on the speaker size. This is considered to be a major breakthrough because women have always complained about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them. 2. "WHERE is my SUNDAY paper?!", the irate customer calling the newspaper office loudly demanded, wanting to know where her Sunday edition was. "Madam," said the newspaper employee, "today is Saturday. The Sunday paper is not delivered until tomorrow, on SUNDAY." There was quite a long pause on the other end of the phone, followed by a sigh of resignation as she was heard to mutter, "Well **** ... I guess that's why no one was at church today." 3. A study recently conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiatry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle. For example: if she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is mentruating or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with duct tape over his mouth and a spear lodged in his chest with a bat up his ass while he is on fire.
  6. High pucker factor country for sure! Any goats try to run you off?
  7. What do you get when you cross a donkey with a shallot?? An ass that will bring you to tears
  8. I specially like sharin' with others about how big the tomaters get when you fertilize w/brook trout
  9. Have fun and don't let those BowRiverDinks lead you astray city combat fishin' n' dog fightin'. I'll see if I can adjust my work schedule and meet you 3 for part of the upper OM portion of your trip. Take Care
  10. Poachin' is the second oldest profession so I wouldn't be holdin' my breath.
  11. So Lynn..................................................................never mind.
  12. Good cobbler is damn scarce down here anymore and believe me I know about slick rock and studs. There nothing left to sew to on the sole of those old Freestones so I need new boots soon, Streamtread and those star hardbites may work decent enough Thanks
  13. 10 x 1/2" hex head sheet metal screws, the ones that look like below.Got them @ Home Depot I believe. Drive them in from the bottom up, I use a little Makita impact driver and sink'm in to the washer. I use 3 in the heel and the rest from mid-arch forward. Have never had them come through and bother my feet. Don't let them wear down too much before putting in fresh screws or they can be a certified bitch to get out I just went out to my truck and looked, I'm using a dozen screws per foot
  14. Just don't ever say "horse guy" with a lisp else't I'm stayin' on t'other side of the room from you..............
  15. I'm sure there's different grades of felt but the only reason the felts have lasted as they did on my boots is because I studded them with 15-16 sheetmetal screws per boot at all times. I've never had any luck refelting wading boots
  16. Ah... I'm pretty damn sure Alan2 would disagree but I'm buying the Simms Guide Boots and putting the star hardbites cleats in them because I'm sure they will last based on past experience.
  17. Real Texans wear their boots out from the inside or so I hear or has the Bow turn you soft? and Tungsten...I don't know if I wanna start laying in the Bow, might start growin' titties...
  18. about 14 yrs, 1000 days, original felt soles, probably 150-200 1/2" sheet medal screws, a dozen or so sets of laces, a 5-10 km walk back to the truck not unusual and I make a point of not fishing pussyassed streams like the Bow and it's mongrels. I'd rather follow the hatchery truck.
  19. If you pass the ID test, you qualify for the special management license
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